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5/21/24 Zoning Board Of Appeals Meeting

Main Link To Entire Agenda

May 21, 2024
7:00 PM
Zoning Board of Appeals Agenda

The Zoning Board of Appeals will meet on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, at 7:00 p.m., in the Municipal Center courtroom, located at One Municipal Plaza, Beacon, New York.

Regular Meeting

  1. Approval of the April 16, 2024, minutes

  2. Continued review and public hearing for the application submitted by Jason and Jodi McCredo, 11 Highland Place, Tax Grid No. 30-6054-31-327768-00, in the R1-5 Zoning District, to relocate the driveway to the front of the home, which requires relief from the following:  Section 223-26 C. (1) Location. The off-street parking facilities which are required by this section shall be provided on the same lot or premises with such structure or land use; except that off-street parking spaces required for structures or land uses on two or more adjoining lots may be provided in a single common facility on one or more of said lots, provided that a binding agreement, in a form approved by the Corporation Counsel, assuring the continued operation of said parking facility during the life of the structure or the land use the parking is designed to serve, is filed on the land records prior to approval of the plans for said parking facility. In any residence district, no off-street parking facility shall be developed in any required front yard or in any required side or rear yard adjacent to a street line or in any other side or rear yard within five feet of the lot line. However, off-street parking spaces shall be permitted in residential districts as indicated in §223-17C.

  3. Review and hold a public hearing for the application submitted by Carvana, LLC c/o Jenn Roldan, 410 Fishkill Avenue and Fishkill Avenue, Tax Grid No. 30-6055-80-424048 and 30- 6055-80-439071, in the GB Zoning District, to allow for a decrease in the number of required off-street parking spaces, which requires relief from the following: Section 223-26 F. Off-street parking, loading and vehicular access. F. Schedule of Off-street parking requirements. Use: Motor vehicle sales and service. Minimum Off-Street Parking: 1 space per employee, plus 1 space per 150 square feet of gross floor space.