The Coffee Pantry in Cold Spring: Slow Down and Pull Over!
/Let's start with the coffee. Our friends told us about this spot one play date when we were discussing coffee and my current obsession with my Aero Press from Bank Square here in Beacon. Our friends loved Bank Square and our local coffee shops of course, but they also shared their favorite weekend spot, the Cold Spring Coffee Pantry as their "splurge" coffee, which it may be at $2.50 a cup. Each cup is manually brewed in a flat bottom drip, French press, or espresso style. But for the right brew of a bean, this is quite worth it. So let's talk about the coffee brands for a minute.The Coffee Pantry carries a wide variety of brands, including Irving Farm Rosters, Handsome Coffee Roasters (my fave name of a blend: "Handmade & Damn Handsome...just makes me giggle!), Counter Culture, and many others!
And now let's delight in Ella's Bella's Bakery, having their own walk of deliciousness along the side wall and across from what looked like the craft beer kegs. Gluten free and vegan for those of you who need it, and plenty if butter based pastries for those if us who butter is a staple in our diets. Croissant sandwiches, chocolate, quiche, blackberry chia oat bars, whoopie pies...?
I can't even type this anymore because I'm getting so hungry and need to get in the car to start my Route 9 errands, hitting the Coffee Pantry first, even though it's in the opposite direction of where I need to go, as I'm headed to Poughkeepsie to fix a sewing machine, hit up a party store, and grocery shop at Hannafords.