a little gaza news :: The University Students and Faculty Join The Push For Palestinian Liberation - Gaza Solidarity Encampments (A Link Roundup)

The American news coverage of the growing number of university protests called Gaza Solidarity Encampments is not being well-covered. For example, when the news broke that there were snipers at Emory University, and then at Ohio State University, someone made the assumption that civilians were the ones holding and pointing the rifles. However, the police were called by the universities to come be placed onto the roof, and point rifles at the students and faculty, who were engaging in sitting and setting up their tents. Violence occurred if police or pro-Israeli civilians came in to agitate.

Also not covered as much are Jewish students and faculty participating in these Pro-Palestinian protests. Like this night in the streets for Seder for Passover.

Several professors have joined the students to protect them and serve as witnesses. Some parents have voiced how proud they are of their child. Despite the tuition that may be going to these universities. NBC New York reported: "The students' plight has become a central part of protests, with students and a growing number of faculty demanding their amnesty. At issue is whether universities and law enforcement will clear the charges and withhold other consequences, or whether the suspensions and legal records will follow students into their adult lives."

Presidential candidate Jill Stein was arrested at an anti-war protest at Washington University, held, and charged with assault of a police officer, as reported by Al Jazeera. She is 73 years old, and was arrested with 99 other people. “It was kind of scary to tell you the truth,” she said in an interview with local news station KSDK as reported by Time.

In depth accounts to follow on the Encampments at Universities are Ahmed Eldin, Wear The Peace, Everyday Is Juneteenth

a little gaza news :: University Encampment Edition

This roundup for "a little gaza news" highlights some moments of the Gaza Encampments, as well as emerging testimony from IDF (Israeli Defense Forces aka Israeli Occupation Forces).