Beacon Councilmember Paloma Wake Praises Creation of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women Girls and Two Spirited Peoples Day

Beacon’s City Councilmember At Large, Paloma Wake, often uses her opportunity to deliver a Report on any topic during the publicly broadcast City Council Meetings every other week to shine awareness on Native American lands, including the land that Beacon is defined as today.

Councilmember Paloma’s full-time job is with Forge Project, a native-woman-led initiative focused on Indigenous art, decolonial education, and supporting native leaders in all fields. The drive of the Forge Project’s mission is to “acknowledge that we are situated on the unceded and ancestral homelands of the Muh-he-con-ne-ok, the Peoples of the Waters that Are Never Still, and to recognize that there is a history to this land that is older than we are and pay honor and respect to this history and to the Elders, past, present, and future.”

Missing and Murdered Indigenous Persons Awareness day

In the spirit of the federal holiday that is Thanksgiving, ALBB is publishing the awareness piece Councilmember Paloma delivered earlier in May 2022 to recognize the newly designated proclamation designating May 5 as Missing and Murdered Indigenous Persons Awareness Day.

At ALBB’s request, Councilmember Paloma’s submitted a lengthier version of her comments to be published here:

“This week holds a national day of awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women Girls and Two Spirited Peoples. A 2018 report from Urban Indian Health Institute (UIHI) identifies murder as the the third leading cause of death among American Indian and Alaska Native women and girls aged 10-24. A 2016 study by the Native Institute of Justice demonstrated that more than four in five American Indian and Alaska Native women have experienced violence in their lifetime. On some reservations, American Indian and Alaska Native women face murder rates that are more than 10 times the national average.

“On May 4th, 2021 President Biden issued a proclamation designating May 5th as Missing and Murdered Indigenous Persons Awareness day, calling on all Americans and levels of government to support Tribal governments and Tribal communities' efforts to increase awareness of the issue of Missing and Murdered American Indians and Alaska natives.

“While none of us alive today bear personal responsibility for the actions of our ancestors, I believe we have a greater duty to respect the lives of those whose ancestors stewarded this land that we live on today for thousands of years.

“The crisis of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Peoples deserves this national day of awareness.

“Along with sharing this information, I would like to acknowledge that the City of Beacon sits on the ancestral lands of Muh-he-con-ne-ok the Peoples Of The Waters That Are Never Still whose living descendants now reside on federal reservations in Wisconsin as the Stockbridge Munsee Band and in Oklahoma as the Delaware Nation and the Delaware Nation and the Delaware Tribe of Indians.”

Resources Supporting Reform And Recreation Of Laws Supporting Native American Women

Councilperson Paloma provided resources where one can learn more about why this issue exists, and why it is because of existing legislation that there is little accountability.

According to National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center: “The crisis of MMIW is a national crime pattern. The complete storyboard for this crime pattern is not two individuals and a crime scene but all of the above--the government, culture, and economics--layered upon the lives of Native women and Indian nations. Understanding the legal and social infrastructure that place Native women in harm’s way are essential to changing this crime story of the last 500 years.

“It also requires reeducation of mainstream America to understand both the past and present truths of American Indian Nations and the women of those Nations. This two-fold process of legal reform and cultural reeducation can direct the changes required at the national, state, and county levels.”

Resources are here:

Councilperson Paloma is a fourth generation Japanese American with no ancestral ties to Native Americans.

Open Call To Beaconites To Address Land-Justice In Beacon

Councilmember Paloma is issuing an open-call to anyone in Beacon who would be interested in joining her in a working-group to address land-justice in Beacon. “The group would likely start with a Land Acknowledgement, and address our City welcome signs.” Councilperson Paloma continued: “I am looking to do focus on self-education, research and knowledge-sharing in the first half of the year, and then outreach and public information campaigns leading up to Native American Heritage Month, which is in November.”

For those interested, she can be reached at or at 845-418-2452