That Time The Beacon Democrats Served Chocolate Bon Bons During The DNC Where Dems Were Roasted For Genocide Enabling

Editorial Note: Every now and then, ALBB publishes some free-form on our Instagram. This is one such post that we have lifted from our Instagram to bring to the blog for broader reach.

Pushing on elected officials locally is very uncomfortable. They are neighbors and friends.


Watching violent murders for 10 months (and still raging) is very, very, very uncomfortable.

More uncomfortable is living amongst people who are OK with watching these violent murders, and having the Democratic leader gaslight us that this is ok.

It just unleashes all of the triggers.

Very very very very very very very uncomfortable to see people (the Beacon Democrats at their "watch party" during the DNC 2024) eat chocolate bon bons while they didn't oppose $20 BILLION DOLLARS to go kill Palestinians. To further erase the country that is Palestine.

Free Palestine.

Especially triggering was watching this Watch Party from the party room of one of The View, one of the apartment buildings that anti-Development Democrats so opposed before it was built. While the housing crisis was deepening in the country and in Beacon, as Democrats used zoning laws to restrict real estate development on areas they picked. The housing crisis, which they are now using to justify greenlighting more building. It’s just confusing. As confusing as the chococolate bon bons served and eaten while they don’t wail against a genocide that their leader is authorizing payments to Israel for.

You still won’t see ALBB support T, and ALBB remains registered with no party, but this is all so disappointing.

How Middle East Eye Covered The DNC

Americans who don’t support the genocide in Palestine, and who don’t support the United State’s funding of the genocide of Palestinians, were horrified while watching the Democratic National Convention. The last straw for many was when the Democrats would not allow a Palestinian to speak on their stage. Even if the Palestinian or Palestinian spokesperson was a Democrat.

Middle East Eye captured this in several posts at Instagram: