Score These Great Items at the Ree-Play Sale! And Ree-Play Just Got a Major Win for Shade in Parks!
The Ree-Play Sale is Wee Play's biggest fundraiser, and for the past few years, Wee Play has been committed to getting a shade structure put up at the tot park at Memorial Park. As of yesterday morning, Wee Play announced that they have saved $10,000 from Ree-Play sales of years past, and have donated it to the City of Beacon to purchase shade infrastructures for the tot park at Memorial Park, and the purchase of new equipment, including a bumblebee rider to replace the old dinosaurs, and benches for the tot park. All of these improvements are slated to be installed this summer 2015. The City Recreation Funds will make up for the difference of funding needed to begin these projects.
As a fan of numbers and financials, Wee Play shared their sales highlights with us, so that you can see what a difference a small purchase at the Ree-Play Sale can make. In 2014, Wee Play made $8,440 at the sale. They donated $1,000 to Howland Library, $1,000 to BAEF, and $500 to the City for the University Settlement Camp. Library programming is one of Wee Play's programs.
In 2013, Wee Play made around $7,200 at the sale. They donated $100 to BAEF, $1,500 to Howland Library children's programming, $500 to the University Settlement camp, $250 to Sargent Downing Garden, and $100 to BACA.
And now, for shopping previews! You better get to the University Settlement Park Theater early, but there are boxes and boxes of clothing, toys and books for you to select from, so you will find something you have been looking for!
The play kitchen. A VERY popular item for little hands to open and close! |
A Cozy-Coop and Convertible Cozy-Coop! Pimp your ride. |
Vroom Vroom! |
Cutest bug rocker ever. And soft! |
Definitely, this stroller helps your mobility around town. |
Ho ho, yes. What fun for a bicycle built for two! |