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SUNY Schools BDS Globalize the Intifada: International Solidarity Panel, July 19

This Friday, on July 19th at 11am est, SUNY BDS will be hosting an international panel with participants around the globe to discuss the student movement in support of Palestine. Since the beginning of israel’s genocide, we have seen that complicit rulers and capitalists stand on the side of israel while peoples of the world and students continue to stand up for Palestine. It is time we bring together all our movements for a stronger and more coherent resistance against Zionism and imperialism internationally!

Following the massacres committed by the Zionist entity upon innocent men, women, and children, students across the world have joined forces to take an unconditional stance in solidarity with Palestine. The unconscionable human rights violations committed with our taxpayer money– with our complicity –demands that we fight and do our part for the Palestinian liberation movement.

Just as SUNY BDS strives to bring together the 64 SUNY schools in New York state, we are hosting this panel to bring this effort to a global audience. We witnessed in the past 9 months how student organizers become more empowered and successful when allowed to organize in spheres with like-minded comrades. This panel will be a first step to truly Globalizing the Intifada.

Our panel will include students who organize and fight for Palestine on 4 continents:

  • SUNY BDS (New York)

  • Columbia University (New York)

  • Özgür Üniversite Hareketi (Türkiye)

  • Swaziland National Union of Students (SNUS)

  • Students for Palestine (Netherlands)

  • American University of Beirut (AUB) SJP Lebanon

  • University of Tokyo Komaba Campus Encampment

  • Glasgow University Ghassan for Rector, Scotland, UK

Students will be sharing their experiences from their respective countries, discuss the state of the Palestine solidarity movement across the world, and think about ways to develop our coordination as the struggle continues. We invite everyone to join the conversation in a spirit of international solidarity that we will advance going forward!

Registration here >

**SUNY BDS is proudly not affiliated with SUNY or NYS