Thank You for Snow Plowing!

At the time of this blog post writing, there is probably 3ft of snow in everyone's yard in Beacon. It took a while for our winter to get fierce, but that time is this week. After many snow days announced, this week produced snow blizzards that made everyone plan around future snow days and snow plows. Last week, a blizzard passed through, dumping close to 1.5ft of snow. Schools weren't closed that day because they'd had so many closed days already (so is the opinion of this blog). Snow plowing had actually been slow. What I hadn't realized was, a second blizzard was due in just a day or two later. So maybe everyone was saving up their snow days, salt and plowing.

Today has been one of the heaviest blizzards I've been through, and I've been through a few, including the one two Halloweens ago that devastated power lines, and one in 2009 that dropped 31" and cut power for three days. Plus, I grew up in the snow belt of Cleveland, so getting buried in snow is normal, and schools don't close as often ;)

Today's blizzard dumped 1.5-2ft of snow on top of the already 1.5feet that hadn't melted yet, was very blowy, and then paused for an hour. Right on schedule at 9pm, the sleet came, locking in the mounds of snow on sidewalks. And thunder and lightening! Fortunately, the City had the foresight to remove the plowed snow from sidewalks just one day before this storm, so that new mounds could be piled up on our sidewalks.

Today, snow plow trucks have been whizzing up and down our street continuously. There is even a new 2 foot hole on our street somehow! This blog post is one of gratitude to Beacon and the mayor for planning these plows so well. Hopefully it's like this all over this great wide town. From here, everyone is doing a great job. Fingers crossed the power stays on.
