Arrested Arson Suspect of 925 Wolcott Avenue Fire Was Scheduled For Eviction Hearing Day Of Fire
/The house at 925 Wolcott Avenue once known as “The Gate House,” and known for being a boarding house, has been demolished after being allegedly set on fire by previous tenant.
As first reported by the Highlands Current, 56 year old Brian P. Atkinson, who has been arrested for arson for the fire of the boarding home at 925 Wolcott Avenue on Tuesday, January 3, 2023, was due in Beacon City Court that same day for an eviction hearing, as stated in court records obtained by the Highlands Current. The fire destroyed the house and caused heat damage to two neighboring houses. 925 Wolcott has since been demolished, one day after the fire.
The newspaper reported: “According to court records, Atkinson was scheduled to be in City Court on Tuesday for eviction proceedings which had been filed against him for non-payment of rent on Dec. 21 by the building’s landlord.” It is not clear yet for how long the non-payment of rent is being disputed.
As told to A Little Beacon Blog by the building’s current owner, who stated that he purchased the building 6 months ago, there was no one living in the building at the time of the fire, including Brian.
According to the Beacon Police in a press release, the building was “unoccupied as it was currently under construction.” The Beacon Police also said Brian was “undomiciled.”
According to reporting by Mid Hudson News, construction on the house had been stopped by the City of Beacon. ALBB awaits comment from the City of Beacon’s Building Inspector Bruce Flower or City Administrator Chris White on that reporting.