Veterans Day Ceremonies for Beacon on Sunday, November 11, 2018
/The Veterans Memorial Building at 413 Main St., Beacon, NY.
Photo Credit: Katie Hellmuth Martin
The Veterans Day Ceremony will be held on Sunday, November 11, 2018 at the Veterans Memorial Building at 413 Main St., Beacon, NY at 11 am. The ceremonies begin when veterans gather outside on the front porch of the building. The guest speaker will be Lt. Colonel Caroline Pogge, according to a calendar posting at Dutchess Tourism. Over the years, the amount of people who attend this event has grown.
This spring, during a Memorial Day service at the same location, the presenting veterans acknowledged how appreciative they were of the turnout during that day, feeling the support from the community. City Council Member John Rembert, who is a veteran, also acknowledged this during the June 4th, 2018 City Council Meeting: “The veterans really appreciated it. It meant a lot to all of us.”
So get your hat and gloves on, and head over to these services. It will be a time to share a moment with your neighbors. Bring a to-go cup of coffee and nibble on a chocolate croissant as you walk down.
Veterans Day Ceremony
Day: Sunday, November 11, 2018
Time: 11 am
Location: Veterans Memorial Building, 413 Main St., Beacon, NY
From the Dutchess Tourism Website:
”The Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 666 will be sponsoring Veterans Day ceremonies on the front porch of the Veterans Memorial Building. The public and all veterans are cordially invited and encouraged to attend. In the event of inclement weather, the ceremony will be held inside the bingo hall of Veterans Memorial Building. Guest Speaker: Lt. Colonel Caroline Pogge”
Information >
Mount Beacon Eight Ceremony
Day: Sunday, November 11, 2018
Time: 12:30 pm
Location: Fishkill Veterans Park, Route 52, south of I-84, on the north side of Route 52 between the Fishkill Town Police Department and the Fishkill Town Recreation Center.
A ceremony will be held to remember the service members who died in a plane crash into Mount Beacon. That plane crash happened on November 11, 1945, 30 minutes after leaving Wright Caldwell Airport in Caldwell, NJ. The men were en route back to the Quonset Air Naval Base in Quonset, RI when their Navy Beechcraft Twin Engine Transport plane crashed near the northwest ridge of Mount Beacon in the Town of Fishkill, NY.
Learn About the Mount Beacon Eight in A Little Beacon Blog’s Article >