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6/17/2024 Beacon City Council Workshop Meeting

Main Link To Entire Agenda

June 17, 2024
7:00 PM
City Council Agenda

Roll Call

Workshop Agenda Items

  1. Swearing in of Thomas Figlia as Police Chief

  2. Swearing in of Michael Confield as Police Lieutenant

  3. Swearing in of Affdecrin Vargas as Police Lieutenant

  4. Swearing in of Alyssa Rudden as Police Sergeant

  5. Swearing in of Carl Garofolo as Detective

  6. Recognition of the Career and Service to the City of Beacon of Retiring Police Chief Sands Frost

  7. Proposed 2025-2029 Capital Program

  8. Proposed Local Law Concerning Minimum Parking Requirements

  9. Proposed Local Law Concerning Fire Hydrants

  10. Replacement of Mt. Beacon Water Tank SEQRA Determination

  11. Replacement of Mt. Beacon Water Tank Easement with NYS Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation

  12. Funding Resolution for the Reconstruction of Teller Avenue