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10/3/2022 Beacon City Council Meeting

Main Link To Entire Agenda

October 3, 2022
7:00 PM
City Council Agenda

Call to Order

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call

Public Comment

Reports: Mayor, City Council, and City Administrator

Presentation of the 2023 Proposed Operating Budget

Local Laws and Resolutions

  1. Resolution No. 123 - Appointing Bruce Flower to the Position of Building Inspector II

  2. Resolution No. 124 - Endorsing a Study of the Beacon Rail Line as a Multi-Use Trail

  3. Resolution No. 125 - Adopting a Negative Declaration for the Proposed Highway Garage Solar Project

  4. Resolution No. 126 - Certifying Base Percentages and Proportions for Homestead and NonHomestead Taxes for the 2022 Assessment Roll

  5. Resolution No. 127 - Adopting a Proposed Local Law to Amend Chapter 223 of the Code of the City of Beacon Regarding Off-Street Parking Adjacent to Non-Residential Districts

  6. Resolution No. 128 - Supporting a Feasibility Study of Public Composting as Part of the TenYear Dutchess County Local Solid Waste Management Plan

Approval of Minutes

  1. September 19, 2022 City Council Minutes

Executive Session

  1. Executive Session
