Beacon's City Administrator Won't Release Identity Of Deceased Man Found Near Teller Ave. - This Time Citing County Medical Examiner Investigation
/On January 1, 2023, at 12pm, the Beacon Police responded to a deceased body found in the woods near Teller Avenue. This was according to people who saw the response and posted to their social media, as well as the Press Release issued by the Beacon Police. In the Press Release, the police did not state how they knew about the deceased body, stating only: “On 1/1/2023 at approximately 12pm, the City of Beacon Police responded to the wooded area off of Teller Avenue for a deceased male subject who was in his 50's.” It is unknown if they were called by a person who saw the body, or how they knew about the body.
“The City cannot release investigations. Similar, with the murders.”
During tonight’s public City Council Meeting, Beacon’s City Administrator, with the Mayor’s prodding, updated the public regarding the deceased male who was in his 50s, according to the Press Release.
City Administrator Chris stated: “Regarding the deceased individual found in the woods: the City has not released details on that because we are waiting on reports from County Medical Examiner. I understand that people want to know right away what happened. The City cannot release investigations. Similar, with the murders.” He indicated that police have been working on them, and that if the City gets to a point when an announcement can be made, that they will.
Some of the murders City Administrator Chris is referring to is the shooting in the parking lot of Forrestal Heights: “Resident’s Brother Was Shot & Killed At Forrestal Heights Beacon Housing Authority”, as well as at least one murder at Tompkins Terrace.
There is the 2022 Christmas murder of Rene “Scout” Vivo on or near S. Brett Street and Main Street while he was walking home. While the Beacon Police did not release his name immediately, A Little Beacon Blog learned from several sources that it was him. While the City of Beacon declined to share the name of the recent deceased on Teller Avenue, Scout’s family thanked A Little Beacon Blog for publishing his name, and continued to share about his local funeral arrangements at Libby’s Funeral Home.
For this death near Teller Avenue - the cause of which remains unknown but speculated by those familiar with the deceased - the Beacon Police continue to not release his name, leading to wild speculation by the local public and now beyond Beacon by people simply making things up.
A Little Beacon Blog was very familiar with Scout. Not so with this individual, so cannot confirm in the same manner without family members or close friends coming forward.
During tonight’s City Council Meeting, the Council voted in favor of an investment in cameras that can read information about vehicles leaving and coming into Beacon, for a two year agreement, stating that so far, the City has relied on cameras from the Bridge Authority to seek such information. Councilperson Molly Rhodes confirmed with the City Administrator that the technology does not include facial recognition. It is not clear if this would help identify someone on foot, who may or may not leave the City of Beacon after an incident. Except for perhaps on a public bus. Or through the woods.