3/11/2024 Planning Board Meeting

Main Link To Entire Agenda
Len Warner
Karen Quiana
Kevin Byrne
Donna Francis
J. Randall Williams
David Jensen
Chair John Gunn

March 11, 2025
7:00 PM
Planning Board Agenda

The Planning Board will meet in the Municipal Center Courtroom at 7:00 p.m. A work session will take place at 7:00 p.m. for a training workshop, discussion of agenda items and/or topics of interest to the Planning Board. The regular meeting will begin immediately thereafter, but no later than 7:30p.m.

Approval of February 11, 2024, minutes

Regular Meeting

  1. Continue public hearing for SEQRA and Site Plan Approval and continue review of application for Site Plan and Subdivision Approval, Mixed-Use Commercial and Residential, 45 Beekman Street, High Street, and High Street, submitted by Beekman Arts Center LLC and Bay Ridge Studios LLC.

    2. Public hearing and continue review of application for Site Plan Approval, Mixed-Use Commercial and Residential, 291 Main Street, submitted by Telephone Building Beacon, LLC.

    3. Public hearing and review of application for Amended Site Plan Approval, Addition to existing funeral home, 2 Beekman Street, submitted by Crossix LLC.

    4. Continue review of applications for Site Plan Approval and Subdivision Approval, Mixed-Use Commercial Use and Residential, 420-430 Fishkill Avenue, submitted by DKH Realty, LLC.

    5. Review of applications for Amended Special Use Permit and Amended Site Plan, hotel and restaurant, 1113 Wolcott Avenue, submitted by Prophecy Theater, LLC. (the old Dutchess Reformed Church)

    6. Review of application for Subdivision Approval, Residential, 74 Anderson Street, submitted by Sadhna Gupta.

Architectural Review

  1. 1. Certificate of Appropriateness 544 Main Street; Sign

    2. Certificate of Appropriateness 207 Main Street; Sign

    3. Certificate of Appropriateness 39 Mountain Lane; New Single-Family House

    4. Certificate of Appropriateness 17-19 South Avenue; Facade

Miscellaneous Business

1. City Council request to review proposed Local Law concerning use regulations for drive through facilities and self-storage businesses.

2. City Council request to review proposed Local Law to amend the city zoning map concerning East Main Street.

2/11/2024 Planning Board Meeting

Main Link To Entire Agenda
Len Warner
Karen Quiana
Kevin Byrne
Donna Francis
J. Randall Williams
David Jensen
Chair John Gunn

February 11, 2025
7:00 PM
Planning Board Agenda

The Planning Board will meet in the Municipal Center Courtroom at 7:00 p.m. A work session will take place at 7:00 p.m. for a training workshop, discussion of agenda items and/or topics of interest to the Planning Board. The regular meeting will begin immediately thereafter, but no later than 7:30 p.m.

Approval of December 10, 2024, minutes

Approval of January 14, 2025, minutes

Regular Meeting

  1. Public hearing for Site Plan Approval and continue review of application for Site Plan and Subdivision Approval, Mixed-Use Commercial and Residential, 45 Beekman Street, High Street, and High Street, submitted by Beekman Arts Center LLC and Bay Ridge Studios LLC.

  2. Public hearing and continue review of applications for Site Plan Approval and Subdivision Approval, Mixed-Use Commercial Use and Residential, 420-430 Fishkill Avenue, submitted by DKH Realty, LLC. - Proposed Dunkin’ Donuts with apartments above.

  3. Continue review of application for Site Plan Approval, Mixed-Use Commercial and Residential, 291 Main Street, submitted by Telephone Building Beacon, LLC.

  4. Review of applications for Amended Special Use Permit and Amended Site Plan, hotel and restaurant, 1113 Wolcott Avenue, submitted by Prophecy Theater, LLC.

  5. Review of application for Amended Site Plan Approval, Addition to existing funeral home, 2 Beekman Street, submitted by Crossix LLC. - Riverview Funeral Home by Halvey

  6. Review of applications of Site Plan Approval and Special Use Permit, hotel and restaurant, 1064 Wolcott Avenue, submitted by JMARKMNG, LLC. - Rose Hill Manor, to be turned into a hotel/restaurant/spa for guests.

Architectural Review

  1. Certificate of Appropriateness 161 Main Street; Sign (old location of Lorraine Tyne, becoming The Floral Society)

  2. Certificate of Appropriateness 173 Main Street; Sign (old Reserva Wine Bar, becoming Estilo Y Vino Wine Bar)

  3. Certificate of Appropriateness 465 Main Street; Facade and Sign (Brothers Trattoria)