Veterans Day Recognized In Beacon With Ceremony And County-Wide Convoy Of Emergency Vehicles
/Beacon’s Memorial Building at 413 Main Street.
Photo Credit: Katie Hellmuth Martin
As is tradition in Beacon, a ceremony was held at 11am at the Memorial Building at 413 Main Street to lay a wreath in honor of those who served and are serving, hosted by VFW Post #666. Normally a large group gathers outside to witness the ceremony, but due to COVID-19 restrictions on large gatherings, Dutchess County instead offered a county-wide convoy of emergency service vehicles including police, fire, county, armed services, and local municipal vehicles to drive through every municipality in Dutchess County, “to safely recognize and celebrate the sacrifices of local veterans,” according to the City of Beacon’s website.
Said County Executive Molinaro about the day: “On Veterans Day we honor our nation’s veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the greater good. In their honor we will travel every corner of the county, heralding their service and once again celebrating these brave and heroic individuals. I encourage everyone to safely enjoy this convoy or any of the other community events happening throughout Dutchess. We are better, stronger and safer because of their service and sacrifice.”
Veterans of the VFW Post #666 help their fellow veterans whenever possible. A recent event was “helping a fellow member and Korean War Veteran, with some house repairs and upgrades to enable him to safely remain in his home,” according to a post on their Facebook page.
Members of VFW Post #666 helping a fellow member with upgrades to his home to improve the safety of his house.
Photo Credit: VFW Post #666