City of Beacon Identifies Walter Miranda As The Man Who Died In The Woods Along Teller Avenue - No Foul Play Suspected So Far
/On Thursday, January 26, 2023, the City of Beacon has released the name of the man who died on New Years day in the woods in a stream that runs along side Teller Avenue. It has been 26 days since the man’s name has been publicly released, yet some locals did know who the man was. While there was speculation for the cause of death, it surprised some that identification was not confirmed. Beacon’s City Administrator Chris White emailed the press release to ALBB (often we are with our young kids or dog/cat pets or at the dentist, so emails are appreciated).
According to a press release written by the City of Beacon’s Chief of Police Sands E. Frost - one of the most comprehensive press releases written to date - the man who passed away was Walter Miranda, age 58 who resided at 916 Wolcott Avenue, which is a multi-unit apartment house located across the street from the house that was torched two days later by someone else, owned by the same landlord. The incidents have never been connected.
The stream that runs under Teller Avenue, near the area where the City of Beacon Police were called to respond to the suspected deceased body, who was identified as Walter Miranda, age 58.
According Chief Frost, no foul play was suspected after a dual-investigation by the City of Beacon Police and the Dutchess County Medical Examiner’s Office. Chief Frost stated: “Everything regarding the joint investigation is pointing to Mr. Miranda's death being related to a fall causing a head injury.” The stream that Walter was found in was a shallow, rock-bed stream. Exposed rocks were in several areas. If one were to cross over the barricade near the sidewalk on Teller Avenue (across from Ballet Arts), and fall into the stream, with one’s head hitting the rocks, that would be hard fall.
According to locals who knew Walter, he was a skilled carpenter who passed into Beacon. He had friends on the street and beyond. He worked from job to job doing carpentry work during the seasons.
Chief Sands Frost’s press release has been re-published in full below:
On January 1, 2023 at approximately 11:46am, the City of Beacon Police Department received a call regarding a person believed to be deceased in a stream located in a wooded area just off Teller Ave. near Henry St. This was called in by a subject who was with his family. The City of Beacon Police Department responded, along with the City of Beacon Fire Department, Beacon Volunteer Ambulance Corps and Ambulnz.
EMS workers advised the subject was indeed deceased and the Dutchess County Medical Examiner's Office was contacted and they responded. A joint investigation into the death was started immediately by the City of Beacon Police Department and the Dutchess County Medical Examiner's Office.
The deceased person was identified as Walter Miranda. He is a 58-year-old male who resided at 916 Wolcott Avenue in the City of Beacon.
An autopsy was conducted on Mr. Miranda on January 3, 2023 by the Dutchess County Medical Examiner's Office. The City of Beacon Detective Bureau spent many days examining security footage from area cameras and interviewing associates and family members of the deceased. Important information was gathered regarding social interactions, habits, any chemical dependencies, etc.
Although the Dutchess County Medical Examiner's Office has not finalized its report yet due to awaiting toxicology results, everything regarding the joint investigation is pointing to Mr. Miranda's death being related to a fall causing a head injury. There are no other signs of a struggle or any other injuries indicating an assault.
I know community members get frustrated when something like this occurs in the area and not much information is available right away. We owe it to the victim and to the victim's family and friends to be as thorough as possible investigating any death that may seem suspicious. This process can take quite a while to complete. Our heart goes out to Walter's family and friends. We would also like to thank everyone who cooperated with us in the investigation.
Sands E. Frost
Chief of Police