5K Races Guide Update!
/Got your running shoes ready to go? We just updated our 5K Races Guide list for 2024! Sign up now and let’s get moving!
Got your running shoes ready to go? We just updated our 5K Races Guide list for 2024! Sign up now and let’s get moving!
Guardian Self Storage is collecting new unwrapped toys NOW until December 16.
“Toys for Tots is a program run by the United States Marine Corps Reserve which distributes toys to children whose parents cannot afford to buy them gifts for Christmas.”
Pictured here is the 2018 toy collection at Beacon Pilates.
Photo Credit: Beacon Pilates and A Little Beacon Blog
Last Updated: 12/5/2019
Every year, community organizations fire up toy drives to help donate to kids in need. If you’re looking to donate toys to these drives, it’s best to mark your calendar for just before Thanksgiving, as that’s when these opportunities start opening up - some are even as early as October, like Toys for Tots. It’s good to get an early start too with Adopt-a-Family programs, which require more attention to detail in terms of what kind of toys you are purchasing for which family member. So mark your calendar for mid-November to return to this list to get a head start! And subscribe to our newsletter to get early advance notice.
If you missed a toy deadline and really want to give, consider a donation to the organization the toy is being collected for instead.
Things to know about Toy Drive Collections:
Wish Lists: Generally, the organization provides guidance on what type of gift to give. They know their kids and what they need or want.
New: Toys need to be new and in original packaging.
Usually Unwrapped: Usually the Wish List will ask for unwrapped toys.
No Guns or Other Violent Toys: Even if your kids love it, there is extra sensitivity for these kids.
Beacon Pilates is collecting new toys for Children’s Home of Poughkeepsie.
Kids: 80 kids live in 11 facilities, ages newborn to 21 years
Wish List: Click here for the wish list and gift guidance. Juliet, the owner of Beacon Pilates, also has a list of individual wish list items. Email info@beaconpilates.com for more specific recommendations.
Location Drop-Off: Beacon Pilates, 18 West Main St., Beacon, NY (near Brett’s Hardware)
Times: 9 am to 9 pm
Deadline: Monday, December 16, 2019
The Children’s Home is dedicated to providing a safe and nurturing environment that improves lives and empowers at-risk children and families in the Hudson Valley and surrounding communities. The Children’s Home of Poughkeepsie provides residential care on the main campus in Poughkeepsie, in agency boarding homes or group homes off campus and apartments in the community. On any given day, over 90 children receive services in one of the home’s programs.
The Studio @ Beacon is collecting new toys for Toys For Tots.
Location Drop-Off: The Studio @ Beacon, 301 Main St., Beacon, NY (next to Royal Crepes)
Deadline: Go now!
The basic mission of the Marine Toys for Tots Program is to collect new, unwrapped toys and distribute those toys to less fortunate children at Christmas. The primary goal of Marine Toys for Tots is, through the gift of a new toy, help bring the joy of Christmas and send a message of hope to America's less fortunate children. In order to better execute the program, in 1991 the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation was created at the behest of the Marine Corps.
The Salvation Army of Beacon is collecting toys via their “Angel Tree” at two locations with Wish Tags. Says Captain Leilani Alarcon: “We have toy wishes, and usually also like to get a couple of warm outfits, since most of the kids that participate are needy and their parents can’t afford to buy coats and boots, and such. Everything desired is on the tag. Wherever the tag is picked up, is a drop-off location, or people can bring them directly to our location in Beacon - the church. My email and cell information are on the tags for people to arrange drop-offs at our building.”
Kids: Captain Leilani Alarcon described to us the types of children they reach with this toy drive: “Most of the kids for our toy drive are from low-income housing (Tompkins Terrace), as well as needy families that have come all the way from Hopewell and Poughkeepsie because they missed sign-in dates at the Poughkeepsie Salvation Army. Kids also are sent from Social Services or from our Food Pantry Assistance for Families here in the church as well. We have decided not to set an age range, since most older children get forgotten by most programs, so we have kids from 0 to 16.“
Wish List: Select a tag from the Angel Tree. It will have an exact gif suggestion.
Location Drop-Offs:
Planet Fitness in Wappingers Falls: 1572 U.S. 9, Wappingers Falls, NY 12590
Hilton Garden at Fishkill: 25 Westage Drive, Fishkill, NY 12524
Salvation Army Church in Beacon: 372 Main St., Beacon, NY (drop-off only, the Angel Trees are at the above locations). The main entrance of the church is actually behind it, by their parking lot off of Fishkill Avenue. Tuesdays and Thursdays are best for dropping off toys or bringing a donation to their Food Pantry (even year-round), as that is when their receptionist is there. Or, you can email Captain Leilani Alarcon at Leilani.Alarcon@USE.SalvationArmy.Org to make arrangements for other days.
Deadline: TBA
Libby Funeral Home is collecting stuffed stockings for Stockings For Soldiers.
Location Drop-Off: Libby Funeral Home, 55 Teller Ave., Beacon, NY
Deadline: TBA
If filling stockings brings you joy during the holiday season, and so does giving the stockings to someone who isn’t expecting them, then this holiday initiative is for you. Libby Funeral Home has set up a free stocking for you to take home, decorate and stuff to the brim with holiday cheer. You will receive a list of recommended items along with the stocking. Libby Funeral & Cremation Services will ship the stockings (at their expense) to troops abroad in time for the holidays.
Details >
Grace Smith House organizes an annual Adopt-A-Family program.
Deadline: TBA
During the holiday season, Grace Smith House opens its doors to countless survivors of domestic violence and their families. They need your help to provide holiday joy to the families who shelter serve. They are seeking items such as baby monitors (new), women's robes, women’s pajamas (all sizes), grocery store gift cards, gas gift cards, underwear (women, girls, boys), jewelry, makeup, shampoos and conditioners, body wash and spray, and more.
Details >
All Sport Health + Fitness is collecting select gifts via a wish-list tree. To participate, go to the fitness center and take a wish off the tree. Fulfill the wish, and bring it back!
Location Drop-Off: All Sport, 17 Old Main St., Fishkill, NY 12524
Deadline: Go now!
The fifth annual Toy Giveaway in Honor of Carmen Viruet-Senato is being hosted with the help of Love Holds Life Children’s Cancer Foundation. They are collecting new and unwrapped toys for children ages 2 to 14 years old, to be distributed on Saturday, December 15, with Cookies and Cocoa with Santa at Lewis Tompkins Hose Co. #1. According to Southern Dutchess News, the event is in honor of Carmen Viruet-Senato, co-founder of LHL. The event is in memory of Leticia Dos Santos. Richard Senato, founder of LHL, said Leticia was 16 years old when she passed from Stage 4 bone cancer. She created the Cookies and Cocoa event with Senato and Viruet-Senato five years ago.
Location Drop-Off: 13 South Ave., Beacon, NY
Deadline: Donation deadline is Friday, December 7.
Event for any child to receive a free toy is Saturday, December 15 from 10 am to 1 pm. All are invited.
Love Holds Life helps children and their families financially battling cancer, on a national level from their offices located in New York's Hudson Valley region. Love Holds Life provides financial support for their medical treatments and expenses not covered by insurance. LHL’s ultimate mission is to ensure children with love and life. Their financial program consists of funding a child’s medical deductible, co-payment, co-insurance and prescriptions, along with travel reimbursement to and from treatment. Donations received from individuals, foundations, corporations and other local organizations help to fund each child and their family.
NOTE: To be a drop-off location for Love Holds Life, please contact their office at (845) 592-4544
Location Drop-Off: 14 collection locations in Ulster, Dutchess, and Orange counties
Deadline: November 1-December 13
Donations will go towards Toys For Tots.
As we hear of more Toy Drive Collections, we will update this list. Keep refreshing the page!
If you are running a toy drive, please email details in the format matching the above listings to editorial@alittlebeaconblog.com. Thanks!
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The City of Beacon entered into a contract with Legal Services of the Hudson Valley to provide increased access to Beacon tenants facing eviction. They may also be able to help with sources of rent arrears assistance. Call the paralegal, Steven Mihalik at 845-253-6953 to inquire.
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