You're Invited! ALBB's Holiday Pop-Up Party At Main Office's Co-Space - Bring Your Cheer, Enjoy Wine and Cheese

Details about the party are below, but first…


A Little Beacon Blog used to have an office on Main Street back in The Before Times - before the pandemic - known as A Little Beacon Space. We hosted community events, Vision Boarding sessions, and everyone’s favorite, Pop-Up Shops. Some of you popped up in our space, and it was a way for us shoppers to reach those artists and creators who otherwise were hard to find.

One of the things we did was rent out our space for business retreats and client parties. One of our first clients was Beacon Digital, the local digital marketing firm doing work for clients all over the nation. The owner, Whitney Parker Mitchell, booked The Space, as we called it, for her client party.

Soon after, Whitney expanded onto Main Street by moving into the renovated space that used to be Vogel Pharmacy next to Homespun. You’ve walked past it a zillion times, but may not have noticed it. Until. Now. Have you seen our holiday tree?!

Post-pandemic, with everyone working remotely, Whitney craved the community, and opened her space to a co-work model called Main Office. She advertised in A Little Beacon Blog’s Business Directory, and that is how we found out about her newly opened co-work space.

Even though ALBB works remotely now, by working out of our shed and living room, we needed a clean and inviting space to get back out there on Main Street. We missed it! So we joined Main Office as a regular co-worker.

Holiday Pop-Up Party - You’re Invited!

Whitney of Main Office and Beacon Digital has partnered with A Little Beacon Blog as a co-sponsor of this event, and agreed to open up her space to all of you - the entire Beacon community. And some visitors if you’re here on a Thursday! And of course you if you’re in Newburgh and Fishkill and Wappingers. And what the heck, Poughkeepsie, come on down!

This is a Holiday Pop-Up Party because we decided to do it last minute. Amid your other holiday parties, work parties, friend parties, family travel prep. All of the things we have not been able to do for two years.

It is also a pop-up party because we hope to have vendors you can shop from! If you have a store, or only appear at markets, then please come be a vendor. Past and present advertisers of A Little Beacon Blog can have a vendor table for free. As well as past pop-up shop clients. Details on vendor tables and sponsorships are below.

WHEN: Thursday, December 15th, 2022
TIME: 5pm-8pm
WHERE: Main Office, 234 Main Street (next to Homespun)
BRING: Yourself! Yourself and a friend if you wish!
PHOTO WALL: There will be a festive photo wall with props for you to take photos with yourself and/or friends.
FREE: Thanks to the generous co-sponsorship of Main Office and Beacon Digital, this event is free. Kindly RSVP here.
SWAG: There will be swag bags! Free Khiel’s skincare product for the first 30 attendees. Khiel’s apothecary skincare is some of the finest around.
Enjoy catering from Homespun, Pastries from Newburgh Flour Shop, and Wine and Local Craft Beer (until it runs out!).
RSVP: Kindly RSVP here so that we know you might be coming! We know your night is busy, so RSVP to give us an idea, even if your plans change.

Vendor Tables and Sponsorships

You may purchase a vendor table or sponsorship directly from this page. See details and cart button below. Tables and sponsorships are limited.

Holiday Pop-Up Shop Vendor Table
Sale Price: $50.00 Original Price: $150.00

Set up shop in A Little Beacon Blog’s Holiday Pop-Up Shop Party! Open to the community. Open from 5pm-8pm. Setup is 4pm. If you are a past or present advertiser of A Little Beacon Blog, this table is free for you this time. If you have done a past pop-up shop with us, this Holiday Pop-Up is also free for you this time.

2-for-1 Sponsor: January Business Bash + Holiday Pop-Up Party
Sale Price: $850.00 Original Price: $1,200.00

Sponsors of this event make it possible to be open to the community for free. This is an opportunity for people to come together to network and mingle, for whatever their needs are during this long winter season.

This sponsorship is a 2-for-1 holiday special: We are having a Business Bash Networking Event in January, where your business will be a lead sponsor. When you buy this sponsorship, you will also be promoted at this holiday event.

  • Photo Selfie Backdrop: Logo on our Photo selfie backdrop at January and December events. Guests can take their own photos for free with fun props. Guests can keep their photos and share on social media.

  • Flyer: Logo on event flyer to be posted in Beacon.

  • Speech: Opportunity to address the guests for the January Business Bash to share about your business and how you can serve them.

  • Vendor Table: Free vendor table. ($150 value)

  • Article: A dedicated article published on A Little Beacon Blog about your business to translate the message you gave at the event. ($2,600 value)

This package is on sale now for the December Holiday event, and will go to regular price after.