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Hudson Valley Activists Drop Banners Demanding U.S. and NYS Divestment From Israel’s War Crimes

Early Wednesday morning (5/29/2024), a group of local Hudson Valley activists hung banners on four I-87 overpasses visible to northbound traffic. The banners call for the end of U.S. and NYS funding of Israel war crimes in Gaza, and bring attention to the slaughter of displaced civilians currently ongoing in Rafah by the U.S. funded Israeli military.

The banner that hung south of Newburgh read: “Permanent Ceasefire.” For Kingston, the banner read: “Divest From Genocide.” For Saugerties, the banner read: “Let Gaza Live.” For Leeds, the banner read: “Free Palestine.”

Over the last several days, the Israeli military invaded Rafah, a designated “safe zone”, and carried out massacres by bombing displaced families in tents, killing dozens of people, according to AlJazeera and other news outlets. The death toll is still rising.

American citizens have been pleading with their elected officials to stop voting for more military aid to Israel for over 8 months, and to support a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. Yet, elected officials have continuously refused to listen to their constituents. “We call upon every decent human being to demand an end to U.S. military and financial support that has enabled the total dehumanization and genocide of the Palestinian people. As Jews, we are horrified by Israel’s brutality and total disregard for human life. We say 'Never Again is Now! Enough!' said two activists who are senior citizens of Beacon, NY.

"The massacre of civilians across Gaza, and now in Rafah, is a direct result of the Biden administration and Congress’ continued political and military support for Israel’s genocide in Gaza," say the activists. "Now is time for the U.S. to stop funding Israel’s genocidal campaign and to place an arms embargo against Israel in accordance with U.S. and international law, to end U.S. complicity with war crimes."

The activists pledge to continue demonstrating in different ways. "Hudson Valley residents will keep organizing to demand a permanent ceasefire, an end to the immediate horrors devastating Gaza, funded by U.S. taxpayers, and to end the occupation. We urge every person of conscience to join our demands to stop the genocide in Gaza and free Palestine.