Saturday Morning Wooden Kids Letter Project With Paint And Sparkles
/This morning's colorful curveball to the expected Saturday morning question: "Mommy, can I watch a show?" was this set of NEW paint (bye bye crusty old paint jars!), a wooden letter of my child's name, flat sparkle circles, and spools of blue themed ribbon. Oh, and the red placemat that was an easy $1.39 to pickup two of and use one for paint and marker projects and one for eating.
My son had free use of the paint brush and color choices, and then I introduced the flat sparkle circles, followed by gray glitter glue (from last year's holiday $1 isle at Target...of which I stocked up on several!) to really lock the circles in place. He had fun practicing shaking the glue to the top of the bottle and then squirting it into one spot. And if course smushing the flat sparkle circle onto the glue, which made a nice decoration that looked like stamped melted wax.
Lastly, he picked out a ribbon to cover the outer rim of the C and used two hands on the scissors to cut, and voila! We completed our Saturday morning project while I enjoyed a cup if coffee and then we got ready for swim class!