Resurgence of the Record Store: #RecordStoreDay 2015 in Beacon
/Couple this with the hashtag movement #RecordStoreDay, and you have a real trend that just might shift the loss of physical albums in your possession! Of course, hard core record collectors have always been collecting records and never had this issue. But for the rest of us who didn't have record purchasing in our spending routine for quite some time, this is a real treat!
You might be thinking, as I was: "That's great that I can get the awesome soundtrack to the Lego Movie on a record, but I have nothing to play it on!" Problem solved. Audioccult is about to start carrying them because of the demand, and the Sound Shack does have a pink limited edition in just in time for #RecordStoreDay! This pink record player at The Sound Shack can be yours for $99, and it comes with a plug for your cushy headphones or fancy computer desk speakers that are showing up in so many "scenes" lately in marketing photos. Personally, I am coveting the stained wood desk speakers. And now it appears I must also covet a record player to play movie soundtracks and an Emmylou album....