The Rumors are True: Fresh Beef and Fish at Beacon Pantry
/One of Beaconite's biggest wishes have been to have a source close by for meat and fish. There is a source in Cold Spring out the back of the Riverview Restaurant on 9D. We usually get our hamburger meat and filet mignon steaks at Hannafords on Rt. 9, and they really are pretty good, yet require planning ahead for shopping, and then a real commitment to eating the steak or fish for dinner, lest you wait too long and the fresh beef goes to waste. This wouldn't seem possible, but stuff happens and you end up cooking something else for dinner sometimes.
I'm trying to meal plan on a Monday mornings and buy groceries throughout the week. So having ground beef and steak at Beacon Pantry is such a help.
So mark your weekly calendars:
THURSDAYS: delivery of meat and fish (like ground beef, different types of steaks, salmon, shrimp, grouper, and can change per week).
MONDAYS: fish and meat are moved to the freezer.
Beacon Pantry is a Facebook page you're going to want to keep refreshing! They post what's going on almost daily.