kids classes CLASSES
This subscription package is designed specifically for kids classes which will be found in the “Things to Do in Beacon Guides” & more depending on the level chosen.
subscription pricing
Integrated + Interactive
$150/month subscription
Month-to-Month Subscription
No time commitment.
Logo + Description
Storefront Photo
A square photo (your choice) of your business placed in the Kids Classes Guide + Logo.
Photo Gallery
A few pictures of your establishment.
Event Listings
List any and all of your events/classes, and get 1/week listed in ALBB’s Things To Do weekend newsletter.
Newsletter Weekend Feature
Guaranteed placement in our weekend newsletter, known as the “Things To Do In Beacon Guide” or “Retail Therapy Guide.”
Weekly Instagram Post
We will pull a photo from your Instagram every month & re-share it to our Instagram! *If you have a photo & specific writing that you want us to share, please email it to us by the first of each month.*
Integrated + Interactive
$75/month subscription
Month-to-Month Subscription
No time commitment.
Logo + Description
Storefront Photo
A square photo (your choice) of your business placed in the Kids Classes Guide + Logo.
Photo Gallery - No Photo Gallery at this level.
Event Listings - No Class Listings at this level.
This level is designed for businesses who want branded representation in the Kids Classes Guide for a lower budget.
Newsletter Weekend Feature
1 class featured per month.
Monthly Instagram Post - 1 per month. For more, go to $150/month or $550/month
1 class featured per month.
I LOVE that you guys keep lists of classes/lessons for kids. I’ve used it for years and am thankful for the work you put in keeping it current!
- Krista Cone