City Wide Yard Sale Well Stocked as Ever!

Rain fell the entire week leading up to this year's City Wide Yard Sale. But hours before starting, the clouds parted, stopped drizzling, and the yard sales were out!

This year we went on foot, stopping at a yard sale behind Beacon Barkery to find a pink raincoat and matching rubber boots for $5. Onward we forged to fuel up at Culture for their delicious lattes (for my friend...I'd already fueled up at home thanks to my aero press from Mountain Tops that I love).

We found more sales on Beacon and S.Walnut, that had these craft supplies, cute trade paperback books, windows with glass for projects, porch lights still in the box, so much.

Cars and pickup trucks drive by, usually with a man in the driver's seat scouting and a woman jumping out to scavenger before his truck can fully stop. Usually the yard sales offer lemonade and are dotted all over Beacon, from residential streets, to even a cat hospital in the woods! Some specialize in certain things like tools or baby gear, but all offer many things you forgot you needed.

It's one of my favorite weekends in June.

Did you go? What did you find?