Kayak Demonstration For A Free Palestine And Arms Embargo Set For Sunday Sept 15 From Long Dock Park

Picnic and Paddle for Palestine
Sunday, September 15th
Time: 4:30pm
Location: Long Dock Park Kayak Launch
Join the Beacon Ceasefire and Arms Embargo Now Coalition for Kayak demonstration on the water for a Free Palestine! Meet at the Kayak Launch by 5:10pm (to be seen by train passengers arriving at 5:21PM)

Organizers say: "We will paddle between Long Dock and Pete and Toshi Seeger park and back with signs and flags. Free Palestine! Stop the Genocide! Arms Embargo Now!" Bring a dish! You do not need to be a paddler or kayaker to join in from the shore to show your support and enjoy community of fellow supporters.

Paddle/Boaters can sign up here: bit.ly/paddleforpal