Branded Content Editorial Partners, aka Spotlight Sponsors, are woven into the fabric of this publication every month with one article promoting their business, and social media integration. This is our most comprehensive ad package with the most exposure to readers and influencers at different levels. Our writers and designers craft an article and ad for your business that is published, boosted on Facebook and featured in our newsletter. Exposure for your business is large, full of impact, and authentic.
What Is Included
Each month, your business is featured through the following display and interactive media:
Editorial: Article each month
Display: Banner Ad on every page
Social: Feature Photo designed and shared for Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
Email Newsletter: Weekly mentions in the "Happening This Weekend" newsletter
Email Newsletter: Monthly feature in free newsletter
What It Looks Like
Each month your business gets an article in the blog, and a Featured Image for it. The article can include many more images. The Featured Image is what is used at Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to catch reader's attention and give you brand recognition. Our writers come up with the idea for the article based on what you are promoting. Our priority is to help our readers connect with your brand on a personal level, as well as help them know what you offer.