City of Beacon Dedicates the East Main Bridge to Ron and Ronnie Sauers
/Photo Credit: "Celebrating Our Centennial, Beacon at 100" published by the Beacon Historical Society.
On Saturday, October 14, 2017 at 12 pm, the City of Beacon will dedicate the East Main Bridge, near the Dummy Light, in between The Roundhouse and the newest row of boutiques at 1 East Main, to Ron and Ronnie Sauers. The couple has been dubbed "early pioneers" - really early - of Beacon's renaissance during the 1980s, by just about every Beaconite who knows about the visionary pair.
To set the scene for why they were so relevant, take a read of this passage from "Celebrating Our Centennial, Beacon at 100," published by the Beacon Historical Society:
"Since its incorporation, the city of Beacon relied on its factories and on trade from the Hudson River for its well-being. But as the river's commercial viability failed, and the factories gradually closed, the city began a slow, inexorable slide to decline. And nowhere was the decay more apparent than on the East End of Main Street.
Enter Ron and Ronnie Sauers. Long-time residents of New York City, the Sauers made their living in television - she as a video editor, and he as a designer and builder of video and sound studios. By the mid-1980s, they turned their vision north, and set about finding an upstate community in need of revitalization. After briefly considering several options, they chose Beacon, and set their creative sights on three burned-out buildings on the city's East End. Buoyed by the enthusiastic support of the city government, they purchased the charred shells, and designed storefronts and high-end apartments that combined historically accurate facades with elegant modern interiors. The finished buildings marked the beginning of Beacon's rebirth.
A reception is to follow at Dogwood, featuring a slide show of the buildings they worked on from the 1980s. Says council member and organizer of the event, George Mansfield, during a City Council meeting on October 2, 2017: "The slide show gives us all a good sense of reference as to where we were, and where we are." Also involved are Polich Tallix foundry, who donated the bronze plaque (side note: they are now casting the Oscar statues!), and Rabe & Co., who donated the graphic design.