925 Wolcott Ave Was Being Renovated To Convert 16 Units to 9 SRO Units, Before Fire
/The former boarding house at 925 Wolcott Avenue that burned down as a result of arson on January 3, 2023, was under renovation to convert 16 units to 9 units that would meet SRO definition (Single Room Occupancy in apartments or residential hotels in which low-income or welfare tenants live in single rooms), according to the permit filed by the owner, Yeshia Berger of 925 Wolcott Ave LLC, which was obtained by A Little Beacon Blog via FOIL request. He acquired the title to the property on July 13, 2022, according to the paperwork.
The front porch of 925 Wolcott Avenue.
According to the Application For The Certificate Of Occupancy Or Certificate Of Compliance filed on December 7, 2022, and had an Issue Date from the City of Beacon of December 12, 2022 signed by Building Inspector Bruce Flowers, each unit would have a bathroom and kitchenette, with all new plumbing and electric. A sprinkler system was also to be installed. The estimated cost of construction was written in as $200,000.
An Application for Building Permit was submitted on August 19, 2022 with an Issue Date dated August 26, 2022 signed by previous Building Inspector David Buckley to get new moldings, floors, and plumbing on the front porch/deck. The contractor was designated Olvin Construction out of Monroe, NY on the permit, who held the Workers Compensation Insurance.
On July 19, 2022, an Application For The Certificate Of Occupancy Or Certificate Of Compliance was filed to “rebuild existing CFP - roof to remain - with patch and paint to the interior with new plumbing fixtures.”
More than a month after the fire on January 3, 2023, pieces of the razed house still sit on the property. The arsonist and former tenant of 925 Wolcott Avenue, Brian P. Atkinson, is due in court later in February, unless the hearing is pushed. Mid Hudson News and ALBB first reported that Brian turned himself in after starting the fire, according to people who were at the scene. The Highlands Current later reported that “Police said he walked to the department and turned himself in immediately after starting the fire,” even though that was not written in the Press Release issued by the Beacon Police.
The owner, Yeshia, also owns the boarding house across the street, 916 Wolcott Avenue. That house was recently in the news as being the residence of the man who died after a fall into the stream under Teller Avenue on New Year’s Day. While the situations remain unconnected, both men did frequent Main Street at the local outdoor sidewalk hangout on Teller and Main Street.