Beacon's City Wide Yard Sale - June 13, 2015
/Participating in the yard sale can happen one of two ways - you can register your address as an official yard sale and get on the map (try calling the City of Beacon at (845) 838-5000), or just put stuff out on your yard and tag it. People will surly be driving by and will stop. Some families get really into it, and are letting their inner antique shop out, or are professional flea market vendors who happen to live in the neighborhood. This year, the City of Beacon Recreation Department is opening up the Recreation Center at 23 West Center Street to host yard sales from individuals who don't have yards or enough stuff to fill a yard yet want to sell during the yard sale. More information about the flea market style yard sale is here in their newsletter archives.
Finding yard sales is as easy as just driving around Beacon. The City does put out an official map, and will most likely be in the windows of shops on Main Street.
Items You're Likely to Find:
- Tools. I found a great table saw for $5!
- Bikes
- Baby and Kid items.
- Patio Furniture
- Books
- Trinkets
- Weight Lifting Things
- Whatever you need, it's probably sitting in someone's front yard...
Tips for Running a Successful Yard Sale:
- Put up signs a block away from your house that have arrows and your address.
- Tag everything with prices, or have tables that are different prices. Make it easy for the shopper to pick something up and know the price.
- Serve lemonade or something easy and fun to keep your shoppers hydrated and happy.