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5/17/2021 City Council Meeting

May 17, 2021
City Council Agenda

Call to Order

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call

Public Comment: The public is invited to comment on any topic other than that which is scheduled for a public hearing.

Notice of Change In Meeting Location May 17, 2021

Community Segment: Mental Health Services Presentation

Reports: City Council, Mayor, and City Administrator

1. Resolution to Appoint Provisionally Edward Balicki as Superintendent of Water and Sewers

2. Resolution Appointing Police Officer Thomas Durkin as Detective

3. Resolution Amending the 2021 General Fund Budget

4. Resolution Authorizing the City Administrator to Sign a Memorandum of Agreement (No. 2021-

013) with the Civil Service Employees' Association, Local 1000

5. Resolution Authorizing the City Administrator to Sign a Contract (No. 2021-014) with Cintas

Corporation for Leachate Disposal

6. Resolution Authorizing the City Administrator to Sign a Contract (No. 2021 - 015) with TAM

Enterprises, Inc. for Leachate Disposal

7. Resolution Adopting a Proposed Local Law to Amend Chapter 5, Section 8 and Chapter 159,

Section 3 of the Code of the City of Beacon to Change the Name of the Commission on

Human Relations to the Commission on Human Rights

Approval of Minutes

City Council Meeting Minutes May 3, 2021

2nd Opportunity for Public Comments.

Executive Session

