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Will Beacon Democrats Denounce Kamala/Biden’s $20 Billion Expense To Israel To Continue Bombing Palestinians?

When Kamala was announced as the candidate replacing Biden, Lisa Jessup, Chair of the Beacon Democrats said via Instagram: "Thank you, Joe Biden, for your leadership and service, and being the most effective and positively consequential President of our lifetime." To which a Beacon resident, Call.Me.Ella.Mar, responded: "Are we talking about the same president? Underwhelmed, once again, by our local dems."

The Beacon Democrats may be gearing up to host voter registration events around this city/town. The question is, at those events, and in their social media, will Beacon Democrats denounce the newest $20 Billion expenditure that the Biden/Kamala administration has authorized to Israel to continue bombing Palestine? According to Al Jazeera: “The Biden administration has approved sending $20B worth of arms to Israel, even as the US publicly calls for restraint in the war on Gaza. Israel has used advanced weaponry to obliterate most of Gaza’s infrastructure and kill tens of thousands of Palestinians.”

As Democrats demand more affordable health care for all, and continued Pre-K for all, would this money not be better spent on those issues? As Democrats call for gun control, why would sending arms that obliterate Palestinian citizens make sense?

Pictured here is a video of a rescue team “cutting into the skin, not out of choice, but necessity, trying to ‘save'' what’s left of a bombed body, dangling from the ruins of a once-safe home.”

Aren’t Beacon Democrats advocates for affordable and safe homes? Yet Israel plans to expand their territory into Palestine, as explained and illustrated in this Washington Post article, “Israel Is Redrawing the West Bank, Cutting Into A Prospective Palestinian State” using American money earmarked for Israel’s “self defense?”