Glenham Street Sign Serves As PSA: Prevent Freezing Pipes By Dripping Your Water
Beacon had a first run of the freezing weather over the holidays. The heating and plumbing trucks were out. Emergency wait lists were full. Beacon’s City Administrator Chris White advised people to prepare their homes for freezing temperatures during recent City Council meetings. Last year, he urged out of town residents who live or are vacationing long term to turn their heat on a little, as some homes experienced burst pipes when they got too cold. Which means water everywhere and damage.
Today on K-104.7, Traffic Reporter Christina Lang told listeners about how pipes burst in her parents’ home and caused long term damage with mold growth. Local insurance agency Antalek and Moore is always thinking of you, and wrote this Winter prep checklist with advise. Antalek and Moore’s partner, Susan Pagones advises ALBB readers: “Be mindful of the seasons and weather. Be proactive when it comes to freezing temperatures and making sure your heat is set at an appropriate temperature to avoid freezing pipes. Especially if you will be away from your home. Claims definitely go up during these times. Nothing worse than coming home to water damage caused by broken pipes.”
A street sign in Glenhan serves as a reminder to you prepare your pipes to not freeze and explode during extreme cold temperatures. Here are the most basic and easy tips you can do to prevent your pipes from freezing and exploding water everywhere:
Water Dripping:
Drip your water in unused places, like the faucet outside with the snow.Heat and Vacation:
Turn your heat on low when you’re out of town for more than a day.