Food Pantries and Soup Kitchens for People in Need in Beacon
/One of the first meals served in the new Soup Kitchen at the Tabernacle of Christ Church A/G at 483 Main Street. Photo Credit: Tabernacle Church of Christ. |
Whether you are looking for a warm meal, canned goods, or friendly community, or you’re in a position to help by donating food or time, the following organizations in and near Beacon would love to see you. Contact organizers for information about the most up-to-date ways to participate.
Soup Kitchens & Feeding Programs
Tabernacle of Christ A/G Church |
DAYS/TIMES - Free Meals
Candi Rivera and Kundi Glasson: (845) 728-8196
Currently seeking donations for commercial-grade stove and refrigerator. For the interim, Ella's Bellas has donated a household refrigerator until the commercial-grade version is secured.
To Volunteer:
Welcome Table Soup Kitchen
Photo Credit: First Presbyterian Church. |
50 Liberty Street
Beacon, NY
Seniors Feeding Seniors Ministry
Free meals and baked goods for seniors
Penny Jackson:
Senior Program
Salvation Army, Beacon Corps
Salvation Army Beacon Corps |
Beacon, NY
DAYS/TIMES Free Meals for Seniors
Tuesday & Thursday, 11-1:30pm
DAYS/TIMES for Donation of Food
Tuesday - Thursday by using the back door by the parking lot. Not the side door by the bank's parking lot, but the very back door directly behind the church. Walk straight back and step over the chain that blocks cars from short-cutting through to avoid the light, or if by car, use the Fishkill Ave. / Rt. 52 entrance.
The Salvation Army in the church at 372 Main Street, which is in the middle of town across the street from the Yankee Clipper Diner, recently restructured its soup kitchen to be open to senior citizens only.
Pastor Kisser studied the people walking into the church, and noticed that in Beacon's current renaissance, the fastest-growing demographic using the service was seniors. Pastor Kisser explains: "Due to budget constraints, the cook for the soup kitchen was let go, and the program director and the seniors stepped in to volunteer to help feed each other. The program continues to feed 20-25 seniors per session on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11-1:30pm." Earlier this week, the kitchen served its Thanksgiving meal to seniors, who enjoy the community time with each other.
Important to the Salvation Army is helping people eat in groups for social interaction. While the soup kitchen program is dedicated to seniors, during the Thanksgiving season, the Salvation Army does offer food vouchers to all people. Says Pastor Kisser: "In an effort to preserve the family, we give out vouchers to enable families to buy food at their own grocery stores and prepare it at home so that the family can sit down together in their own environment."
Coordinator for eating or for donating: Rhode: (845) 831-1253
Seniors should call or walk in to sign up for the program.
Donations of food can be made Tuesdays - Thursdays by using the back door off the parking lot.
Financial donations can be made online and designated to Beacon, as well as answering the seasonal mail that comes. When you designate Beacon, the location at 372 Main Street is the recipient. And of course, when you see the bright red kettles at supermarkets, money goes to your local Salvation Army. You could also drop off a check at any time to the building.
Food Pantries Open To All In Need
17 South Avenue, Beacon
DAYS/TIMES - Pickups
Pat Lassiter: (845) 831-4711
372 Main Street
Beacon, NY
The emergency food pantry is open to all.
DAYS/TIMES - Pickups
Starting at 9am on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Appointments are required.
Call to make an appointment, or stop in:
(845) 831-1253
DAYS/TIMES - Donations of Food
Springfield Baptist Church
Food pantry
Deaconess Joan Cook:
831 Route 52
Fishkill, NY
This food pantry serves fresh produce from Common Ground Farm. Says Common Ground: "Fresh produce is tough to find at food pantries because it is perishable, so it doesn't store as long as canned foods or dry goods. But of course, it is much healthier (and tastier). That's why we harvest that same day and deliver directly to our pantry partners." This pantry is in Fishkill, NY, and is a few doors from the diner, on Beacon's side of I-84.
1153 Main Street
Fishkill, NY (just before Route 9)
DAYS/TIMES - Pickups
Tuesdays: open until 2pm
I Am Beacon
A very special thanks for the rapid responses of organizers on the eve of Thanksgiving to compile this article:
- Catherine Sweet of A Little Beacon Blog for pounding the keyboard and making phone calls to find programs.
- Joyce Hanson with the Beacon Sloop Club for delivering information on food pantries in the area. Beacon Sloop Club is hosting a Cajun Holiday Party fundraiser with proceeds going to the Beacon Food Pantry and Beacon Sloop Club. Read about this and other upcoming events in A Little Beacon Blog's Annual Events Guide.
- Deaconess D. Williams of Springfield Baptist Church for clarifying and providing contact information.
- Kundi Glasson for helping to rapidly organize the Soup Kitchen at Tabernacle of Christ Church A/G and providing its newest details as they develop.