1/22/2020 Zoning Board Meeting

The Zoning Board of Appeals will meet on Wednesday, January 22, 2020 in the Municipal Center Courtroom. A training work session will take place at 7:00 p.m. and the regular meeting will begin immediately thereafter, but not later than at 7:30 PM.

1.Continue review of application submitted by Carolyn Baccaro, 9 Washington Avenue, Tax Grid No. 30-6054-39-287664-00, R1-5 Zoning District, for relief from Section 223-13(G) for a 6 ft. high fence in the front yard (4 ft. maximum permitted)


The Zoning Board of Appeals will meet on Tuesday, December 17, 2019 in the Municipal Center Courtroom. A training work session will take place at 7:00 p.m. and the regular meeting will begin immediately thereafter, but not later than at 7:30 PM.

1.Continue review of application submitted by Carolyn Baccaro, 9 Washington Avenue, Tax Grid No. 30-6054-39-287664-00, R1-5 Zoning District, for relief from Section 223-13(G) for a 6 ft. high fence in the front yard (4 ft. maximum permitted) 

2. Planning Board Designation of Lead Agency – “Two Cross Street”

3. Planning Board Designation of Lead Agency – 1182 North Avenue


The Zoning Board of Appeals will meet on Tuesday, November 19, 2019 in the Municipal Center Courtroom. A training work session will take place at 7:00 p.m. and the regular meeting will begin immediately thereafter, but not later than at 7:30 PM.

  1. Application submitted by Tena Cohen, 24 North Brett Street, Tax Grid No. 30-5954-28-947927-00, R1-5 Zoning District, for relief from Section 223-13(I) to construct a 5 ft. high fence in the side yard of a corner lot that is within the 100 ft. of the intersection (3 ft. maximum permitted)

  2. Application submitted by Carolyn Baccaro, 9 Washington Avenue, Tax Grid No. 30-6054-39-287664-00, R1-5 Zoning District, for relief from Section 223-13(G) for a 6 ft. high fence in the front yard (4 ft. maximum permitted)


The Zoning Board of Appeals will meet on Wednesday, October 16, 2019 in the Municipal Center Courtroom. A training work session will take place at 7:00 p.m. and the regular meeting will begin immediately thereafter, but not later than at 7:30 PM.

1.Application submitted by Robert Vye, 19 South Elm Street, Tax Grid No. 30-5954-27-813875-00, R1-5 Zoning District, for relief from Section 223-17(E) to construct a 425 sq. ft. detached garage (299 sq. ft. maximum permitted)

2. Application submitted by David Maros, 1228 North Avenue, Tax Grid No. 30-5955-75-792142-00, R1-7.5 Zoning District, for relief from Section 223-10(C)(4) to allow the vacant pre-existing, non-conforming two-family dwelling that is under renovation to remain unoccupied and maintain its two-family status until renovations are complete

3. 35 Rombout Avenue - consider request for 6-month extension of approval granted 7/17/18


The Zoning Board of Appeals will meet on Tuesday, September 17, 2019 in the Municipal Center Courtroom. A training working session will take place at 7pm and the regular meeting will begin immediately thereafter, but not later than at 7:30pm.

  1. Continue review of application submitted by 23-28 Creek Drive, LLC, 23-28 Creek Drive, Tax Grid No. 30-6054-37-037625-00, Fishkill Creek Development (FCD) Zoning District, to contstruct a mixed use development with eight apartments and 20,000 sq. ft. of commercial space which requires relief from the following:

    1. Section 223-26 (F) to provide 93 parking spaces (113 parking space required)

    2. Section 223-4.14(C) for apartment size of 2,750 sq. ft. for two of the units (2,000 sq. ft. maximum permitted)

    3. Section 223-1.14(F) for a four story building (three stories maximum permitted)

    4. Section 223-1.14(F) for a building height of 53 ft.-4 in. (40 ft. maximum permitted)

Application submitted by Robert Vye, 19 South Elm Street, Tax Grid No. 30-5954-27-813875-00, RI-5 Zoning District, for relief from Section 223-17(E) to construct a 425 sq.ft. detached garage (300 sq. ft. maximum permitted)


The Zoning Board of Appeals will meet on Tuesday, August 20, 2019 in the Municipal Center Courtroom. A training work session will take place at 7:00 p.m. and the regular meeting will begin immediately thereafter, but not later than at 7:30 PM.

1.     Continue review of application submitted by 23-28 Creek Drive, LLC, 23-28 Creek Drive, Tax Grid No. 30-6054-37-037625-00, Fishkill Creek Development (FCD) Zoning District, to construct a mixed use development with eight apartments and 20,000 sq. ft. of commercial space which requires relief from the following:

1)     Section 223-26(F) to provide 93 parking spaces (113 parking spaces required)

2)     Section 223-4.14(C) for apartment size of 2,750 sq. ft. for two of the  units (2,000 sq. ft. maximum permitted)

3)     Section 223-1.14(F) for a four story building

        (three stories maximum permitted)

4)     Section 223-1.14(F) for a building height of 53 ft.-4 in.

        (40 ft. maximum permitted)

2. Application submitted by 184 Main, LLC, 184 Main Street, Tax Grid No. 30-5954-27-811956-00, CMS Zoning District, for relief from Section 223-41.18(E)(4) to add a second story on the building with a 10 ft. rear yard setback (25 ft. required)

3. Application submitted by James Schumm, 27 Monell Place, Tax Grid No. 30-5955-04-635190-00, for relief from Section 223-17(C) to construct a bedroom addition with 14.5 ft. side yard setback (20 ft. required)

4. Miscellaneous Business

Consider request for one (1) year extension of 1/17/2018 area variances - Edgewater


The Zoning Board of Appeals will meet on Tuesday, July 16, 2019 in the Municipal Center Courtroom. A training work session will take place at 7:00 p.m. and the regular meeting will begin immediately thereafter, but not later than at 7:30 PM.

1.Application submitted by 23-28 Creek Drive, LLC, 23-28 Creek Drive, Tax Grid No. 30-6054-37-037625-00, Fishkill Creek Development (FCD) Zoning District, to construct a mixed use development with eight apartments and 20,000 sq. ft. of commercial space which requires relief from the following:

1) Section 223-26(F) to provide 93 parking spaces (113 parking spaces required)

2) Section 223-4.14(C) for apartment size of 2,750 sq. ft. for two of the units (2,000 sq. ft. maximum permitted)

3) Section 223-1.14(F) for a four story building (three stories maximum permitted)

4)  Section 223-1.14(F) for a building height of 53 ft.-4 in. (40 ft. maximum permitted)



The Zoning Board of Appeals will meet on Tuesday, May 21, 2019 in the Municipal Center Courtroom. A training work session will take place at 7:00 p.m. and the regular meeting will begin immediately thereafter, but not later than at 7:30 PM.

  1. Revised application submitted by Marianne Hughes Joiner, 27 Fowler Street, Tax Grid No. 30-5954-44-972638-00, R1-5 Zoning District, to create an accessory apartment in an accessory structure which requires relief from the following:  Section 223-24(1)(F) to provide one off-street parking space (2 off-street parking spaces required) and Section 223-26(C)(1) to create a parking area in the required front yard



The Zoning Board of Appeals will meet on Tuesday, April 16, 2019 in the Municipal Center Courtroom. A training work session will take place at 7:00 p.m. and the regular meeting will begin immediately thereafter, but not later than at 7:30 PM.

1.     Revised application submitted by Caroline Eisner, 38 Judson Street, Tax Grid No. 30-6054-47-297552-00, R1-5 Zoning District, for relief from the following:

1)     Section 223-17(C) to construct a 225 sq. ft. one-story rear addition with a 3 ft. side yard setback (10 ft. required)
2)     Section 223-17(C) to construct a 233 sq. ft. second story addition over the existing first floor kitchen with a 3 ft. side yard setback (10 ft. required)


1.     Application submitted by Marianne Hughes Joiner, 27 Fowler Street, Tax Grid No. 30-5954-44-

972638-00, R1-5 Zoning District, to create an accessory apartment in an accessory structure which requires relief from the following:

 1)     Section 223-17(C) for a 0.3 ft. side yard setback (5 ft. required)

2)     Section 223-17 (C) for a 3.7 ft. rear yard setback (5 ft. required)

3)     Section 223-17(E) for a 417 sq. ft. accessory structure

(342 sq. ft. maximum permitted)

4)     Section 223-24(1)(F) to provide one off-street parking space

(2 off-street parking spaces required)

5)     Section 223-26(C)(1) to create a parking area in the required front yard



The Zoning Board of Appeals will meet on Tuesday, October 16, 2018 in the Municipal Center Courtroom. A training work session will take place at 7:00 p.m. and the regular meeting will begin immediately thereafter, but not later than at 7:30 PM.

1.Continue public hearing on application submitted by PIE Developers, 53 Eliza Street, Tax Grid No. 30-6054-29-031870-00, R1-5 Zoning District, seeking relief from Section 223-17(C) for a Use Variance to allow a 9-unit multi-family development 

2. Application submitted by Adrienne Thompson, 41 VanKleeck Avenue, Tax Grid No. 30-6054-40-394652-00, R1-10 Zoning District, seeking relief from Section 223-17(C) for a 418 sq. ft. second floor addition over the first floor structure with a 2.6 ft. rear yard setback (35 ft. required) and 3.2 ft. side yard (15 ft. required)



The Zoning Board of Appeals will meet on Tuesday, July 17, 2018 in the Municipal Center Courtroom. The meeting will begin with a discussion of Miscellaneous Business, all public hearings will begin immediately thereafter but no later than at 7:30 PM.

1. Miscellaneous Business

River Ridge Views, LLC, Wolcott Avenue (a.k.a. Parcel “L”), for an amendment to Condition #2 of the Resolution of approval adopted on February 28, 2018 regarding time limit to obtain a building permit

2. Application submitted by Amit Kochhar, 35 Rombout Avenue, Tax Grid No. 30-5954-34-688852-00, R1-7.5 Zoning District, seeking relief from Section 223-17(C) for a 412 sq. ft. two-story addition with an 8.1 ft. side yard setback (10 ft. required)

3. Application submitted by Gloria Gamble, 98 Rombout Avenue, Tax Grid No. 30-5954-35-769843-00, R1-5 Zoning District, seeking relief from Section 223-17(C) to rebuild a fire-damaged house on the existing footprint with 1.5 ft. and 7.7 ft. side yard setbacks (10 ft. required); and construct a 12 ft. x 24.5 ft. two-story rear addition with 0.9 ft. and 7.8 ft. side yard setbacks (10 ft. required); and to allow 1,581 sq. ft. of total lot coverage (1,349 sq. ft. maximum is permitted)

4. Application submitted by Coulter Young, 100 Rombout Avenue, Tax Grid No. 30-5954-35-772842-00, R1-5 Zoning District, seeking relief from Section 223-17(C) to construct an 396 sq. ft. detached garage (246 sq. ft. maximum is permitted) and to allow 1,563 sq. ft. of total lot coverage (1,296 sq. ft. maximum permitted)