"Where Is This?" Mystery Photo Contest Hint: A Creature in Wonderland
/SPONSORED BY: Parent/Child Yoga Morning at A Little Beacon Space
UPDATE: We have a winner! Jackie O identified it correctly! This is a dinosaur in the back garden of the installation of doors at the Marion Royael Gallery on the west end of Main Street. The reveal article with photos will be posted soon!
UPDATE: A fourth hint has been posted, with a new prize from Get Frosted Cupcakery.
Do you know what this photo is of, and where it was taken? The first person to correctly identify this wins two tickets to tonight's intimate folk concert at BEAHIVE: "A Duo of Duos," featuring the duo of Jon Shain & FJ Ventre, and the duo of Amy Soucy & Sharon Goldman. Once the correct answer is identified, we will post a reveal article that shows the full location of this photo, and more about its location.
Hint #1: A creature in a playful wonderland.
Hint #2: See the guesses in the comments below. Then you have some some exploring of back streets (or a back garden) to do!
Hint #3: Members of BeaconArts who have attended recent meetings this summer, and diligent Second Saturday hunters and gatherers, will know where to find this royal collection of wonder.
Hint #4: If you are in galleries this weekend for Second Saturday, and if you are curious enough to open doors and peek inside, you will find it!
New Prize: TWO cupcakes of choice from the case at Get Frosted Cupcakery!
The winner of this contest will get two tickets to see tonight's intimate performance of scintillating guitar work and vibrant vocal harmonies, with two dynamic musical duos at OPEN HIVE / Music - A Duo of Duos with Jon Shain & FJ Ventre, Amy Soucy & Sharon Goldman at BEAHIVE 291 Main Street starting at 7pm.
Sharon Goldman and Beacon’s own Amy Soucy are a soulful folk duo. This summer, Amy was named the winner of the 2016 Songwriting Competition at the CT Folk Festival and was featured in the Emerging Artists Showcase at the Falcon Ridge Folk Festival.
They’ll share the bill with guitarist Jon Shain and bassist FJ Ventre, coming up from North Carolina. They’ve been playing together, on-and-off, since they met in Massachusetts 35 years ago and have been finalists at the International Blues Challenge.
Tickets are on sale and there are a few left, which you can buy now, but the winner of this contest walks away with two of them!
- The right answer must include what this is, and where it is.
- Guesses can only be made in the Comments on this website's post. Comments made at Facebook, Instagram or Twitter will not be counted, so don't get too excited and give it away there! Comment here.
- A note about Comments: We have to approve them before they get published, so if you don't see your comment right away, you will soon. We have to do this to prevent random robot spam.
- Guess as many times as you like until you get it right.
- The winner will be identified in the Comments below.
- To redeem your prize, you can pick up your tickets at tonight's show at OPEN HIVE / Music - A Duo of Duos with Jon Shain & FJ Ventre, Amy Soucy & Sharon Goldman at 291 Main Street. We will give you a secret password.
- If you cannot attend the show but would like to gift your tickets to someone else, you can! Just tell your guest what the secret password is and they can pick up the tickets.
Ok...Go Go Go!