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8/1/2022 Beacon City Council Meeting

AUGUST 1, 2022
7:00 PM

Call to Order

Pledge of Allegiance

Public Comment

Reports: Mayor, City Council, and City Administrator

Local Laws and Resolutions

  1. Resolution No. 99 - Approving the Appointment of Thomas Wright to the Conservation Advisory Committee

  2. Resolution No. 100 - Authorizing the City Administrator to Execute an Agreement with The Palombo Group for Construction Management Services on the Lewis Tompkins Hose Firehouse Renovation Project

  3. Resolution No. 101 - Authorizing the City Administrator to Execute an Agreement with Core & Main LP for Water Meter Upgrades

  4. Resolution No. 102 - Authorizing a Bond Issuance for Melizingah Reservoir Dam

  5. Resolution No. 103 - Authorizing a Bond Issuance for Lewis Tompkins Hose Firehouse Renovations

  6. Resolution No. 104 - Repealing Certain Previously Adopted Bond Authorizations

  7. Resolution No. 105 - Setting a Public Hearing for a Proposed Local Law to Amend Chapter 223, Section 24.1 and Section 14, and Chapter 223 Attachment 2:2 of the Code of the City of Beacon Concerning Accessory Apartments

Approval of Minutes

  1. July 18, 2022 City Council Minutes

    2nd Opportunity for Public Comments
