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World Famous Bagel-ish Opens In Beacon - Thursdays Are For Locals - 10% Off

When Bagel-ish owner Beth George, who recently opened in her new spot in the new-ish apartment building in the middle of Main Street, sees a bagel in your hand, she can tell by the inside that isn’t hers. That’s because Beth pays such close attention to each batch of many flavors of her bagels, that she will even adjust her dough prep based on the humidity outside. Bagel-ish bagels have this unique texture softness combo that leave you wanting another bite, and also wondering how it feels like you lowered your head onto the softest pillow, but you’re eating a salty bagel.

Thursday’s At Bagel-ish Are Locals Discount

A Little Beacon Blog welcomes Bagelish as a new sponsor of ALBB’s Things To Do In Beacon for our Restaurant Guide! With that, Beth wants to announce the newest thing for you to do on Thursdays: go to Bagelish for Locals 10% off Thursday! This local discount is good Hudson Valley wide. Their bagels are so good that they sell out fast. Gluten Free people can stop in also to discuss their dietary needs.

Owner Beth George is a world renown bagelist. She has trained people from over 15 countries and uses Mondays and Tuesdays to train other aspiring bagel makers.

Thursdays - Sundays are your days to go to Bagel-ish in Beacon. Hours do change often - which is on brand for the “ish” in Bagel-ish. Mark mid-morning as your time. Stock up on bagels if you need one super early. They freeze well and heat nicely in the morning.