Beacon's Last Day Of Free Trash Dumping Up To 250 Pounds Is Coming Up

The City of Beacon’s opportunity for you to dump your trash for free at the Transfer Station is ending soon. Residents who are current in paying their taxes can dump up to 250 pounds for free. The deadline is the third Saturday in September. An earlier version of this article printed an old date. Trash can still be dropped off at the Transfer Station throughout the year, but there is a cost for it. See here for how the division of trash works, what is not accepted, and pricing per type of item.

Please note, there are 2 URLs for this date. An old one, and apparently the current one. The City of Beacon should consider putting a permanent 301 Redirect on the old URL, since it is ranking in Google and the 301 Redirect would seamlessly send people to the current URL (or whichever URL the City decides to use). Thanks to Citizen Reporter Will Duffy @willmanduffy for confirming with the Transfer Station employees and supplying the new URL.