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Where Have All The Speed Bumps Gone? The 2024 Edition

ALBB first asked this question in 2021: “Where have all the speed bumps gone?”

According to the City of Beacon’s Highway Department staff, speed bumps go down around Memorial Park on Robert Cahill Drive in the spring, and are removed in the fall for the convenience of the snow plows.

However, when ALBB first asked this question of this missing speed bumps in 2021, the answer provided was that the speed bumps are always down.

But they aren’t always down. It is almost August in 2024, and the speed bumps have not been screwed into the holes in the pavement, as pictured here.

Holes in the pavement by the baseball fields at Memorial Park. The speed bumps are inserted here seasonally.

Speed bumps can also be experienced on Wilkes Street. However, from some in the Highway Department, there has been a history of resistance to the speed bumps. This could be heard by former mayor Randy Casale, a former longtime Highway Superintendent for Beacon years ago when he would push back on citizens’ requests for speed bumps in their neighborhoods.

Highway Department trucks and other city vehicles pass through the area frequently, between the dirt and equipment holding area at the Dog Park, providing lawn maintenance, patrolling, and other reasons to rude around the Memorial Park loop.

While there have been no verbal requests for speed bumps this year at City Council Meetings, the annual speed bumps are not there.