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2/14/2023 Beacon City Council Meeting

Main Link To Entire Agenda

February 14, 2023
7:00 PM
City Council Agenda

Call to Order

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call

Public Comment

Public Hearings

Public Hearing on Proposed Renovations and PILOT Agreement for Tompkins Terrace Housing Development (TO BE ADJOURNED TO FEBRUARY 27, 2023)

Reports: Mayor, City Council, and City Administrator

Local Laws and Resolutions

  1. Resolution No. 13 - Approving an Agreement with Carey and Walsh, Inc. for HVAC Maintenance Services at City Hall

  2. Resolution No. 14 - Accepting a Sight Line Easement at 46 Judson Street

  3. Resolution No. 15 - Approving an Amendment to the 2023 General Fund Budget

  4. Resolution No. 16 - Setting a Public Hearing for Proposed Local Law No. 1 of 2023 to Require the Electrification of New Residential and Commercial Buildings

Approval of Minutes

  1. January 30, 2023 Minutes

Public Comment - Second Opportunity
