Dear Everyone: Please Stop Doing U-Turns On Main Street!

OMG y’all - people of Beacon and those visiting Beacon - this Monday you are up on your U-turns on Brett Street on Main Street (right by Key Food)! It’s not a good idea!

More U-turns happen at Cliff Street and Main Street, and I’m sure in more areas of town that others have seen.

Seriously - just figure out another way to turn around. Go around a block, maybe.

Oh, and passing a car who is parallel-parking is not legal if you’d have to cross a double-yellow or single-yellow line to pass. We checked with the Beacon police, and if you pass on a solid yellow line on your side, that will get you a ticket. The reason I know this is because I was jay-walking (also wrong, eeks, I know), and a car wasn’t expecting a pedestrian there while they were peeling around the parking car, so they almost flattened me.

So be careful, and patient. Let’s all do better.

Beacon Opts Not To Kill The Geese; But Larchmont Does Kill The Geese On Wednesday, Granting Access To Private Residents Of Larchmont Gardens

It sounded a little unusual when the USDA Wildlife Services came to Beacon to propose to the City Council to round up, kill, and serve as food at shelters between 50 and 63 geese from Pete and Toshi Seeger Riverfront Park - in the name of protecting flights at Stewart Airport. The City Council heard the proposal, mostly responded that they were not comfortable with it, and passed on the pitch, effectively a polite but firm, “No thank you.”

Today, the Larchmont Loop, an online newspaper covering Larchmont in Westchester, reported that Canada geese were systematically killed at Larchmont Gardens early Wednesday morning. “The Town of Mamaroneck confirms the USDA euthanized a number of Canada geese on and around the Duck Pond in Larchmont Gardens early Wednesday morning.” Larchmont is a village located within the Town of Mamaroneck in Westchester County, New York, approximately 18 miles northeast of Midtown Manhattan, according to Wikipedia.

In Larchmont, the USDA Wildlife Services came out in kayaks, rounded up the birds into a truck, drove them away, and processed them into food to serve at local food shelters. That method was the same proposal Beacon heard on Monday.

According to the article: “Private residents of the Larchmont Gardens neighborhood contracted with the USDA to remove the geese,” said a spokesperson for the Town. “It is a private contract, the Town just allowed them on Town property.”

Apparently Systematic Killing Of A Species In The Name Of Something Is A Thing

While the killing, otherwise known as “culling,” wasn’t something the City Council normally hears proposals on, contracting with the USDA APHIS (Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service) to do this has been happening. One reason it is happening right now this week is because the geese are in a “molt” stage, which means that their flight feathers have fallen out and they are sitting ducks for three weeks, unable to take flight.

For more information on Canada geese, their living habits, and on this program, see the earlier article A Little Beacon Blog wrote about it here.

Protection Of Geese - Until They Are Too Much And Killed

The Department of Environmental Conservation states that Canada geese are protected, but:

“All Canada geese, including resident flocks, are protected by Federal and State laws and regulations. In New York, management responsibility for Canada geese is shared by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC). It is illegal to hunt, kill, sell, purchase, or possess migratory birds or their parts (feathers, nests, eggs, etc.) except as permitted by regulations adopted by USFWS and DEC.'“

The DEC also does not allow the relocation of Canada geese at any point in the year, with or without a permit. At the Beacon presentation, the reasoning provided was that Canada geese prefer to come back to where they were hatched, and grow their families there.

One round of taking and killing the geese would not seem to do the trick, and in theory, would need to be repeated every year, for at least three years because when the females turn three years old, they are known to return to the place that they hatched, and lay their own eggs.

Once a pond or river is clear of geese, say, if they have been removed and killed each year for three years, would new geese settle there? During Beacon’s presentation, the USDA APHIS Services said that there are 250,000 Canada geese in New York, and their target number is 85,000.

That is a lot of exterminating.

PERSONAL NOTE: Just like with mice prevention in a house, I would probably get a cat, and vacuum and mop my floors. In the case of geese, if I elected to live near a pond or river where geese like to settle, I would probably get a dog, build a fence (to keep the dog in), and let the dog have geese play time.

Canada Geese Identified For Extermination At Beacon's Pete and Toshi Seeger Riverfront Park


The City of Beacon has been contacted by the Air National Guard out of Stewart Air Force Base, requesting to remove an estimated 63 Canada geese from Pete and Toshi Seeger Riverfront Park in Beacon, just north of the Metro-North train station. (50 geese were mentioned during the Workshop Meeting to the City Council on 6/24/2019). The possible removal plan would exterminate them, then serve them as food at food banks. “Goose removal is part of their airport safety to prevent another US Airways Flight 1549 event,” according to a memorandum/proposal submitted by Beacon’s City Administrator, Anthony Ruggiero, MPA.

That flight event happened in 2009 in New York City, when pilots Chesley Sullenberger and Jeffrey Skiles glided a plane into the Hudson River after a flock of geese flew into the engines. Geese are large flocking birds. “That’s why they present such a hazard to the flying aircraft,” said one of the presenters of the program during the Beacon meeting. It is estimated that there are 230,000 Canada geese now in New York state, and the New York State DEC has set 85,000 Canada geese as the preferred number.

Presenting this program were Kenneth E. Eggleston, Biological Science Technician with the USDA APHIS Wildlife Services; Ken Cruiser, Eastern District Supervisor with USDA Wildlife Services; and Lieutenant Colonel Cooper, Chief of Safety at Stewart International Guard Base and Instructional Pilot C17.

Councilperson Terry Nelson asked if this program was in response to a specific incident at Stewart. Lieutenant Colonel Cooper answered: “At Stewart, just with the military aircraft, we only fly about six times a week. We average a bird strike every month. Total cost to the Air Force since ’94 or ’95 has been about $580,000.”

Is Exterminating The Geese The Only Way To Remove Them?

Other methods to reduce the number of geese include rubbing the eggs with oil, which prevents air exchange to the embryo, thus ending the embryo’s life cycle.

According to the presenters, geese live an average of 26 years. Mating age for females is 3 years old. At that age, the female geese tend to return to the place they where they hatched, and lay their own eggs. A female Canada goose can birth 100 baby geese (goslings) in her lifetime.

Other methods in use include habitat management, like putting grid systems over the ponds at Stewart. Relocation of herded geese wasn’t recommended as an option, as the geese prefer to stay where they are, and are known to return to where they were born or had resided.

Councilperson Amber Grant asked for data as to the effectiveness of this deterrent. Non-lethal methods such as harassment by dogs, lasers, and pyrotechnical approaches pushes birds out three miles, which the presenters did not think would be enough. Councilperson Grant also asked about safety of consuming the birds, wild animals who have not had any kind of disease prevention. Presenter Ken answered that wild animals are known to be eaten by hunters and “others.”

Has Goose Removal Happened Elsewhere?

In a response to a question asked by Councilperson George Mansfield, other municipalities have exercised this removal method, but the presenters at the meeting would not disclose which municipalities, citing privacy.

Regarding Long Dock Park (just to the south of Pete and Toshi Seeger Riverfront Park), owned by Scenic Hudson, the presenters have reached out to Scenic Hudson and left messages, but Scenic Hudson has not returned their calls, according to the presenters.

Why Now To Take The Geese?

According to the presenters, now is the preferred time to round up the geese, as they are going through a “molting” phase, where they lose their primary flight feathers, essentially grounding them from flight for three weeks around the summer solstice. While the birds cannot fly, they are herded into a penned area, placed into poultry crates, and brought to facilities to exterminate and process them into food. Goose meat is then brought to food shelters in the region for people to eat as part of hot meals.

Prevention Of Geese, And The Outcome

Ongoing prevention of Canada geese at Pete and Toshi Seeger Riverfront Park was not discussed. There is a known problem of excessive amounts of goose poop at that park. Dogs on leashes are banned at Pete and Toshi Seeger Riverfront Park. Which is contrary to the allowance of dogs at other public parks in New York State and in New York City, where people are accustomed to bringing dogs on leashes. Dogs are allowed on leashes at Long Dock Park. While geese can pose problems to dogs when they are threatened, perhaps the consideration of leashed dogs can be entertained, at the very least, to curb some goose poop.

While most members of the City Council were not comfortable with the extermination, the decision would not need a resolution in order to move forward. (Translation: Councilpeople would not be voting on this; it would only need a signature on a form.) According to the City Manager, this program has not occurred in Beacon in years past, “to the best of my knowledge,” he responded by email to A Little Beacon Blog’s inquiry. But “the City Council was not in favor,” he responded by email.

UPDATE 6/25/2019: A Little Beacon Blog received confirmation the day after this proposal at the 6/24/2019 City Council Meeting that the proposal to exterminate the geese “will not move forward” according to City Manager Anthony Ruggiero. The City Manager has also confirmed that the geese are not pegged to be relocated. Such a relocation would need city approval, he said.

EDIT 6/25/19: In the first version of this article, this goose was referred to as “Canadian.” A reader wrote in to let us know that the bird is called the Canada goose. That word has been edited.

RELATED GEESE NEWS, 6/26/2019: Larchmont, down in Westchester, did participate in killing the geese near a pond, as reported by the Larchmont Loop. The business was contracted by private citizens and the municipality approved access to public property to carry out the taking of the geese.

Muslims Celebrate Eid In Beacon For End Of Ramadan

Photo Credit: Junior ZayEd

Photo Credit: Junior ZayEd

Junior Zayed pictured with his daughters, who decided to dress up, including scarves, during Ramadan. Photo Credit: Junior Zayed

Junior Zayed pictured with his daughters, who decided to dress up, including scarves, during Ramadan.
Photo Credit: Junior Zayed

Today was a celebration of the end of Ramadan for Muslims, and the community was celebrating and praying in Beacon. Said one local, Junior Zayed in his Instagram along with this photo pictured above: “We live in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. We would like to thank the City of Beacon Police Department for being here with us while we pray in peace in our place of worship with our families, friends and community.”

More About Eid: Izzy Tells Us

To learn more about Eid, we reached out to A Little Beacon Blog writer Izdihar Dabashi. She explains what Beacon Muslims have been doing today, and why: “Muslims have two Eid holidays: Today is Eid Al-Fitr, which is the first day to break fast following the holy month of Ramadan. Eid Al-Fitr celebrates the completion of Ramadan. We start the day by praying at the mosque for Allah (God) to accept our fast, charity, and good deeds during Ramadan. Each Muslim person donates money to the poor, and it’s common for people to send money to feed the poor or slaughter (in a humane and clean method, which makes it halal) a lamb to feed the poor. Eid is spent with family, some of us go to the park, others to restaurants, some choose to just stay at home and have family over.

“Muslims in Beacon prayed the Eid prayer around 9:30 am today. The Beacon Police actually parked across the street from Masjid Ar-Rashid to keep watch over the mosque. Many of us greatly appreciate their efforts and peaceful involvement in the Muslim community.”

According to Izdihar, if you are passing someone who is recognizing the day, you could say to them: “Eid Mubarak” or even just “Happy Eid.”

More About Ramadan

We invited Izdihar to explain Ramadan in her own words, to help connect the holidays:

“Ramadan is the holy month of Islam. It is a month of fast from sunrise to sundown. Muslims not only restrain from food and drink, but also from unnecessary distractions to your faith and community such as music, excessive attention to appearance and/or TV, etc.

“During this month, your fast will not be accepted if you are unkind to someone, use foul language, rude or aggressive behavior, etc. You try to limit bad deeds, and focus on consistently committing good deeds. It is a month meant to be experienced in peace, and connect you to Allah (God) as well as the people around you.

“Muslims donate food and money to the poor. Some will try to focus on a family to actively feed. Each night, Muslims who are able to make it to the mosque after sundown will pray Ramadan prayers to ask for forgiveness, peace and relief in the world, and whatever else an individual would like to pray for.

“The purpose of Ramadan is to connect you to your faith, and community. It teaches a Muslim empathy for the hungry, and makes them conscious of their role in community and earth in general. A proper Muslim role is meant to be filled with peace, generosity, kindness, and humbleness.”

Open Letter From I Am Beacon Re Mental Health Information In Dutchess County

The week before the Rock Out 4 Mental Health concert, Brooke Simmons from I Am Beacon circulated this Open Letter to all of her contacts, in the hopes that it would reach far and wide. We are publishing it here as well to help make that happen:

Rock Out 4 Mental Health-Open Letter.jpg

Dear Neighbors, Allies, Friends, and Family,

As we celebrate our veterans this Memorial Day weekend and close out Mental Health Awareness month this May, please take a moment to reflect on your service to the community.

In recent years, we seen far too many families fractured by issues related to mental health.

With 1 in 5 adults in the U.S. experiencing a mental illness and 50% of all cases beginning by age 14 it is critical that begin to recognize mental health impacts us all.

When it comes to the Hudson Valley, it is our belief that our area is services rich yet information poor.

Despite the valiant efforts of many organizations addressing mental health there is a lack of awareness and knowledge which result in many in our community being left to suffer in silence.

With our upcoming event, Rock Out 4 Mental Health, it is our vision to bridge the gap between the community and available services in order to highlight the importance of knowing where to go for help and to empower individuals to take action in order to help themselves or others.

In addition to learning about services, there will also be free, walk-up NARCAN training providing by Dutchess County giving all participants the ability to be certified in administering this life saving treatment.

I Am Beacon believes in the power of a collaborative effort to address issues impacting our community.

It is my ask of you, to come out on June 1st 12PM– 4PM at Pete & Toshi Seeger Riverfront Park - Beacon, NY.

Join us in ending the silence and taking the first step toward a better tomorrow for all Hudson Valley residents.

With gratitude and many thanks,
Brooke M. Simmons, I Am Beacon
***Please note Rain Date: Sunday, June 2

When A Stranger Walks Through Your Door - Who Needs Mental Health Help - And The Concert Is Saturday


Last Friday, while in the midst of our weekly deadline for getting out the Happening This Weekend newsletter, a woman walked into A Little Beacon Blog's office, looking for help. She thought it was the substance abuse center, Lexington Center for Recovery (though she couldn’t remember the name and had contact information for a totally different organization), that had been located down Main Street, that is now becoming an apartment building. She saw the Rock Out 4 Mental Health flyer on our door, and the logos of mental health agencies who are helping make it happen, and thought she was in the right place.

She hadn't slept for days. Her accent was unfamiliar. The urgent problem she was trying to get help for - keeping her husband alive (he was currently in the hospital after almost dying of alcoholism, and she feared him coming home because she didn't know what to do with him to keep him safe) - made it so that she talked very fast, with hopelessness. Her sentences zig-zagged with what she needed, making it hard to find a thread to follow to work on a solution. She'd given up hope of finding help from Beacon and any other resource, and didn't know where to go.

Sometimes a situation happens, and you ask yourself: "Am I to be learning something from this? What is the message?" It became an opportunity for us to navigate the world of mental health resources, with a real person, really suffering. A Little Beacon Blog agreed to help with the Rock Out 4 Mental Health concert because it was an opportunity to meet the players, to talk to the people on the other side of the phone or email or website. To make them more real, and understand what they offer. That concert happens this Saturday (unless it rains, then it’ll be on Sunday) at Pete and Toshi Seeger Riverfront Park from 12 to 4 pm. It's free, and there will be mozzarella sticks (and other food like sausage), live music, and specialists in the areas of mental health.

Meanwhile, back in the office on a Friday afternoon of Memorial Weekend, we called the Dutchess County Help Line. They answered, but our questions quickly multiplied. When you're at the beginning of a research journey navigating hospitals, counseling, rehab centers, it's a lot. We called a personal friend who works deep in the world of mental health, and she quickly referred us to Family Services in Beacon on Henry Street, and to the MHA in the DMV Building on Main Street, and to Grace Smith House if the woman felt too afraid to be home, plus they may be able to give her guidance if she were to go there. Another friend recommended NAMI if she needed an advocate or counselor to help her navigate the medical areas where she was encountering hurdles, while trying to figure out what to do with her addicted husband who had just had a blood transfusion and was a hot potato in the hospital - she didn't want him released, yet they were done with their medical procedures.

In the end - for that hour - we encouraged her to walk to Family Services which is nearby, and see what they tell her next. In-person research is so important. We then highly encouraged her to go home and get some rest, because sleep deprivation causes its own problems. She first headed across the street to the grocery store to get cat food, and then to Family Services. Hopefully she felt a little more hope in her quest.

Come to the concert this weekend. You'll get to hear The Costellos, Noetic, Dilson Hernandez, Tony E., Charge the Mound, Russ St. George, Jerry Kitzrow, DJ Big Will, with sound by Tony ‘Pops’ DeMarco. You never know when you or someone you know or don't know needs these services. It's comforting to put faces to organizations.

2019 Memorial Day Parade and Service in Beacon, NY

The Dutchess Reformed Church of Beacon, 1113 Wolcott Avenue (9D). Photo Credit: Google

The Dutchess Reformed Church of Beacon, 1113 Wolcott Avenue (9D).
Photo Credit: Google

To participate in remembrances and to show appreciation for those who served, you can attend Beacon’s Memorial Day Parade at 1pm (lineup at 12pm noon at City Hall on 9D). The parade stages on 9D (Wolcott Avenue) and goes on Main Street.

The Memorial Service will be after the parade at approximately 2pm or 2:15pm, “To give everyone a chance to get here,” says parade organizer Tony Lasseter. Beacon’s Memorial Building at 413 Main Street (across from Chase Bank).

Beacon’s Memorial Building, 413 Main Street, Beacon, NY. Photo Credit: Katie Hellmuth Martin

Beacon’s Memorial Building, 413 Main Street, Beacon, NY.
Photo Credit: Katie Hellmuth Martin

Applications Open For Dia Teens Art Program - Free For All Participants

High school students are able to enroll in this summer’s Dia Teens Art Program (online application is here), a free program for all participants that includes lunches, snacks, materials, and in-program transportation. Dia Teens is a program that offers young people the space, freedom, and support to make their ideas real. The deadline for applying is Sunday, May 26, 2019.

Teens collaborate with others, including an appointed artist-in-residence “artist ally,” to work on original, self-directed projects. In addition to art-making, teens learn and practice skills related to critical thinking and self-expression. They will identify, question and challenge ideas related to contemporary art.

“Some make art, some channel their creativity in other ways,” according to the online application at Dia Beacon. Fifteen high school students from across the Hudson Valley will be selected. Visiting artists facilitate workshops, participate in discussions, host teens in their studio and gallery spaces, lead critiques, and invite teens to participate in their own projects. Past guest artists include Joëlle Tuerlinckx, Mary Mattingly, and Sal Randolph, as well as teens from the Studio Museum in Harlem, New Museum, and Park Avenue Armory.

The Dia Teens art program lasts all year, with a Summer Intensive from July 8 to August 8, 2019, and picks up again in October 2019 for the entire school year.

Dia Teens is at based at Dia:Beacon, 3 Beekman St., Beacon, New York, 12508. The museum and parking lot overlook the Hudson River. If you haven’t been down there yet, do go. The scenery is incredible.

To apply to Dia Teens: Visit this link. Students must be enrolled in high school.

Deadline: Sunday, May 26, 2019.

Tioronda Garden Club Honors All Beacon Residents Who Have Served With Blue Star Marker Memorial

2019 marks the 90th anniversary of the Tioronda Garden Club. On this occasion, the garden club is proud to donate and present a Blue Star Memorial Marker to the City of Beacon, to honor all Beacon residents who have served and those serving currently to protect the freedom and safety of this nation.

Armed Forces Day - May 18

The ceremony will take place on Armed Forces Day, Saturday, May 18, 2019, at 11 am in front of Beacon City Hall, One Municipal Plaza, Route 9D. Denise Van Buren, First Vice-President General of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) and a Blue Star Mother, will officiate at the dedication ceremony and unveiling.

The Tioronda Garden Club welcomes and encourages the public to join in this extraordinary event honoring all the brave men and women from Beacon who have served, past and present, to protect and preserve this great nation.

Blue Star Marker Program

The history of the Blue Star Marker program began in 1945 when the National Garden Clubs (the Tioronda Garden Club’s parent organization) was seeking a suitable way to honor World War II veterans. In 1951, the program was extended to honor all men and women of service in the armed forces of the United States. Rhode Island was the first state to adopt the memorial marker program, followed within three years by 32 more states. The Blue Star Memorial exists now all across the United States.

The event in Beacon on May 18 marks the first Blue Star Memorial Marker dedicated in Dutchess County. The marker measures 41 inches high by 45 inches wide, with an overall height when erected of 7 feet, 6 inches. It will be installed by the City of Beacon Highway Department.

Take Part in BeaconArts' Upcoming Member Show! Submissions Now Open!


All BeaconArts members are invited to submit artwork for our first annual Member Show at Hudson Beach Gallery (above Hudson Beach Glass) at 162 Main St., Beacon, NY. The exhibition runs Saturday, July 13 to Sunday, August 4, and is curated by Theresa Gooby and Karlyn Benson.

Space is limited, so send your submissions to before Friday, May 24 to guarantee your spot. All mediums are welcome. For complete details and submission guidelines please visit the event’s website.

If you would like to participate, but are not a BeaconArts member or need to renew, please click here to join today.

BeaconArts is a Community Partner of A Little Beacon Blog and is part of our Sponsor Spotlight program. This article was part of their monthly messaging partnership. Thank you for supporting organizations who support us!

Veterans To Get Field Trips and Socialization From Beacon Elks Lodge

The Beacon Elks Lodge #1493 has received the Elks’ Freedom Grant, which will assist local veterans’ mental and physical health by giving veterans the opportunity for a change of scenery, getting out of their living environment and participating in events that require socialization, moving and structure. “This includes taking veterans bowling, fishing, and taking them to movies at no cost to the veteran,” said Robert K. Lanier, Exalted Ruler of Beacon’s Elks Lodge, in a press release about the grant. Additionally, the Elks provide patriotic-themed picnics and lunches.

“The goal is to assist with their physical and mental health, and nutrition; show our appreciation for their service; and assure them that they are not forgotten,” said Robert. The Veterans who the Beacon Elk Lodge participates with of are the Veterans at Castle Point, according to Robert. “We maintain a relationship with the Castle Point Veterans to get them out to these events, such as bowling, BINGO, lunches, movies, etc.

This Beacon Elks Freedom grant was part of a two-part grant of $4,500 that is slated to help veterans, as well as children and adults, by way of servicing food banks, and purchasing educational supplies for local children. You can read more about that here.

How To Hook Up With The Beacon Elks Lodge For Services

Agencies that would like to partner with the Beacon Elks Lodge can send an e-mail to or they can send a letter to the Elks at:

Beacon Elks Lodge #1493
900 Wolcott Avenue
Beacon, NY 12508-4085
ATTN: Community Relations

Several Sponsors Sign On To Support Rock Out 4 Mental Health Concert In Beacon In June

The Roundhouse of Beacon has signed on as the Title Sponsor for the Rock Out 4 Mental Health summer concert, happening on Saturday, June 1, 2019. This show of support for the first year of this event is a big help to getting T-shirts made and helping to make this event possible. One of the first events of its kind, Rock Out 4 Mental Health aims to remove stigma around mental health needs by bringing people physically closer to the resources and services that are available to them in Dutchess County.

Thank you to the rest of the sponsors who have come on thus far, including Gold Level sponsor Key Foods, and Bronze Level Sponsors Aryeh Siegel, Architect; Bob's Auto Repair in Wingdale, N.Y.; HealthQuest; Mid-Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union; Premier Medical Group; People USA; and Tin Shingle.

Only five more Gold Level spots are available, and a handful of Silver Level sponsor spots if you want to get your business behind this event! Click here for details.

Wellness Providers As Vendors At Concert

Vendor spots for wellness providers are still available, and the concert attendees need to know about you! If you are a wellness provider, you can book your spot online here. Food vendors are also welcome! This is a great way to meet new people. There are limited spaces, so do it now.

So far, you’ll be able to interact with the following groups: Astor Services for Children & Families, CAPE, Children's Home of Poughkeepsie, CoveCare Center, Dutchess County Department of Behavioral & Community Health, Empire Concessions, I Am Beacon, Innate Chiropractic (Wappingers Falls), NAMI Mid-Hudson, and People USA.

Getting closer to the big day! It has been a pleasure being on the Planning Committee for this event, and we’re looking forward experiencing the day.

Hydrant Flushing Starts May 6 in Beacon - Here's The Schedule of That Brown Water

With the start of spring comes… hydrant flushing. This is an annual practice by the City of Beacon for helping the water run optimally. Flushing usually stirs up iron and mineral deposits in the city’s waterworks, which can turn the water brown for a brief period. Wait to wash laundry until the water runs clear. It’s a good time to not run any laundry, as stains can happen. Perhaps fold the laundry instead?

If you have any questions, call the city’s Water Department at (845) 831-3136.

Beacon’s Hydrant Flushing Schedule

The City of Beacon Water Department will be flushing water mains throughout the City starting May 6 for a four-week period. The flushing will be conducted from 7 a.m. through 3 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Residents may experience periods of discolored water during this time and should refrain from doing laundry until the water runs clear.

Week 1 – May 6

Alice Street
Anderson Street
Annan Street
Birch Lane
DePuyster Avenue
East Main Street
Exeter Circle
Helen Court
Green Street
Jackson Street
Linden Drive
Louisa Street
Mountain Lane
Overlook Avenue
Petticoat Lane
Phillips Street
Roundtree Court
Robin Lane
Spring Valley Street
Spruce Street
Summit Street
Westley Avenue
William Street
Wilson Street
Vail Avenue

Week 2 – May 13

Barrett Place
Deerfield Place
Delevan Avenue
Dutchess Terrace
Fishkill Avenue
Franklin Avenue
Kent Street
Lincoln Avenue
Mackin Avenue
Memorial Park
Rt. 9D near VanNess
Townsend Street
Verplanck Avenue

Week 3 – May 20

Beskin Place
Coffey Avenue
Ellen Drive
Grandview Avenue
High Goal Lane
John Street
Miller Street
Newlin Mills Road
Paye Street
Rombout Avenue
Simmons Lane
Slocum Road
Sycamore Drive
Wodenethe Drive
Van Dyke Avenue
Victor Road

Week 4 – May 27

Bayview Avenue
Belleford Lane
Branch Street
Dennings Avenue
Fishkill Landing
Long Dock Road
Monell Place
Riverfront Park
Tompkins Avenue
West Main Street

The Hudson River Sloop Clearwater Continuously Finds Microplastics In River; Cheers Cuomo’s Plastic Bag Ban


We received the following notice from Clearwater Communications about the upcoming plastic bag ban, and we thought it would be important to share with our readers. According to News 10, the plastic bags ban will take effect in March 2020 - that is less than a year away! There are concerns about the plastic bags breaking down in the water where they become ‘microplastics,’ often consumed by river and ocean wildlife.

The following is the press release issued by Clearwater Communications in full:

At a press conference on Monday, April 22, at Clearwater’s Kingston Home Port and Education Center at the Hudson River Maritime Museum, Governor Cuomo announced his signing of legislation banning single-use plastic bags in New York State. The Governor made the announcement beside Rondout Creek to an audience of reporters and environmental groups including Clearwater, Riverkeeper, Scenic Hudson and the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation.

“Microplastics” Consumed By River and Ocean Wildlife

Plastic bags have long plagued the Hudson River’s ecology, and they are a major contributor to the global ecological crisis posed by plastic pollution in the world’s rivers and oceans. Often confused for food by freshwater and marine animals, plastic bags and other plastic debris do not biodegrade. Instead, these materials break down into microscopic pieces of plastic, or “microplastics” that are consumed and bioaccumulate in fish, mammals, and birds throughout the aquatic food chain.  

“We are very concerned about the accumulation of microplastics in our waterways and fish,” said Erik Fyfe, Education Director for Clearwater. “As part of our education programs, we collect plankton from the river to show our students, and for at least the last five years, whenever we look at the plankton under a microscope we see microplastics in the water.”

More Than Just Plastic Bags

New York’s new plastic bag ban will help reduce the amount of plastic in the Hudson. Additional work is needed to address other common sources of microplastic pollution, such as synthetic clothing, cosmetics, cleaning products and air blasting media. 

“We pull plastic waste from the Hudson every day during the sailing season, whether we’re under way or not. All of it would otherwise break down into microplastics, which wind up in the water, in the fish and in anyone that eats the fish.” said Clearwater Executive Director Greg Williams. “We’re delighted Gov. Cuomo is signing the plastic bag ban bill, and is taking the opportunity to recognize environmental advocacy organizations in the process.”

The Hudson River Sloop Clearwater has dedicated the last 50 years to preserving, protecting and educating about the health of the Hudson. The Clearwater sailing crew removes trash from the river on their voyages from Albany down to New York City. 

About Hudson River Sloop Clearwater

Launched in 1969 by legendary folk singer and activist Pete Seeger, Hudson River Sloop Clearwater has been at the forefront of the environmental movement as champions of the Hudson River. To date, more than half a million people have experienced their first real look at an estuary’s ecosystem aboard the sloop Clearwater. Clearwater has become the grassroots model for producing positive changes to protect our planet. For more information, visit

New Summer Concert Unites Mental Health Resources With Community | Top Sponsor & Vendor Spots Available Now!

The “Rock Out 4 Mental Health” flyer. Room for sponsor logos if you sign up in time!

The “Rock Out 4 Mental Health” flyer. Room for sponsor logos if you sign up in time!

When Brandon Lillard, a founding board member of I Am Beacon, and best known by Beacon High School alums as the original “Mr. Beacon High,” asked me to be part of the planning for I Am Beacon’s second major awareness project for mental health, the ”Rock Out 4 Mental Health” Concert on Saturday, June 1, 2019 at Pete and Toshi Seeger Riverfront Park, I said yes immediately.

As a mother of young children, I want to make sure they have a safe space to express their minds. As a new mother in general, I see and experience the mental health challenges that any parent faces. As a person living in Beacon, I have learned from my friends involved in mental health support about challenges that any person can face at any time. Removing the stigma about that is important to me, and as a blogger, I want to improve awareness of mental health support services that are available locally. That’s part of why I started A Little Beacon Blog - to get the word out about what is happening and available here.

The planning for this event would be fast, but we could do it. I Am Beacon’s first outreach project for mental health awareness was and continues to be the yellow ribbons campaign on Main Street, carried out with NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Mid-Hudson. You’ll be seeing those ribbons again this year.

Bringing Resources and People Closer Together Through Music

This concert was created as a vibrant and hopeful hub where people can get closer to organizations who provide a variety of mental health services. The aim is to bring these services to people who may not have otherwise known about them. Usually service events like this are at school functions on a random Wednesday night (I went to one!). Now, the whole family can come and enjoy being by the Hudson River rocking out to music, and getting to know these local services who have changed the lives of so many.

You’ll be rocking out to The Costellos, Noetic, Tony E., Dilson Hernandez, and Charge the Mound while your Co-MCs for the day, Reuben Simmons and Himali Pandya, Special Projects Manager for Astor Services for Children and Families, introduce you to the mental health resource providers who are available to meet during the day. (Insider scoop: Himali’s husband will be performing with his band at the concert)

Here’s Where Your Part Comes In

“Rock Out 4 Mental Health” is currently seeking the following sponsor and vendor opportunities, but time is limited. We will be putting sponsors on the flyer, then printing it and distributing it, so we need to know who’s in for sponsorship! My design agency, Katie James, Inc. and lead designer Allie Bopp designed the flyer, banner, logo and other branding assets, so I have a tiny say on when these go to print (but we can’t wait long!).

Title Sponsor: Only one spot available. The Title Sponsor gets their logo on the banner that will be hanging above Main Street as we get closer to the event, and on T-shirts. We can only print T-shirts if we have a title sponsor. Will your business be the reason we can make the shirts? Claim it here >
Must sign up within the week for print deadline!

Gold Sponsor: Only six available. These sponsors get their logos printed on the flyer, which will be distributed in Beacon and beyond. Logo also included on the event program. Claim it here >
Must sign up within the week for print deadline!

Silver Sponsor: More available, and includes logo on the event website. You have a bit more time on this one, since we are adding your logo to the “Rock Out 4 Mental Health” website. Claim it here >

Bronze Sponsor: Awesomeness. Great for businesses who want to show their support for Mental Health awareness and accessibility. Claim it here >

Vendor Opportunities: Food vendors are welcome, and businesses who provide a wellness-related product or service to people are invited to have a vendor spot down at Pete and Toshi Seeger Riverfront Park. Only 15-20 spots available. Food and business vendors can register here. Nonprofit organizations can have a spot for free and can register here.

These community projects are what keep Beacon enriched with the depth of community it is known for, and keep Beacon an ongoing advocate for people’s well-being.

Thank you to the following sponsors and vendors who have signed on so far!


Astor Services for Children & Families
Children's Home of Poughkeepsie
NAMI Mid-Hudson
CoveCare Center
DC Dept of Behavioral & Community Health
People USA
Empire Concessions
I Am Beacon


Premier Medical Group
MidHudson Valley Federal Credit Union
People USA

Why This Concert? Why Now?

When it comes to Mental Health, it is our belief that the Hudson Valley is ‘services-rich yet information-poor.’ Despite the valiant efforts of many organizations, there is a lack of awareness and knowledge which result in many in our community being left to suffer in silence.
— Mission Statement of Rock Out 4 Mental Health

One of the creators behind the event is Reuben Simmons, a founding board member of I Am Beacon, along with his sister, Brooke Simmons, and Brandon Lillard. Reuben grew up in Beacon, volunteering to clean up its streets in his youth, and co-created I Am Beacon to keep opportunities like this available to the people.


Says Reuben of the inspiration to create the “Rock Out 4 Mental Health” concert: “After attending the City of Beacon’s Workshop in December 2018 which discussed the opioid crisis in our area, I felt an obligation as a community leader to do more. I have attended many conferences all over the country in my time as a labor leader, and heard the opioid crisis happening in many communities all over. Hearing the same issues from professionals like Beacon’s Police Chief and Dutchess County’s Behavior and Community Department at the workshop got me to start brainstorming on what could be done to help. Help promote services, help end the stigma, help educate people.”

Helpline For Everyone

“We hope to reach as many Dutchess County residents as possible to inform them about the many resources available for help and support. The Dutchess County Helpline and the Stabilization Center are available to residents 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There is always someone available who can help,” says Jean-Marie Niebuhr, Prevention and Harm Reduction Coordinator.

If you take anything away from this event, or knowing about this event, know this: The Dutchess County Helpline. Available to anyone to use at any time, 24/7. Use it as an information center to find other resources: CALL or TEXT 845-485-9700.

Call or text any time to talk live to a qualified mental health professional. Regardless of the issue, the HELPLINE will provide counseling or link you to services.