Event Promotion

Event Promotion

from $185.00

Please review your options below. Upon purchasing, you will be able to fill out an online form to give us your event details. Thank you!

EVENT PROMOTION PACKAGE 1                  $185
Flyer in a Guide + Newsletter for 1 Week
Design of ad or flyer not included, and can be purchased separately for $250. If you're providing the artwork, the dimensions are below. Use big words, as you are designing for a small space! Or we could do it for you!
Ad size: 250x250px

EVENT PROMOTION PACKAGE 2                  $375
Flyer in a Guide + Newsletter for 2 Weeks + Instagram Share
Ad size: 250x250px

EVENT PROMOTION PACKAGE 3                  $2,850
We go to town on your event. This is big! We will write and publish an article and include photos that really bring the reader into the experience to entice them into attending your event.
Dedicated Article Written/Published (can include several photos) + Dedicated Newsletter Emailed + Flyer in a Guide for 1 Week + Instagram + Facebook
Article + Add size: 250x250px
