The Lease For Poughkeepsie's Social Security Office Listed On DOGE Wall Of Receipts For Savings

The Social Security Office in Poughkeepsie has made the DOGE Wall of Receipts, as first reported by WAMC. The lease for it, listed at $359,135/year, is slated to end July 31, 2025. It is one of 47 Social Security offices that are on list thus far.

Lease for the Poughkeepsie, NY Social Security office on the DOGE website.

White Plains' lease, valued at $511,908, is scheduled to end on May 31, 2025. The DOGE website says that the Lease termination notice was sent on 1/29/2025. DOGE projects the savings to be $262,689. It is not clear who is feeling this savings, since people cannot access a service at the office they paid for with their taxes.

Lease for the White Plains, NY Social Security office on the DOGE website.

The Social Security office in Horseheads, NY is also on the list, valued at $311,690 and a "savings" is listed for $1,558,450. The note on that "receipt" is: "Agency response on no longer a need for space provided by Portfolio. This payment assumes a 5-year continuation of the lease."

Lease for the Horseheads, NY Social Security office on the DOGE website.

Says Senator Rob Rolison who represents Beacon and used to be the Mayor of Poughkeepsie is quoted by WAMC as having said: "The public, they have a right to have clear and accurate information as it relates to government services. It’s like, ‘Maybe we’re gonna plow the roads today, or maybe [not]?' It’s not fair. Savings are great, especially when it comes to government. But when we’re talking about Social Security, people deserve better."

Or people deserve what they are currently paying for.

The Social Security office in Newburgh closed last June 2024. While the initial closure notice that was given for the Poughkeepsie office was that it was going to be temporary and done for renovations, there is no evidence of renovations having taken place. The phone number to the Poughkeepsie office routes in a robotic circle, eventually landing a caller in West Nyack, the office for which is also temporarily closed for renovations. According to WAMC, the Kingston Social Security office closed for "temporary renovations" years ago and never reopened.

Congressman Pat Ryan, whose district includes Beacon, has been suspicious of the renovations. Congressman Ryan spoke with WAMC last Friday, saying that this closure is what he feared: "“This will deeply harm so many of my constituents, so many people in the Hudson Valley that count on being able to go to an office to access the benefits that they have worked their whole lives to earn."

As reported by WAMC: "New York Attorney General Letitia James sent a letter to Acting SSA Commissioner Lee Dudek this week asking him to reconsider closing the hub, which serves as a central point the Hudson Valley. James says the White Plains office currently has a backlog of roughly 2,000 cases, and that ‘eliminating the office would exacerbate the problem and harm even more vulnerable New Yorkers.’”

Closing these buildings feels like when the Post Offices were closing or experiencing severe staff reductions, including at the Beacon location.

Currently, the offices in Peekskill or Middletown are the closest to Beacon.

City Of Beacon's Building Inspector Bruce Flower Resigns; A Look At 2 Questionable Situations He Was Involved In

City of Beacon’s Building Inspector to leave position for Town of Poughkeepsie.

The City of Beacon’s Building Inspector, Bruce Flower, is leaving Beacon for his former area of employment in the Town of Poughkeepsie, as was announced during the City Council Workshop Meeting on 1/27/2025.

There are at least two questionable incidents in Beacon that Bruce is connected to:

  • Community Re-Development: Bruce was responsible for recommending that an intentionally burned down boarding house be rebuilt to accomodate one family instead of 9 apartments, as it was slated to do before the arson during an affordable housing crisis. Neighbors of the boarding house at 925 Wolcott Avenue demanded that the boarding house be rezoned to a single-family home because they didn’t like the renters or the owner, as evidenced in their letters to Beacon’s Zoning Board. ALBB has not looked into how many of the opposing neighbors also run AirBnBs or are in favor of short-term rentals in single-family homes. Bruce’s interpretation of the law did strip the zoning from the boarding house. This interpretation potentially incentives arson or destruction of a property by 50% or more in order to nullify its current zoning status, should an owner or third party want to do that.

  • Personal Persecution: Bruce encouraged Sun River Health management to file a Misdemeanor Complaint against the chalk artist Ryan Manzi who chalked “Free Palestine” onto the back of their building on Main Street (which faces Main Street), as per the Misdemeanor Complaint that ALBB has seen.

Both of these topics are explored in this article. To gain context, this article includes a look at the history of Building Inspectors in Beacon since 2018, when Tim Dexter abruptly retired as Building Inspector in 2018.

Bruce Flower joined the City of Beacon as Building Inspector II in October 2022, leaving his job of 18 years as Deputy Building Inspector for the Town of Poughkeepsie, according to Beacon’s City Administrator Chris White at the 1/27/2025 Workshop Meeting. While the numeral II is in the title, it does not mean that there are 2 Building Inspectors, as City Administrator Chris explained when a Councilmember asked him at the 2/3/2025 City Council Meeting.

Dave Buckley was Beacon’s Building Inspector when Bruce came in. Dave started as Acting Building Inspector in January 2019 when Tim Dexter retired at the end of 2018. While Dave was to be “Acting,” his temporary position as Building Inspector lasted for 2 years. After Tim Dexter retired in November 2018, Mayor Randy Casale’s appointee, George Kolb Jr., ended up declining the job in January 2019 after accepting it in November 2018. That contributed to Dave Buckley being in his position 2 years longer as Acting Building Inspector.

One of the issues Tim Dexter was most known for in Beacon was his handling of proposed legalization of AirBnB apartments. He stuck to his interpretation of zoning requirements to require an egress window or sprinkler system be in residential units that were to be officially recognized as permitted AirBnB units in Beacon. These fire-safety installations can be an expensive fire-safety investment for homeowners who are trying to offer short term rentals for additional income. This was widely pushed back on by Beacon homeowners seeking legal recognition of their AirBnB short-term rentals.

The egress window or sprinkler system requirement was later reversed by the next Acting Building Inspector, Dave Buckley, who had been the Deputy Building Inspector at the time. As Acting Building Inspector, Dave interpreted the law differently, saying that short-term rentals could be designated as “accessory use,” which would not require homeowners to have egress windows or sprinkler systems in order to acquire their short-term rental permit.

In 2022, Mayor Lee and City Administrator Chris White tried to bring Tim Dexter back onto the City of Beacon’s payroll as a consultant for the construction of the multi-million dollar new firehouse. This was briefly discussed publicly, but never brought to an official appointment after information about Tim Dexter was submitted to the then new City Council, according to Jason Hughes, a Beacon business owner of The Yard. Therefore, Dave Buckley remained on as Acting Building Inspector until Cory Wirthmann was appointed in July 2023.

Enter Cory Wirthmann

Beacon hired Cory Wirthmann as Deputy Building Inspector, in July 2023. Cory also co-owns the olive oil shop on Main Street, Scarborough Fare, producers of delicious infused olive oils and other culinary items. Cory is also the fire chief in New Palz. Now that Bruce is leaving, Beacon’s City Administrator Chris is recommending that Cory Wirthmann be appointed to Acting Building Inspector when Bruce leaves while they search the civil service list for an applicant match.

What Does The Building Inspector Do?

The Building Inspector interprets zoning laws along with the City Attorney and at times, with the City Council. The Building Inspector interacts with the Beacon community when he or she speaks with business owners or homeowners about any zoning or safety issues that may arise.

While Cory has been in Beacon since July 2023, it seems as though Beacon’s City Council has never met Cory before. During the 1/27/2025 City Council Workshop Meeting, Councilmember Molly Rhodes asked City Administrator Chris if the Council could meet Cory. “If he does become Acting Head or Head, if we're able to meet him either as a public session or Executive Session just to kind of get to know him as we did with Bruce. Kind of like, have the ability for the Council to kind of get to know him.”

City Administrator Chris didn’t think that necessary or possible: “I think I would need to check his availability. He’s also a fire chief and has a lot of commitments,” City Administrator Chris said. As a fire chief with a lot of commitments, it is unclear how Cory will perform his duties as Acting Building Inspector for the City of Beacon, if he can’t go down to Town Hall on a Monday night at 7pm to meet City Council. However, Cory did not speak for himself. City Administrator Chris made assumptions for him to block his schedule when Councilmember Molly requested to meet Corry.

Councilmember Molly pressed on: “To be clear, I'm just thinking for, because we did get a chance to meet other Heads of departments.”

City Administrator Chris responded: “I would just say probably the permanent person we would bring into to me of course.” Councilmember Molly pointed out that the Acting status may last a long time: “I'll defer to you once you learn more about how long he might be Acting for and that might also dictate what seems appropriate both from a practical and from a legal perspective.” In the case of the Acting appointment with Dave Buckley, that appointment lasted 2 years before Bruce Flower was hired.

Some business people in Beacon have told ALBB that interacting with Cory for permits and related matters has been a positive experience.

After Bruce Flower Leaves

Councilperson Paloma Wake was interested in information provided from Bruce’s Exit Interview. “This is a request I guess for any person who's leaving us. I assume that if anything relevant comes up in Bruce's exit interview, if it's relevant to hiring the next person, that that would be incorporated by Sara.” Sara Morris is Beacon’s HR Director. The City of Beacon never had an HR Director until around the time they put up their first Diversity Statement in 2020. Gina Bisale was the first HR Director, but she left shortly thereafter and Sara replaced her.

City Administrator Chris responded "I will leave that up to Sara,"

Councilperson Paloma presented an assumption: "It sounds like Bruce is leaving just because there's a bigger opportunity in a bigger city. Still, if there is anything relevant."

City Administrator Chris pressed that Bruce was moving into more of a Building role in the Town of Poughkeepsie, not that of a Zoning influence, stating: “He was in that position for 18 years and then the person above him retired. So we basically borrowed him for 2.5 years from the Town of Poughkeepsie. He also will focus more on the Building aspect and less on Zoning and Planning. They break that down between multiple staff. So they have a person who oversees Planning and Zoning. He will do Building then they have a Code Enforcement person. He's kind of all three of those here. “

How Bruce Flower Was Involved In Nixing 9 Renovated Apartments For People With Low Income During An Affordable Housing Crisis

The old boarding house that had 16 small SRO apartments in it at 925 Wolcott Avenue, with the gorgeous wrap-around porch, that had been a home to people with low income for decades in Beacon, burned down in January 2023. It was arson. A male tenant who was living in it was scheduled for eviction that day. He decided instead to douse it in gasoline, torch it, turn himself in, and plead guilty. No one was hurt. No one was inside. Neighboring houses were endangered by the flames and heat of the blaze.

The boarding house was undergoing renovations by new owner Yeshia Berger of 925 Wolcott Ave LLC, who bought it in July 2022, to scale down the number of apartments from 16 to 9 units, and keep them as SRO rentals (Single Room Occupancy in apartments or residential hotels in which low-income or welfare tenants live in single rooms). Yeshia began to fix the front porch before a permit was issued to him, neighbors told ALBB. Porch work in Beacon is often flagged by Building Inspectors for not being properly permitted first.

However, the neighbors weren’t mad that the old boarding house was gone. They were mad that the owner hadn’t cleaned the burned site quick enough, as reported in the Highlands Current. According to the newspaper, insurance payments were delayed, as happens when fires burn down properties. The neighbors then pursued a media campaign and petition in June 2023 titled “NO Zoning Variance to allow 'market rate' 9 unit building for 925 Wolcott, Beacon NY” to make sure an apartment building of any kind was rebuilt. The odd thing about including “market rate” in their petition title is that the apartments were slated to continue to be SRO units, which are reserved for people with low income.

The media campaign included letters from neighbors submitted to Beacon’s Zoning Board of Appeals in the neighbors’ pursuit to get the boarding house re-zoned to be a single-family home after more than 50% of it was destroyed by the fire. They wanted Beacon’s Zoning Board stop the already-in-progress renovation of the property so that low income people could not live there anymore.

The Highlands Current presented it this way: “The owner of a Beacon boardinghouse that was destroyed by fire in January wants to rebuild, although the surrounding neighborhood is zoned for single-family homes.” The boarding house had been there long before some of the people opposing its use lived in that neighborhood.

In fact, ALBB’s own co-host of our podcast, “Wait, What Is That?” Brandon Lillard, had looked at it with his mother 30 years ago when they were moving to Beacon from Brooklyn, before he attended high school at the Old Beacon High School when it was actually a school, not commercial studio spaces like it is now.

The new property owner, Yeshia Berger, wanted to rebuild his building and continue with the 9 SRO apartments as planned and previously approved in December 2022, just one month before the arson.

According to reporting, Yeshia bought the boarding house for $650,000 and was estimated to be making $20,000/month from the SRO rentals.

Neighbors pushed fervently to prevent the boarding house from rising again, which had been housing people of varying backgrounds for decades. In their letters submitted to Beacon’s Zoning Board, they used the income to present a case of unjustified profits as part of their justification to nix the apartments.

Some neighbors alluded to fights or gunshots that would happen at or near the boarding house. Others said in their letters to the Zoning Board: “What we need is affordable housing, not this extreme demonstration of wealth.” Ironic, that the apartments provided in this boarding house, and the apartments that the developer Yeshia Berger was going to rebuild, were zoned as affordable housing.

925 Wolcott Avenue after arson destroyed the decades old, multi-apartment boarding house located there. This is the new Single Family home that was constructed by Faust, with encouragement from the neighborhood who petitioned for the former property owner Yeshia Berger to be stripped of his right to re-build the SRO apartments during an Affordable Housing Crisis, with the Encouragement of then Building Inspector Bruce Flower.

The anti-apartment rhetoric from the neighbors questions if they really want affordable housing after all. Especially when the boarding house property later sold for half the price for which Yeshia had purchased it.

After the re-zoning and the sale, the luxury designers and builders Faust Interiors began building a single-family home on the property, as they confirmed to ALBB.

The rezoning resulted in profits going to a different group of people perhaps more approved of by the neighbors, resulting in a comfortable home for one family instead of nine.

Building Inspector Bruce Flower denied Yeshia the right to rebuild the apartments, citing 3 reasons, as reported here by the Highlands Current.

Bruce supplied his 3 recommendations, but the Beacon Zoning board reversed 2 of them, according to the Highlands Current. “Had they reversed all of them, the 9 apartments would be able to be re-built,” the newspaper reported. Neighbors, however, through the petition, were intent on stopping the income from the apartments, with possibly no regard for new renters who needed to occupy the apartments.

James Case-Leal, the creator of the petition, stated reasons in an Update to the petition to encourage people to turn out to reject the building of the apartments when Yeshia continued his legal appeals to be able to rebuild, which included encouragement to come out to the Zoning Board Meeting to:

  • prevent “another attempt to persuade the Zoning Board to bend the law for them to make a huge profit off of our community,” and

  • “express your support of Beacon zoning and opposition to the developer’s appeal to build another SRO.” The building was already an SRO, being renovated to serve 9 units instead of 16 units for different people to move into in order to stay in Beacon.

Through his attorney, Taylor Palmer of Cuddy and Feder, Yeshia said he would appeal the decision. But he ended up withdrawing his application in January 2024 according to a Zoning Board agenda and listed his charred property for $279.000, and sold it for $315,000 according to Zillow.

In its reporting of the zoning change, the Highlands Current quoted the Zoning Board’s conclusive direction as: “In its resolution denying Berger’s request, the ZBA said it was not ‘deciding the merits of the applicant’s proposed use and/or any opposition’ but was only making decisions on the building inspector’s determinations.” The one Zoning Board dissenter on the vote wanted to hire a consultant to test the boarding house owner’s presentation of findings. Circles were going to continue until Yeshia was out.

The newspaper reported: “Berger would only have been allowed to proceed with his December plans if the ZBA had reversed all three of Flower’s determinations.”

Also inconsistent with the City of Beacon’s pattern of going to great lengths to preserve historic buildings and architectural details is the loss of the boarding house that was going to be rebuilt after the fire. Beacon lost not only 9 apartments available to people with low incomes, but it lost an architectural gem, something for which it says it prides itself on.

Pictured below is the boarding house at 925 Wolcott before it was burned down in arson in January 2023:

Articles used in 925 Wolcott research to aid in timeline:

”Beacon Wants Burned Home Cleared Out"

"Beacon Boardinghouse Denied But Appeal Expected"
This article included a brief history of why the boarding house may have been created in the first lace, to help the community, from Denise Doring VanBuren, president of the Beacon Historical Society, and Diane Lapis, a society trustee.

"Boardinghouse Owner Asks for Variance"

The attorneys for Yeshia, stated in a letter of appeal to Beacon’s Zoning Board: “A plain reading of Zoning Code section 223.20.D does not terminate a legal existing non-oncoming use that was destroyed more than 50% and any ambiguity regarding this damaged building regulation must be read in favor of the property owner.”


The Zoning Code section 223.20.D reads:

If any nonconforming building shall be destroyed by any means to an extent of more than 50%, no repairs or reconstruction shall be made unless every portion of such building is made to conform to all the regulations of this chapter for the district in which it is located.

Where the destruction of such nonconforming building is less than 50%, it may be restored and the nonconforming use continued, provided that the total cost of such restoration does not exceed the replacement value of the destroyed portion of the building at the time if its destruction and future provided that such restoration is started within a period of 6 months of such destruction and is diligently prosecuted to completion. Nothing in this chapter shall prevent the strengthening or restoring to a safe condition of any wall declared unsafe by the Building Inspector.


The Attorney's Conclusion:

“Any interpretation that Section 223-10.(D) of the Zoning Code allows a non-conforming use to be extinguished when more than 50% of a structure is destroyed would create a dangerous precedent incentivizing the future destruction of similar structures. A plain reading of the applicable section of the regulations regarding a building that is destroyed more than 50% clearly does not regulate the use.”

How Bruce Flower Was Involved In Adding An Additional Misdemeanor Complaint That Contributed To The Imprisoning Of The “Free Palestine” Chalk Artist Ryan Manzi

Back in March 2024, a series of events rolled together, landing one well known Beacon resident and artist, Ryan Manzi, in jail for 4 months after he chalked “Free Palestine” onto the long brick wall that is the back of the Sun River Health Facility on Henry Street. The back of their building faces Main Street at 341 Main Street.

White paint dripping down the wall after someone applied it over the chalk of the Free Palestine message.

White paint spread over the chalk of the Palestinian flag.

At 3:40pm on March 25, 2024, Ryan visited the wall where he had previously chalked “Free Palestine” and various other designs around March 17, 2024, including Scooby-Doo, the word BEACON in large print, and a lucky shamrock for the annual St. Paddy’s Parade in Beacon. Known for his chalk art around town in front of the Towne Cryer, the Post Office, Smoker’s Mecca and other spots, seeing him here was part of a normal day in Beacon.

Not normal, however, was when someone poured white paint over the words “Free Palestine” and the Palestinian flag Ryan chalked onto the building. That person has never been identified. No other markings had paint on them. This act of paint throwing could be viewed as a hate crime or antisemetic crime, since it desecrated a semetic Palestinian symbol, and permanently damaged a building.

Ryan inspected the paint to see what could be learned from the application, and then re-chalked the “Free Palestine” message and flag. A Little Beacon Blog videoed it, and published an article about it. Many people walked by as Ryan chalked, saying hello to Ryan, and cheering him on, as can be heard in the video republished at the bottom of this article.

The Misdemeanor Complaint From Sun River Health

According to a deposition from Sun River Health Management that ALBB has seen as published in this article, Bruce Flower contacted Sun River Health about the chalk art and graffiti. The deposition complaint which led to a Misdemeanor Complaint was filed by the Regional Director of Facilities for Sun River, Marco P. Faustino.

In the complaint, Marco acknowledged that the paint and the chalk were done by different people, but told Bruce that graffiti had been an “ongoing issue” at the building, without identifying who did that graffiti.

Editorial Note: As a local who walks past the front and back of Sun River Health on a daily basis, I have never seen graffiti on it. When other buildings in town get media coverage for when their buildings are tagged by anonymous graffiti makers, Sun River Health’s building has not been among them. Please write in to ALBB if you know of and have visible proof of something different. A picture of Sun River Health’s facade on Henry Street is published below, and shows no markings of covered graffiti.

According to a deposition given by Marco to the Beacon Police on March 28, 2024 that ALBB has seen as has been published here, Bruce recommended that Marco file a report with the Beacon Police, which he did. Notable, however, is that it is unknown at this time if Bruce had called Sun River about this other graffiti that Marco mentioned, or if it was over the “Free Palestine” marking, with separate paint splattered on top of it by a different person.

Chris White, City Administrator for the City of Beacon.

Soon after Bruce contacted Sun River, Beacon’s City Administrator Chris White had an interaction with Ryan while Ryan was crossing Wolcott Avenue on April 4, 2024, walking to the train station. The interaction led to the arrest of Ryan.

City Administrator Chris alleged in his Police Report, that ALBB has seen and has been published in this article, that as Ryan was crossing the street, “Ryan stopped in the roadway and began to give me the finger. I gave him the finger in return and drove past him as he proceeded to move off toward the sidewalk and descend the staircase toward Beacon Police Station.

“As I reached the red light at the intersection, I decided to look back in my rear-view mirror and saw Ryan charging at my car. I heard a loud thump on the back car and thought Ryan had just damaged my vehicle with a bottle. I then saw a plastic bottle full of liquid in his hand. I began to cross the intersection where I turned right on South Ave and parked my vehicle near Polhill Park. I then contacted the Beacon Police Department to file a report. As I talked to the dispatcher, Ryan again approached my vehicle and began recording me from the driver’s side window. At this time, Beacon Police arrived at my location, where Ryan began to argue and resist with Police. Ryan’s actions made me feel fearful at the time of our engagement.”

Ryan told ALBB that he did not “give the finger,” and told ALBB that he thought he heard Chris shout “terrorist” to him from his car window. When ALBB asked City Administrator Chris if that was true, he responded “No.”

Ryan told ALBB that as he was descending the stairs to continue walking to the train station, Sgt. James Serrine came out of the police station to approach Ryan, telling Ryan that he was under arrest, after City Administrator Chris had made his call to the police. Ryan told ALBB: “Thirty seconds after an incident, there is no way you can justify arresting someone. You can detain someone, but stating arrest requires an investigation. That’s when I backed away up the stairs and ran towards Polhill Park. Rule #1 when it comes to Beacon Police: make sure there’s witnesses.”

Ryan continued: “I never filmed White. I was on the phone calling the police to report harassment. He revved his engine at me and that’s when he called me a terrorist. So that’s when I came up to the car.”

The Misdemeanor Complaint for the Free Palestine chalk art was filed before this incident, but was added to Ryan’s charges after he was incarcerated for the Chris White incident, keeping Ryan in jail for 4 months, Ryan told ALBB. “Apparently the chalk was filed the week before the incident with Mr. White. He didn’t leave his car, called the cops by Polhill Park (showing he wasn’t fearful for his safety if he remained in the area as I continued walking down to the train station passing the Police Station). I was then in jail on $10,000 bail that violated penal law. I didn’t get the chalk charges until I was already incarcerated.”

Ryan was released 4 months later on a plea agreement to probation, he told ALBB.

In a separate incident, City Administrator Chris did have an altercation with pro-Palestinian demonstrators at a City Council Swearing-In Ceremony that the NYCLU said violated the Open Meetings Law, as City Administrator Chris blocked signage and called for the arrest of peaceful citizens.

In City Administrator Chris’ deposition of the April 4th incident, he stated: “I have never had any personal interactions with Ryan before today. I’ve learned of Ryan’s identity from a recent Beacon Blog where he was observed to be chalking a brick wall on Main Street.” The report goes on to detail more of their interaction.

Ryan Manzi is the nephew of Michael Manzi, the Superintendent of Streets for the City of Beacon. Ryan and his mother, who is Michael’s sister, told ALBB that Michael and Ryan do not speak currently, but used to be close years ago.

This story is ongoing and will be explored in other articles.

There is more to this story, which will be printed in a future article series.

Rumor Quelled: Restaurant Replacing Max’s Won’t Be A Steakhouse It Will Be Renovated Americana - With Oyster Bar!

After the sale of the building that housed Max’s on Main went through, rumors swirled faster than a Hudson Valley micro-burst that the new restaurant would be a steakhouse. “It’s going to be like Peter Lugars! What has Beacon become!?” lamented some Beacon people, as they shook their heads, convinced that the last of the old Beacon restaurant bars were gone.

They weren’t totally wrong. The building that housed Joe’s Irish Pub on the other end of Main Street was sold by an generations deep Beacon citizen to new landlord realtors, one of whom branded herself as a “Social Justice Advocate Working at the Intersection of Philanthropy and Real Estate” who has since evicted an elderly man who is nearly deaf who was living there under Section 8 eligibility, as well as attempted evictions on others. Beacon’s Good Cause Eviction Law failed that man.

The doors are down at Lyonshare, making way for the new double doors.
Photo Credit: Katie Hellmuth

Joe’s Irish Pub was replaced by Momo Valley, which moved from its vendor stall in the Hudson Valley Food Hall, a spot known for being an incubator of food businesses who eventually leave the nest for bricks and mortars of their own.

The building that housed Antalek and Moore Insurance Agency was sold by a generations deep Beacon citizen to a new owner, which ended the location of longtime Roma Nova (but find Roma Nova on Route 52 (Fishkill Avenue)! where Roma Nova permanently popped back up!), the barber, Bratt’s Florist, and Dutchess Community Outreach, who also offered a food pantry, were also pushed out by price and landlord negotiations. Dutchess Community Outreach did pop back up around the corner on Eliza Street. These are recent examples of businesses clinging to Beacon as they secure new leases when buildings turn over.

“I Can Assure You It Will Not Be A SteakHouse” Says New Owner

Enter one of Beacon’s newest building owners, Bud Schmeling, who bought the former Max’s building at 246 Main Street. “I was the manager of Peter Luger Steak House. That’s probably why people thought this would be a steak house. I can assure you, it will not be a steak house,” Bud told A Little Beacon Blog, after he reached out to this publication to quell such rumors and give us the inside scoop on his vision.

This building was not the first that Bud considered. “I was looking at other places,” Bud told ALBB. “Dogwood was for sale. We talked to them.” Dogwood, co-founded by former City Councilmember and current artist/builder George Mansfield, ended up selling Dogwood to local multi-real estate property and business holder, Brendan McAlpine.

Bud continued: “I came across this [246 Main Street]. Richie and his brother wanted to retire. They were ready. They left on their own terms. I have a good relationship with Richie. He has been helpful in the transition. No one came in and ran him out.”

ALBB can attest that Richie and Harvey Kaplan were selling the building before Harvey’s unexpected passing. Years ago Richie even asked ALBB if we wanted the building, to turn it into a hotel! We can barely pay our own electric bill and countless Roblox dollars to our kids, let alone college savings accounts. So we passed on the opportunity.

Were there Residential tenants OF the building?

The building has apartments upstairs that were low income housing. They were not in the best shape, but at times, employees became tenants. In fact, one of the older employees who was facing eviction from his apartment above the former Joe’s Irish Pub after its new owners came. He wasn’t being evicted for not paying rent. Those landlords wanted to increase his rent, so mounted a legal campaign to evict him. He was considering one of Richie’s apartments as a place to land, but settled elsewhere in Beacon, knowing the move would be temporary with the pending building sale.

Bud explained to ALBB: “As far as the tenants go, there were only a few left. Some of them actually worked for Richie. He gave them many months notice that he was selling the building and it needed to be vacant. That was the stipulation of the sale. They all had ample time to look for new lodgings, and we permitted them to stay as long as needed until they were settled. No one was upset or surprised as they knew early in the year that Richie sold the building. There weren’t any evictions. It went very smoothly.”

246 Main Street To Be Renovated To Original Historic Look

A photo of 246 Main Street from decades ago.
Photo Credit: Beacon Historical Society

Bud’s plans are to restore the building to its original look, based in part on a photo he found from the Beacon Historical Society. Did Bud know that the building had recently been designated historic, and that Richie and Harvey objected to the City of Beacon doing that? Fearing that it might hinder the sale of the building since any upgrades would need to fall within historic code which tends to be more expensive?

“No,” Bud told ALBB. “These are the plans I had for it anyway.”

Milk Washing Everything - Flipping The Look From Dark To Light

Former patrons will experience a total change from the outside to the inside of the building. According to a photo held by the Beacon Historic Society, the building was white washed with black windows.

“It is called milk washed,” But explained, “where you’ll see the original red brick under the white coating.” This aesthetic will be inside and out. The infamous dark wood bar is being replaced with a white quartz top. Regulars who were used to sitting in the warm wood might experience a pleasant surprise of fresh white quartz.

The tin ceilings will remain, but are being changed from black to antique white. The front door entrance will be grander, with double doors that are almost twice the height. The kitchen has been completely ripped out. “We need to keep it to code, so all of it is getting redone,” Bud confirmed. Outside the kitchen, where the service station used to be, will be the oyster bar. Bud showed this to ALBB by placing his body in the middle of the corner and spreading his long arms to approximate the size. His eyes lit up as he envisioned the events they could have around the oyster bar, with a similar bench layout of seating down the living room side of the restaurant.

The restaurant will be called Lyonshare.

Will It Be A Hotel Upstairs?

As Bud is renovating the building, ALBB asked him where he is staying. Did he buy something? Is he renting? “Rent is worse here in Beacon than it is in NYC. Finding someplace to rent has been difficult. I’m still searching.” Will he make himself an apartment upstairs? “The building is zoned as a hotel,” Bud told ALBB. “I think eventually it might be a hotel. Right now, we are just wanting to get the restaurant open. Maybe in 6 months we want to figure out what to do up there. Everyone I talked to thinks that would be a good idea.”

Bud says he is heartened by the sense of community in Beacon, and those in the restaurant business who want to help him. “All the other restaurant owners. People from Carter’s. The bar people. Everyone has been super helpful. They offered a list of vendors. I feel the sense of community. That has been very refreshing.”

Bud’s Entertainment, Music and Arts Background Will Bring More Things To Experience In Beacon

Bud opened Black Betty in Williamsburg, in 2000. Williamsburg at that time was undergoing a massive transformation, from blocks and blocks of garages - literal garage doors everywhere with bands playing behind them sometimes - to a neighborhood with baby strollers. “We were one of the first bar/restaurants in that first wave.” When they closed earlier than anticipated in 2009, one publication described Black Betty as “among the first of North Brooklyn’s early gentrifiers to be driven out of the neighborhood.”

In an article capturing what seemed to be a dramatic closing nine years later during a lease negotiation dual, Bud was quoted as saying: “‘We were definitely the first of a new breed of Williamsburg bars and performance places — and I don’t see something truly replacing Black Betty,’ said co-owner Bud Schmeling, whose intimate concert venue and attached Middle Eastern restaurant has drawn acts including Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings and Antibalas for free shows.” The food was also described as North African and Mediterranean.

Bud says he is digging into Beacon as his place of residence, plans to be at the restaurant every day, and intends to join the Elks Club. He was manager at Peter Luger for 14 years. After that, he was manager at Gage and Tollner. “It is there I met Adam Shepard,” Bud expands, “who was the executive chef and is designing our menu at Lyonshare.” Bud is also currently a senior writer at the award winning Victory Journal, a quarterly on sport and culture.

Are The People Of Beacon Satisfied?

Prior to this article publishing, ALBB described Bud’s stated plans to a focus group person who was committed to believing the rumor of the steakhouse concept. After a blink, the focus group person reflected: “Well, Beacon needs a steakhouse.” Proof that these Beacon people cannot be satisfied.

Based on Bud’s culinary and life experiences, seems like this renovation is going to bring another breath of fresh air to the block, which is flanked by Palestinian owned Ziatun, Isamu, Homespun, with Healthy In Color for carefully nutritionalized juices and salads across the street.

Looking forward to the reveal!

How Accessible Is Finding Shelter For The Night In Beacon? Alexis Rosa Explores Homeless Access In Beacon

Editor’s Note: After FEMA was in Beacon to register people for federal assistance at the Veterans Memorial Building after a hurricane caused damage to some homes, a representative with FEMA who lived out of state asked ALBB where homeless people can go in Beacon. They were approached by a person who needed homeless services, and did not know where to go. This is not the first time ALBB has been approached with this question by people in immediate need, who do not have time to research and apply for programs to maybe be approved, if they even finish or attain an application.

We asked our new writer, Alexis Rosa, a recent graduate from Beacon High School to investigate this process. Alexis set out to find out what it was like to need homeless services right now - tonight - in Beacon.

By Alexis Rosa

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and the U.S. census reported that at one point in time in 2020 there were 17 homeless people per 10,000 residents. A decrease from the previous years, but any amount more than 0 is too high. In this article, I will explore where someone in Beacon can go if they are going to be homeless that night. But homelessness doesn’t happen without life situations, sometimes contributed by mental illness. Therefore, I explore both mental illness support and home shelters available, and how to access them.

How Dutchess County Handles Mental Health From An Accessibility Perspective

Dutchess County has a mental health problem. To be clear, I am not referring to the amount of people with mental health issues in Dutchess County. I am referring to how we deal with people with mental health issues.

I think that housing should be considered as infrastructure, meaning that communities should think of housing as a basic need that has to be adequately met in order to have a healthy and productive community
— Javier Gomez, Hudson River Housing

Most people agree that there is a homelessness crisis, very few people want the solution to be in their backyard.

The fact of the matter is that anyone could find themselves in an emergency situation like this. A dangerous amount of people are one paycheck away from being on the streets. When you find yourself in this situation, what do you do? How easy are these resources to access, really?

Dutchess County has a 24/7 Crisis Hotline listed as being available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year—even on holidays. They offer calling or texting at 845-485-9700 with professional crisis counselors. Knowing how useful and important having the option to text a crisis hotline can be, I was eager to try it out for myself.

Calling Dutchess County’s Hotline

Editor’s Note: We wanted to experience Dutchess County’s Crisis Hotline ourselves, not through them giving a media publication information, as that would be done in a more perfect, optimistic way. We wanted the real experience. We asked Alexis to find out.

I reached out to them through their texting service to see how they might help someone in a crisis situation. I wanted to see about the quality of assistance they offer.

It took a moment, but after the initial text I sent, I was met with the standard chatbot letting me know about messaging rates, and telling me to reply with “Yes” to consent to continued texts. Not even a minute after the bot responses, a counselor was made available to help me, and joined the session.

Counselor: Hi. How can I help you?

Me: I’m going to be homeless tonight and I’m not sure where to go. I was hoping someone might be able to point me in the right direction?

Counselor: I am sorry to hear that. Are you in Dutchess County?

Me: Yes, in Beacon

Counselor: Do you have transportation?

Me: No, I might be able to take the bus though

Counselor: Ok. Have you ever been in any housing in this county before?

Me: No

Counselor: I mean applied for housing OR been to Hudson River Housing in POK?

Counselor: Ok

Me: No, I’m on my own for the first time

Counselor: How old are you if you don’t mind?

Me: 21

Counselor: Ok, so here are some numbers. You can also go to the stabilization center at 230 North Road, Poughkeepsie. They are open 24/7. It is NOT a hospital. They have licensed social workers and mental health counselors who can help you navigate housing. I STRONGLY recommend that you go there ASAP so they have the ability to make calls and help you.

Counselor: Hudson River Housing 845-473-5166

Counselor: Rose House 845-452-2728

Counselor: Alliance House 845-452-5015

Counselor: The PODS (emergency housing) is the same as Hudson river housing.

Counselor: Porchlight Program 845-337-4407

Counselor: Are you safe in this moment?

Me: Yeah I’m safe for now. Is there something I can do if I don’t have money for the bus?

Counselor: IF you have medicaid, you can possible get medicaid transportation

Counselor: Can anyone bring you to Poughkeepsie?

Me: I’m trying to ask around to see if someone can, but I’m not certain right now. How does the medicaid transportation work? Is there a number I can call?

Counselor: Ok I am going to give you the number to stabilization so you can arrange this with them. 845-486-2849. Call them now, so you can make sure you get all the information you need.

After providing me with all the information they could offer me, based on the questions I asked and the answers I gave them, the chat was closed, but only after I gave my okay for the counselor to end the session.

In the short duration of our chat, I learned about multiple places that would offer me assistance, and an alternate form of transportation. Ultimately, I was satisfied with the level of assistance. But considering I wasn’t actually in dire need of these services, and for the sake of this article, I couldn’t just stop there. I reached out via email to multiple companies and organizations all with the same goal of helping people in need find emergency shelter and housing.

Exploring Rose House

Rose House is another organization with a similar goal of assisting those who need housing in the Hudson Valley. They have multiple short term shelters across New York that are available to those in need 24/7, all year round. What’s unique about Rose House is that they are listed as being “peer-operated”, completely run by people who have been in similar situations and wish to give back. I had some trouble finding their website initially, but once I did, I learned that their shelters are available to any one 18 years of age or older living in Dutchess, Orange, Ulster, Putnam, Warren, and Washington Counties. There is a screening process for these facilities. Once you become a registered guest at the Rose House, they offer up to a 5 day stay, and assistance with developing skills to better care for and maintain one's mental wellness. The programs they offer are voluntary, and residents can come and go as they please.

Exploring Alliance House

Alliance House is a non-profit organization that was founded in 1987. They follow a “clubhouse model” and that makes anyone who uses their services members, not clients. “To have Membership in an organization means to belong, to fit in somewhere, and to have a place where you are always welcome. For a person living with the effects of mental illness, these simple things cannot be taken for granted. In fact, the reality for most people with mental illness is that they have a constant sense of not fitting in, of isolation, and rejection,” as said by Joel Corcoran, the executive director for Clubhouse International.

Alliance House owns two properties that are exclusively for members. In order to become a member you must be over 18, have a diagnosed mental illness, and not be a safety concern. Your diagnosis has to be an Axis 1 diagnosis, and you need a referral made by a medical professional in which a mental health evaluation and treatment plan must be included. This process of becoming a member is not the easiest by any means, especially considering the waiting period for something as basic as setting up an appointment with a medical professional today. Using this as a solution requires a lot of time.

Exploring Hudson River Housing

Hudson River Housing is a company that prides itself on its life and community improving services. To take a quote from their website, they “create pathways out of homelessness through empowerment, education, and advocacy.” In the economy we are living in today, organizations that are dedicated to preserving affordable housing and ultimately helping to build, and maintain strong communities are becoming more and more of a necessity.

Grassroot organizations are popping up all over with this mission in mind, but companies like Hudson River Housing have been around for a time. What started as a task force quickly evolved. In 1982, Hudson River Housing was officially founded.

Hudson River Housing offers overnight emergency shelter all year round at 150 North Hamilton Street in Poughkeepsie. There is a curfew of 6:30 pm. Additional emergency shelters can be found at Webster House for anyone 18 years of age or older. There is a screening process, and guests are expected to meet with a “care manager” to discuss reasons for homelessness and set up a plan for permanent housing. Their website also lists emergency housing for families as well as for runaways or otherwise homeless children and teenagers.

Project Porchlight is a drop in shelter that is listed on the Hudson River Housing website. What that means is, during their hours of operation between 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday, anyone is welcome. You’ll receive a place to sleep, food, basic supplies, access to showers, and assistance from care managers.

Alexis Interviews Hudson River Housing

I was able to interview Javier Gomez, the Director of Community Development at Hudson River Housing. He was able to answer a lot of questions for me that I was unable to find the answers to on the HRH website, answers to questions that I feel to be important when discussing housing and the resources we have available.

Javier is a Hudson Valley native, and has been a resident of the Hudson Valley since 2002 where he grew up in both Beacon and Wappingers.

As the Director of Community Development, Javier has a wide range of responsibilities that he oversees. Some of those responsibilities include community engagement activities, neighborhood revitalization and community programs, advocacy, partnerships, and impact measurement.

On the topic of the housing crisis being a human rights issue, Javier said that HRH does believe housing to be a human right. It is the vision of HRH for all communities to have sufficient affordable housing for its residents. Everyone should have the opportunity to live in safe, affordable housing that meets their needs regardless of income, family makeup, race or ethnicity, gender, physical or mental health, or any other defining factors.

“To go a little bit further, I think that housing should be considered as infrastructure, meaning that communities should think of housing as a basic need that has to be adequately met in order to have a healthy and productive community,” Javier added.

Javier explained to me that Hudson River Housing is the largest non-profit developer of affordable housing in Dutchess County. They primarily work out of Poughkeepsie, but they do have some reach over in other parts of the Hudson Valley. Hudson River Housing develops and operates a variety of housing and services to meet the diverse housing needs of the people that call the Hudson Valley home. These services range from the aforementioned emergency overnight services to transitional, supportive, and permanent rental housing, as well as homes for first time homebuyers.

In addition to developing and operating affordable housing, HRH also provides other services for people experiencing homelessness or any other housing needs, such as life skills-based care management, job training, homebuyer education. HRH also offers specialized services and housing for youth, elders and veterans, specialized small business support, outreach and neighborhood revitalization programs, and landlord and renter assistance.

I asked Javier what the process of working with Hudson River Housing might look like for someone seeking affordable housing. He explained that people access their housing through a variety of ways. Hudson River Housing has community partners all over the Hudson Valley that provide referrals to people seeking housing, such as the Dutchess County Department of Community and Family Services and other social service offices.

For permanent rental housing, there are applications online and in-person, and people will become notified when a unit that meets their needs becomes available. I asked Javier how long it would take to be notified, and he went on to explain that it can be up to a month before you hear anything so HRH encourages people to apply before they find themselves in an emergency situation. They work their way through the wait-list and Javier assured me that nobody gets skipped.

HRH acknowledges that there is an unmet need for affordable housing in communities throughout the Hudson Valley.
— Alexis Rosa, when interviewing Javier Gomez, Hudson River Housing

Since HRH’s establishment in 1982, they have developed over 1,400 housing units and currently co-own or manage over 1,300 affordable housing units across 8 towns and municipalities throughout the Hudson Valley. In 2022, HRH was able to provide emergency shelter and services to 995 adults and 325 youth or young adults. They’ve also offered 91 households their support in moving from emergency housing to permanent housing, and helped 40 households with home buying.

I asked Javier what difficulties HRH faces while trying to get this help to people who need it. He acknowledged that HRH’s most notable challenge is that their emergency and supportive housing is primarily located in the City and Town of Poughkeepsie.

“We’re seeing a rise of people experiencing homelessness throughout Dutchess County and the Hudson Valley, but most of our resources to address homelessness are concentrated in Poughkeepsie. We get calls from towns throughout the region to provide outreach to people who are homeless and, like many of us, these folks have ties to a community that make it difficult for them to leave the town where they live in and uproot to another place where they would need to rebuild their life. If we could create more opportunities for people to enter into housing and get services where they are already, that would go a long way to getting people the help they need to get off of the street.”

Javier noted that people come to them as a last resort whether it be emergency housing, rental assistance, foreclosure prevention counseling, or because they’re about to lose their apartment.

“I think we do a great job at getting people connected to the help they need now to address the housing issue they are going through no matter what it is, and we also strive to get people connected to resources and opportunities that will make it less likely for them to be in this situation again.”

HRH manages their own properties, but they offer property management services to property owners of affordable housing as well. HRH operates similarly to any other property management company; they communicate with tenants, collect rent, maintain properties, and manage leases. What sets them apart, aside from being a nonprofit and all the resources they offer, is that they’re familiar with a broad range of state, local, and federal affordable housing compliance regulations. This knowledge allows them to be able to ensure that properties remain in compliance with those regulations as a part of their service.

Javier had some amazing things to say about the people affected by this crisis and how communities tackle the situation too!

“Homelessness and housing insecurity is caused by a variety of individual and societal factors, and I find that people who don’t work directly in housing will sometimes approach the issue by thinking about how to prevent the circumstances and decisions that may have led to someone becoming homeless or housing insecure. I don't want to take anything away from that because addressing the cause is absolutely important, and HRH is doing that work too, but to offer another perspective preventing housing insecurity is only part of the solution and it is also really important to concern ourselves with the immediate needs of people experiencing housing insecurity, and invest in the resources that help people.”

I asked Javier if he was satisfied with the work that his organization does, and whether or not there was more that they could be doing. He expressed that he thinks HRH is doing a great job with the resources they have, but that HRH acknowledges that there is an unmet need for affordable housing in communities throughout the Hudson Valley.

HRH welcomes any opportunity to form relationships with any communities interested in creating more housing for their residents. If anyone is interested in helping HRH, they do accept donations in the form of financial contributions as well as supplies for their housing. HRH also does work with individuals, companies, and organizations to host fundraisers, as well as an Adopt-a-Night program where people can volunteer to prepare or donate a meal for their housing.

Becoming more engaged in the public approval process for housing in your towns or cities is another great way people can get involved and help. Speak with your local elected officials, talk about why affordable housing matters.

“It’s true that there is a housing crisis across the country, but the decisions about what kind of housing gets built and where takes place at the local level and it's important to be informed about what is going on here in our community and not just what can be done at the national level.”

The other organizations, Rose House and Alliance House, never reached back to me about answering any questions unfortunately, but their websites offered a fair amount of insight. In my quest to find out if the process was easy or hard, I didn’t really get my answer. But, it indicates the answer of accessibility being a long road.

Immediate Shelter Need In An Emergency Situation

For someone needing immediate shelter in an emergency situation, Hudson River housing offered the most accessible solutions. Transportation is another thing entirely. The counselor I spoke to over the hotline did detail that if you have Medicaid, you could possibly get medicaid transportation, but that doesn’t offer a solution for someone who doesn’t have Medicaid.

A bus ride up to Poughkeepsie is $1.75 one way. Poughkeepsie residents do get to ride for free when they’re under the age of 20, however, and there are discounted prices for the elderly, children, and students.

Depending on which bus driver you get, most of them will let you ride on just one payment, but on the weekends there is one bus driver who requires you pay twice if you get on at the wrong bus stop (depending on which way you’re going). $1.75 might not seem like much in the grand scheme of things, but in an emergency situation it can be a lot harder to make that money than one would think.

Alexis’ Conclusion

Beacon is a bustling tourist spot now, but what about the people with strong roots here? How are they doing? We as citizens need to be sure we’re asking the right questions to the right people.
— Alexis Rosa

It’s apparent to me that we as a community need to be more willing to have these life-saving resources more readily available. Housing is, and should be considered, a human right and the property values of our homes are not worth more than the life of a human. You can tell a great deal about whether or not a town or city is thriving based on how they treat their residents who are struggling financially or mentally. Beacon is a bustling tourist spot now, but what about the people with strong roots here? How are they doing? We as citizens need to be sure we’re asking the right questions to the right people.

For new residents who don't know, certain parts of Beacon used to be considered dangerous. Even today a lot of the apartment complexes and certain areas in Beacon still carry that stigma of being dangerous or undesirable to be in. With the cost of living in Beacon continuing to rise, we will continue to see an uptick in crime. Whether or not it will match those levels previously held is uncertain, but what we do know is that when people’s needs go unmet, crime rises.

While I may not have found the answer to the question of whether or not all of these resources are easily accessible, I did learn a lot about resources we have here in the Hudson Valley that I was not previously aware of. As we know, any knowledge is good knowledge. Knowledge is power.

More information on these organizations can be found on their websites and by calling the numbers provided in this article.

The Ironic And Unplanned Retirement of Mr. Alvin Bell: "Bad Things Happen To Good People Too"

In 2019, the Chronogram ran a feature story on Beacon called "Development in the Spotlight" which featured different types of businesses who opened and closed in Beacon in recent years, and why they might have succeeded. Included in the feature was one of Beacon's most famed and loved barber, Mr. Alvin Bell. At age 54, after being downsized at the Nabisco plant that would become Dia:Beacon, which sparked Beacon's revitalization, Mr. Bell opened his salon, Main Street Beauty Salon, to continue his survival in Beacon on Main Street. He maintained the salon for over 30 years. The salon was located next to BJ’s Soul Food.

In July 2022, a spark popped in the vicinity of Mr. Bell's salon, which ended up destroying the salon. After 3pm when everyone had left for the day and the salon was empty, a woman working at the pizza shop next door saw smoke coming out of the bottom of the salon door.

Within hours, his salon was destroyed. Back in 2019, the writer of the Chronogram piece wondered if the success of some businesses was by “magic.” The end certainly went up in smoke.

Quoted from the Chronogram: "It [Beacon] is a place where people like 84-year-old barber Alvin Bell, who spent 27 years working at the Nabisco factory before it was transformed into Dia:Beacon, can open up a business that survives for 30 years and counting.

"Perhaps it's magic. But magic is what the magician does just out of sight while you're distracted by the waving handkerchief. Magic is what happens unheralded and unseen, just beyond the spotlight. You want magic? Show up and do the work," declared the reporter.

Mr. Bell’s success was not magic, but he had blessings and a good landlord along the way, helping to make success possible and his rent affordable. By the time the fire engulfed his salon, his original landlord had sold to a new owner.

The property changed hands after longtime owners, the Piccone family sold 20 parcels on the west end of Main Street to Joseph H. Donovan of Hudson Todd LLC. This included properties where businesses such as Mountain Tops, the Mountain Scout (now Utensil), Miss Vickie’s Music (now Colorant), and others were located. After the sale, long-time businesses moved around at that time so that run-down properties could be renovated and rented for presumably higher rents. Most properties were replaced by existing local Beacon businesses who were relocating and could afford the higher rent in a renovated space.

The new owners at that time, Hudson Todd LLC, worked with some business owners to find new locations. One such person was Miss Vickie’s Music, who Hudson Todd LLC’s helped move to the row of apartments behind Mr. Bell’s salon. Mr. Bell and the shoe cobbler, John’s Shoe Repair, were not moved. They stayed put, even though their spaces were quite old and not renovated.

According to Joseph H. Donovan when asked by ALBB, the sale of the building housing Mr. Bell, John’s Shoe Repair, and the apartments behind which housed Miss Vickie and others, was sold in September. Joseph told ALBB: “The sale of 201-211 Main Street closed on 14-Sep-2022. The buyer was 201-211 Main Street LLC, whose principals constructed and own the nearby building [across the street] at 206 Main Street (on the corner of Digger Phelps).”

The day of the fire, Miss Vickie saw the smoke, but neither fire nor smoke damage reached her apartment. Multiple fire engine companies were called to help put out the fire, which ended up destroying Mr. Bell’s Main Street Beauty Salon with heavy smoke damage to John’s Shoe Repair. Not holding business insurance, Mr. Bell had only what was left in the salon to start over. A GoFundMe page was started to raise cash for him, which it was later reported, he returned, which ALBB has also confirmed with his wife, Shirley. ALBB donated, and did so regardless of if he reopened or not.

Months later, it was reported by the Highlands Current that Joseph Donovan worked to secure Mr. Bell’s salon and John’s Shoe Repair Donovan locations with newly negotiated, multi-year leases. He told the newspaper: “We did that so each of the them would have stability in their current locations after the sale.”

But after the fire, he ended up terminating Mr. Bell’s lease before the sale closed, according to the article. According to the article: “But by then, the merchants had signed their leases and Donovan was scheduled to close on the sale to Fadil Mavraj, the developer of the 206-208 Main St. building, within weeks. Donovan quickly determined it would not be possible to restore the barbershop before the sale, and terminated Bell’s lease at 211 Main.”

ALBB’s interview and transcript with Mr. Bell on his feelings of his reluctant retirement is below. Listen to his voice and hear him tell it in his words.

Interview with Mr. Alvin Bell with A Little Beacon Blog

Audio File Credit: The preparation and compression of this audio file was made possible by Tha’Max Studio and Tin Shingle.

ALBB: “Hi, this is Katie Hellmuth with A Little Beacon Blog. I am standing outside of Mr. Alvin's former salon shop here on Main Street. Hello, Mr. Bill.”

Mr. Bell: “How you doing sis?”

ALBB: “I’m good, thank you. We're standing here in front of the boards, that’s boarded up because it burnt down, a bit ago.Will you be continuing in here?”

Mr. Bell: “No I’m not.”

ALBB: “Would you still be cutting hair had it not burned down?”

Mr. Bell: “Definitely. But now with rent going sky high, it's just crazy in Beacon. I don't want to go back to that headache no more. I'd rather know."

Editor’s Note: Mr. Bell could barely say the word "resign."

ALBB: "Maybe if there's a chair somewhere else on Main Street? You'll be behind it? Cutting hair?"

Mr. Bell: "Oh yeah, definate, definite, I'd do that. Mostly I miss my friends. So many beautiful people in the City of Beacon. What I miss is people coming in from all over town. We sit and we'd talk. And I miss all that. And I miss all the pictures. I had pictures of everybody. That's what I miss more than cutting hair."

Editor’s Note: His salon was filled wall-to-wall with framed photos, certificates, awards and recognition. Most of which burned. A gentleman comes to interrupt:

Stranger: "Hey brother, the is your shop right here?"

Mr. Bell: "You know it brother man!" Mr. Bell continued with his infamous deep chuckle. "I miss everybody in Beacon now."

ALBB: "We saw you out here every single day."

Mr. Bell: "That's right. Sure did! And I love it. Everybody was so nice to me. Everybody in Beacon. The Chief of Police. Everybody."

ALBB: "Were you surprised when the burned down?"

Mr. Bell: "Yeah. I was very surprised."

ALBB: "How have you been feeling?"

Mr. Bell: "I've been feeling good physically and mentally, but I miss all my good friends. I miss my friends. I still got friends. Everyone says 'as long as you're in good health.' And I'm in good health. Sometimes things happen, and we don't know why they happen. I don't talk much about spirituality, only I am the central power, that kind of stuff, but, I'm a spiritual type of person. Bad things happen to good people too."

ALBB: "You brought with you today a picture of Pete Seeger. Tell us your back story.”

Mr. Bell: "And here's [a picture of an article in] A Little Beacon Blog!”

ALBB: "Yes! There's A Little Beacon Blog.

Mr. Bell: "Put that on there.”

ALBB: "Ok. Here we go. The article reads: ‘Alvin Bell Sr. Turns 85. He Was Awarded The Unofficial Mayor Of The City Of Beacon” And you were awarded that by Mayor Randy Casale at the time.”

Mr. Bell: "That's right.”

ALBB: "You're now holding the Chrongram Community Pages from May 2019, they did a huge feature of you. They were spotlighting as this was going up. And I see the 2 new apartment buildings next to he gas station. One of them was finished, and that one wasn't finished yet. They are both finished now. But there's a huge spread of you that they did on the other page, opposite that.”

Mr. Bell: "Will you take a picture of that?”

ALBB: “I will take a picture of that. Tell me about Pete Seeger. How is he in your heart?”

Mr. Bell: "Don't forget Chris. I sung with Chris. We went all over Beacon. Chris took me to places. I didn't know what was in Beacon. My favorite song is Victory is Mine. That's my favorite song. Pete used to come in - I never called him Pete.”

ALBB: "What did you call him?

Mr. Bell: "Mr. Seeger. You have to earn it. Also a picture of his wife. When she died and I went to the funeral, he gave me a beautiful picture of her. You see that? 3x Grammy. He gave it to me to put it in the shop. I had so many. I had 20, 30 award. Every Church gave me an award. But they all burn up, so. I don't know why, but. It really don't matter."

ALBB: "We are now looking at the Certificate of Recognition. For the Unofficial Mayor of Beacon. Signed by Randy Casale. The letter reads:

Dear Alvin Bell Senior:

I would like to wish you a very happy 85th birthday. You have been the unofficial mayor of the City of Beacon. Your barbershop has served Beacon residents in an exemplary fashion for nearly 3 decades. This community is grateful to have such a friendly and helpful role model. As a good friend of Pete Seeger, I know you have a good heart. Your children and those around you are blessed to learn from you every day. Thank you for all you have done and continue to do for the City of Beacon. Happy Birthday, and I wish you many more to come.

Signed by Mayor Randy Casale

At the end of our interview, a man driving by pulled his car over and brought out his camera. He asked if he could take a picture of Mr. Bell. Being that Mr. Bell looks so dapper every day.

“Do you know who this person is?” ALBB asked. “No,” he replied, and asked to take his picture. Mr. Bell was flattered and agreed. The man snapped his photo and turned to leave. But not without ALBB forcing this story upon him before he drove away with another icon collected in his camera.

PS: Another beauty salon has since opened in the spot where Mr. Bell’s salon was. ALBB speaks on behalf of the community in welcoming them here and wishing them good luck.

Guardian Self Storage Opens Second Building In Beacon - Temperature Controlled!

Photo Credit: Flynn Larsen for ALBB

Could your self-storage experience feel homey? Mellow? Safe? Yes, yes, and yes, says Guardian Self Storage to the Beacon community.

Thanks to Guardian Self Storage’s sponsor support of A Little Beacon Blog, we were able to create a “Come In!” feature article for you, dear reader, in order to bring you the details behind all those colorful “Now Open!” flags blowing in the wind at 629 Route 52, next to their original building that replaced Southern Dutchess Bowl.

Said property manager Vicki McDonald to A Little Beacon Blog: “We are thrilled to provide the Beacon community – both residents and businesses – with a warm and welcoming space to store stuff of all kinds. We’re all about making moving easy and personable.” Vicki has been with the company for 18 years, and is a lifelong Beaconite who fondly recalls frequenting the former bowling alley.

While Guardian Self Storage’s Beacon location has been open for 5 years, the original plan was always to build a second building to offer a temperature-controlled environment. That day has come.

But First, A Brief History For Beacon Trivia Collectors

General Manager Judy Motter and Beacon’s Manager vicki McDonald stand in the auto-lit hallway of Guardian’s renovated building, that preserved the original wood beamed ceiling of the bowling alley.
Photo Credit: Flynn Larsen for ALBB

As the company’s 14th location in the Hudson Valley, Guardian Self Storage came to Beacon 5 years ago. It converted the former Southern Dutchess Bowl, but preserved the iconic ceiling, allowing customers to view the beams from each storage unit. Units on this floor in the first building can see the original ceiling, as the top of every storage unit is chicken wire, which allows for airflow through each unit.

During that renovation, Guardian Self Storage creatively connected with the community through its re-use of bowling lane planks. One person bought some of the high gloss maple timber for a kitchen renovation. Other pieces of the floor were sold to a bar for their decor.

The previous owner, Barry Winter, also kept a lane for himself. He says it was a "championship winning lane."

The New Building – Temperature Controlled!

windows for natural light in both Guardian Self Storage Buildings in Beacon.
Photo Credit: Flynn Larsen for ALBB

The new, four-story, 64,000 square foot facility sits next to the original building, fitted with an elevator. Both buildings are temperature controlled, are immaculate, and have windows to see the views and let in the natural light.

Units range from 25 square foot “small closets,” to the humongous 300 square foot “attics.” Large enough to be a 2-car garage (but no cars are stored at this location)! All units are 10 feet high, with roll-up metal doors. The smallest is the size of a small pantry, followed by a proper closet.

“We converted some of the larger units to be the smaller closet size, because that has been the most popular size in Beacon,” said Vicki.

Customers usually use their own storage shelves if they feel they need them, but they can hire Guardian Self Storage to build custom built shelving for the unit. Rentals are available month-to-month.

“Frequently, we are helping some people during a stressful point in their lives,” added General Manager Judy Motter. “It could be a divorce, or moving for one reason or another. We are a calming factor. We want to make this the easiest part of your move, if you’re moving.”

Each unit has a number, identified with a stylish sign, like on an apartment.
Photo Credit: Flynn Larsen FOR ALBB

Indeed, Guardian/Beacon serves a diverse array of space-seekers. Customers include drivers for brand name snacks, homeowners, renters, business people, people who make or collect to sell at flea markets, craftspeople, and artisans.

The 10’ x 30’ unit in the new temperature controlled building.
Photo Credit: Flynn Larsen for ALBB

“Some of them hang out, make things, and tinker,” said Vicki. “Years ago, when people in Beacon first started being approached to sell their homes for cash and they accepted, they and had to move very quickly. They stored most of their house here until they relocated.”

The “Garden units” in the new temperature controlled building of Guardian Self Storage.
Photo Credit: Flynn Larsen for ALBB

Natural light imparts a cheery ambiance in the boxy building. “We purposefully have a lot of windows, with plenty of landscaping,” said Judy. Soft piano music chimes in the background on all of the floors as one walks to their storage unit. “We make a point of making people feel welcome, and at home here.”

The lower-level spaces are dubbed “Garden Units” because of large picture windows facing some of the storage units. “A person feels like they are in a “Garden Apartment,” twinkled Ms. McDonald.

Community Involvement Beyond Storage

For many years, Guardian has been well-respected for creating close community ties, and Guardian Beacon looks forward to becoming a friend to Beaconites and beyond.

“Being there for Beacon is something we’re looking forward to,” said the project manager. “I grew up in Beacon, and loved my years at the Yanarella School of Dance, on Main Street. So, I’ve experienced the arts first-hand. Each month, Guardian Self Storage allows a manager of all locations to pick something in their community to benefit. I’m very happy with Guardian’s community policy that lets us reach everyone.”

To this end, the recent Howland Cultural Center Photography Members Exhibition was granted corporate support from Guardian Beacon.

Security In The Storage Units

Customers have their own personal code for easy accessibility during the hours of 6 a.m. and 10 p.m., seven days a week. Security cameras are located in several places in both buildings.

Easy Storage, Supplies and Moving Convenience

Photo Credit: Flynn Larsen for ALBB

Stop by the main office to purchase supplies like boxes, combination locks, and moving supplies as needed.

Guardian Self Storage’s Beacon location is celebrating its Grand Opening with a 30% discount for the first three months. A free 14-foot box truck or 10-foot van* rental is available on a first-come basis for moving. Customers pay for fuel as well as a small deposit and insurance fee.
*Van is available for the Beacon location only. Lucky us!

Guardian Self Storage also accepts mail and packages for business customers.

Guardian Self Storage Sizes

629 Route 52, Beacon, NY
(845) 838-3800
Storage Unit Sizes:
4’ x 3’ Good for college students
5’ x 5’ Good for gear & garden tools
5’ x 10’ Good for seasonal clothes or motorcycle
5’x 15’ Good as a walk-in closet
10’ x 10’ Good for 2-3 rooms of furniture
10’ x 15’ Good to store an apartment
10’ x 20’ Good for 3-4 rooms of furniture
10’ x 25’ Good for business storage
10’ x 30’ Good for a household of storage

All in all, Guardian Self Storage’s overarching aim is putting smiles on people’s faces. The proof of the pudding is the enthusiasm of the managers and office staff, and the gleaming cleanliness of the facility.

“Think of that spider-web covered crawl space of your basement, or cramming things into your apartment,” said Vicki. “Instead, you can use a clean unit that you can access as needed. No more denying yourself more holiday decorations just because you ran out of space!”

Seeing is believing, and yearning to stow. Contact Guardian Self Storage’s Beacon location for a tour. Call 845-838-3800 or email

Judy and vicki are ready to take you on a tour of Guardian Storage in Beacon.
Photo Credit: Flynn Larsen for ALBB

Eviction Assistence For Beaconites From Legal Services Of The Hudson Valley

Last year, as a result of public outcry at rising rents and evictions in Beacon, the City of Beacon entered into an agreement with Legal Services of the Hudson Valley in order to in provide increased access to assistance for Beacon tenants facing eviction.

Legal Services of the Hudson Valley encourage all to not self-evict. Meaning, if a landlord tells the tenant to leave, the tenant may have rights that they are not aware of. There are times when some people opt not to pursue outside help when faced with a landlord telling them they need to leave, preferring instead to deal with matters on their own.

A phone call to Legal Services of the Hudson Valley would be worth it, just to see what happens and what strategies are available. Call the paralegal, Steven Mihalik at 845-253-6953 to inquire.

Eviction Timeline Uncertain at 925 Wolcott Ave, As is Tenant's Possible Work/Trade/Board Agreement With Landlord When Served With Eviction

Evictions look different than this house debris at 925 Wolcott. An eviction of a person, group of people or family looks like all of their stuff outside on the sidewalk. Their vacuum cleaner, washer and dryer maybe, boxes of stuffed animals and clothes. Sometimes these items are soggy and wet after days of sitting outside in the rain.

Soggy stuff on the front lawn and sidewalk is what it looked like when a recent Beacon elementary school student’s family was evicted days before the holidays. Their things were outside for the entire community to see.

The day before their eviction, the student’s playmates asked them at the end of the school day: “Can you play tomorrow?” The student answered: “I don’t know. My mom says that we are moving tomorrow if we can’t find a new place today.” The students accepted the answer at face value, while the parents who heard the student’s answer doubted the precise nature of it. Perhaps the student was parroting an exasperated claim by their parents. Wishfull thinking.

The next day, the student’s family’s things were indeed on the sidewalk, looking like this house debris in the picture above, but in the reverse. The house was in tact, but their stuff looked like debris.

Note: To answer a reader’s question: This story is an example of what an eviction can look like. It is not illustrating the burning of this house by a former tenant on the day of his own eviction hearing. The rest of that story is below.

Note: To answer a reader’s question: it is unknown if the owner of the student’s house and the owner of 925 Wolcott Avenue are the same owner. This story is to illustrate an eviction, and what that looks like from an owner’s house perspective that is standing with their tenant’s personal possessions outside, and an owner’s house that has been destroyed by the tenant that the owner is seeking eviction on.

The Intended Eviction of Brian P. Atkinson

The picture above is a reverse eviction. The tenant of 925 Wolcott Avenue, Brian P. Atkinson, was arrested for arson after setting the house he lived at on fire the day he was due in court for an eviction hearing. This fire endangered many people, required multiple fire departments to control, destroyed one property, and damaged two other properties.

Several locals familiar with the situation said that he turned himself in, which was later confirmed by the City of Beacon Police in an article. The building’s owner, Yeshia Berger, who also owns the multi-unit house across the street at 916 Wolcott Avenue, told A Little Beacon Blog that Brian was caught on camera, removing the camera shortly before the house caught fire. The fire was so hot it almost melted a firetruck and did damage two neighboring houses. A gasoline-sniffing dog was used to investigate the debris. The flames were so so high, they could be seen across the Hudson River in Newburgh.

Brian, it was later learned after the first media reports came out about the fire, was due in Beacon City Court that Tuesday for his eviction hearing. The newspaper, The Highlands Current, had called the Beacon City Courts to acquire information and learned of his court date. When the building owner spoke with A Little Beacon Blog, he stated that the person who set the house on fire was a prior tenant was not living there anymore.

People familiar with Brian’s living habits, including neighbors who could see the property, confirmed that Brian had been on the property during the day and night right up until the fire, collecting trash and maintaining the property. A light would be on at night, indicating he was living inside. Locals say he was a skilled carpenter, and had been “hired” recently by the building owner.

Locals and the Police Report say that the house was under construction, and had been stripped to the studs inside. However, the Police Report says that the house was unoccupied. According to neighbors and locals, Brian was known to be living there. And in fact, may have experienced the power shut off on that Monday.

Midhudson News reported that renovations had begun on the house, but were stopped by the City of Beacon. A Little Beacon Blog has filed a FOIL to gain access to the permit for construction, and the City of Beacon’s stop-work notice, if either exist.

Neighbors have confirmed that construction work had begun on the house to fix the front porch. The City of Beacon’s Building Department nor City Administrator have not responded to questions on this matter. Perhaps they will divulge during a public City Council Meeting.

According to information obtained by The Highlands Current, Brian had been served with an eviction hearing on December 21, 2022, citing unpaid rent. His hearing was set for Tuesday, January 3, 2023. Some locals indicated that he was in agreement with the building owner to provide services for the house in trade for living there. It is not clear then, how soon after he completed his last task, that an eviction notice was given to him.

The Torching of 925 Wolcott Avenue As Metaphor For Housing Crisis

While torching anything is wrong and not justified, the igniting of 925 Wolcott Avenue has come to represent a literal expressing of “burn it all down” when people reach the end of what they see as a broken system.

This fire has lit up the Beacon community to use this situation as illustrative of the housing crisis Beacon is experiencing - and has been experiencing since its settlement, as different people move in over the decades. But now, is hitting different classes and races, so different voices are speaking out.

Questions that arise include:

  • Why are people’s names not included on property companies, making it hard to find the people who own a building?

  • Does the City of Beacon regularly inspect the interior of rental units to make sure they are safe and humane? Movement is being made on short term rentals for Airbnb, but what about long term rentals? The long-term rental market is a quieter market who usually fears the landlord and does not make complaints. Unlike Airbnb, where there is a public platform for renters to write reviews about their rental units, and owners can write reviews about renters.

  • The City of Beacon may have stopped work on outside construction because it did not conform to laws, but were the people living inside OK this day, and years prior?

  • How far do people want local and state government to go, because there is already overreach? How is this all to work? With so many already existing laws that leave some people invisible?

Eviction Hearing and Tenants Rights

After much protest and arguments by residents of the City of Beacon in 2021, the City did enter into an agreement with Legal Services of the Hudson Valley to assist people facing eviction. Most people might not know about it, if they missed a single news report about it.

The information for how to use the tool designed for tenets rights is buried in the City’s website in a blog post dated March 2022 (as opposed to being front and center on the City’s home page, since losing one’s home is such a traumatic event).

You can find those legal assistance services here, which includes a direct phone line for Beacon residents. People are encouraged to call, even if they fear their landlord and assume they don’t have much time to find a new place.

It is unknown if any of the tenants of 925 Wolcott Avenue who were told to leave their boarding rooms by the landlord prior to the fire pursued legal help. The benefits of Legal Services of the Hudson Valley include attempting to connect someone with rent arrears assistance. However, some tenant/landlord agreements or leases are verbal or do not meet the standards of what a rent arrears assistance program requires, so some people do not even try to get this help.

If a new building owner wants everyone out, there are ways to do this, including:

  • Paying people to help them move.

  • Giving them time to move once notice is given.

  • Helping them find a new location.

Buying property is tricky. Once new financing is in place, often rent has to go up to sustain it, and repairs need to be done to the property. Math. Additionally, tact.

Arrested Arson Suspect of 925 Wolcott Avenue Fire Was Scheduled For Eviction Hearing Day Of Fire

The house at 925 Wolcott Avenue once known as “The Gate House,” and known for being a boarding house, has been demolished after being allegedly set on fire by previous tenant.

As first reported by the Highlands Current, 56 year old Brian P. Atkinson, who has been arrested for arson for the fire of the boarding home at 925 Wolcott Avenue on Tuesday, January 3, 2023, was due in Beacon City Court that same day for an eviction hearing, as stated in court records obtained by the Highlands Current. The fire destroyed the house and caused heat damage to two neighboring houses. 925 Wolcott has since been demolished, one day after the fire.

The newspaper reported: “According to court records, Atkinson was scheduled to be in City Court on Tuesday for eviction proceedings which had been filed against him for non-payment of rent on Dec. 21 by the building’s landlord.” It is not clear yet for how long the non-payment of rent is being disputed.

As told to A Little Beacon Blog by the building’s current owner, who stated that he purchased the building 6 months ago, there was no one living in the building at the time of the fire, including Brian.

According to the Beacon Police in a press release, the building was “unoccupied as it was currently under construction.” The Beacon Police also said Brian was “undomiciled.”

According to reporting by Mid Hudson News, construction on the house had been stopped by the City of Beacon. ALBB awaits comment from the City of Beacon’s Building Inspector Bruce Flower or City Administrator Chris White on that reporting.

Beacon Police Department Confirms Arson In 925 Wolcott Ave. Fire After Dutchess County Investigation Division Investigates

After sunset on the day that 925 Wolcott was allegedly set fire before sunrise, the Beacon Police Department released arrest details of the suspect in a press release issued by Detective Sergeant Jason Johnson #315 at approximately 5pm on January 3, 2023. The press release reads as follows:

On 1/3/2023 at approximately 06:25am, the City of Beacon Police along with City of Beacon Fire Department responded to 925 Wolcott Avenue for a fully engulfed fire. The building was determined to be unoccupied as it was currently under construction. Two nearby residences sustained exterior heat damage. The Dutchess County Fire Investigation Division was contacted and also responded. An investigation revealed that the fire was in fact arson and previous tenant Brian P. Atkinson was subsequently arrested. Atkinson is 56 years old and currently undomciciled. He was charged with the following:

  • Arson 3rd (1 count) Class C Felony

  • Reckless Endangerment 1st (2 counts) Class D Felony

  • Criminal Mischief 2nd (2 counts) Class D Felony

The defendant was processed and he is currently awaiting to be arraigned in Beacon City Court.

The press release did not mention if the suspect had turned himself in, as stated by other reports and the building owner. The Beacon Police Department did not respond to ALBB’s request for that confirmation as of this publishing.

“Undomiciled,” according to Urban Dictionary, means: “Housing challenged. The politically correct way of saying one is homeless. props to dforce for this one.”

Additionally, Beacon’s Building Department or City Administrator did not respond to ALBB’s request for confirmation if the construction had indeed stopped prior to the fire per the City of Beacon’s issuance, as reported in the Mid Hudson News. If ALBB learns more from the building owner, this article will be updated.

ALBB previously reported on this story here.

Raging Fire Destroys Multi-Unit House Under Renovation In Alleged Arson (925 Wolcott Avenue)

Photos Posted by the Beacon Fire department. See all of them here.

At 6:35am, flames and smoke at 925 Wolcott Avenue could be seen above roofs of neighboring houses.

On the morning of Tuesday, January 3, 2023, between 6am and 6:30am according to neighboring residents who called 911, the house at 925 Wolcott Avenue known to longtime Beaconites as “The Guest House” because it was a group home, was engulfed in a raging fire, which destroyed all 3 floors. According to Zillow, the house had 9 bedrooms and 9 bathrooms.

According to those at the scene, there was no one living inside of the house at the time of the fire. The house had been purchased 6 months ago, according to the new owner, and was under renovation.

First responders could not yet confirm that there were no injuries, but they indicated that no one had been inside to need assistance. By 9:30am, once the fire was contained and smoke remained, fire fighters began searching the rubble to make sure no one was inside, as they searched for “hot spots” to continue to put out. Also at that time, Beacon’s City Administrator Chris White could be seen exiting the scene.

Flames at 925 Wolcott Avenue in Beacon could be seen high above trees and houses from Newburgh in the early morning before sunrise.
Photo Credit: Mid Hudson News, Anastasis Amanatides

At 6:35am, flames and smoke could be seen above roofs of neighboring houses. According to one resident who called 911 at approximately 6:35am, other people had also called in to report the fire. According to that resident, no sirens were immediately heard approaching, even though they may have arrived at the building already.

UPDATE 1/6/2023: Other readers did recall hearing sirens. It was a multi-agency event, so several first responders from different communities were there.

The fire was so hot at 925 Wolcott Avenue, it peeled the vinyl off the neighboring house.

In Beacon, during slow periods on the road, or in quiet hours, emergency response units have been known to flash their lights but not their sirens, perhaps out of noise consideration.

According to first responders at the scene, they arrived at 6:30am to fight the fire. Several fire departments assisted as mutual aid, including Rombout, Fishkill, Glenham, and others. Those at the scene said the blaze was so hot, that it almost melted a fire truck.

UPDATE 1/6/2023: Other readers did recall hearing sirens. It was a multi-agency event, so several first responders from different communities were there.

UPDATE 1/6/2023: As reported by the Highlands Current, first responders included: firefighters from the Village of Fishkill, Castle Point and Glenham. Both of Beacon’s ambulance services, Ambulnz and Beacon Volunteer Ambulance, assisted. the Dutchess County Sheriff’s Office and MTA police also assisted. Rombout and Chelsea firefighters provided standby coverage in the city. The fire is being investigated by the Beacon Police, the Dutchess Sheriff’s Office and the Dutchess Fire Investigation Division.

The fire’s heat did peel vinyl siding off the neighboring house, and those residents were vacated from their home while the fire was put out near their home with water. Central Hudson poles on the sidewalk near the house were also burned.

Central Hudson was also on the scene to find the gas line under the ground to shut it off to prevent any gas leak. They began digging using a private contractor trained in such excavation.

Beacon City School District Administrative building is nearby, as is Sargent Elementary School. Containment of the blaze was ongoing during the morning arrival of students via bus, car and those who walk. Sargent Elementary PTO issued an update via Instagram to those transporting to expect delays, and that the drop off circle was not in use, but that the school was not physically impacted by the fire.

According to Mid Hudson News, the 3rd floor of the house collapsed. Experts on the scene predicted the entire building would need to be demolished.

Alleged Cause Of The Fire

According to those at the scene, arson was suspected by fire fighters, who called in the Dutchess County Fire Investigation Division, who reportedly prefers to not use the word “arson” in their title anymore. Their truck is labeled Dutchess County Emergency Response Field Support Unit. A black dog trained to sniff for gasoline was seen exploring the scene.

Inside, the house had been stripped to the studs. According the building’s owner who spoke to A Little Beacon Blog, the suspect had turned himself in for setting the fire. According to the owner, the suspect could be seen removing a security camera before allegedly pouring gasoline throughout the house. The owner said the suspect had been a tenant in the boarding house prior, but did not live there now. ALBB reached out to Beacon Police Chief Sands Frost and City Administrator Chris White for confirmation and/or comment, and has not yet received a response.

UPDATE 1/6/2023: The Highlands Current reported in the print version of their article published after the online version was published: “Police said he walked to the department and turned himself in immediately after starting the fire. He is in custody at the Dutchess County jail in Poughkeepsie and is scheduled for a preliminary hearing at 10 a.m. in Beacon today (Jan. 6).”

According to Beacon City Court when ALBB followed up, that preliminary hearing got adjourned and postponed to the following week, the date still to be released.

UPDATE 1/3/2023 5pm: The Beacon Police Department issued a Press Release confirming arson. Read it here.

According to reporting by Mid-Hudson News: “The property had recently been sold and construction was being performed at the property until the project was shut down by city officials.” A Little Beacon Blog has reached out to Beacon’s Building Department Inspector Bruce Flower and the City Administrator Chris White for comment and has not yet received a response.

As the building’s owner looked at the wreckage, he reflected to ALBB that it was a landmark. When asked if he had plans to designate it historic, he answered that he did not. As for any historic designation, ALBB reached out to Beacon’s City Planner John Clark, who said: “So sorry to hear about the fire. This building, although old enough, is not included in the City's Historic District and Landmark Overlay Zone and, as far as I know, not on the National Register of Historic Places. It was also not on a list of residential buildings considered last year for the HDLO, which concentrated on properties closer to Main Street.”

Longtime residents of Beacon remember 925 Wolcott Avenue as a boarding house for men. Old pictures show the condition of the inside of the house, including notes residents wrote to each other, as well as architectural details.


Tenants of the house had left each other common area notes, according to old photos on Zillow. These say: “Please THINK! ALL of us here must share common “stuff” such as toilets, showers, sinks, one stove. Be kind and clean up any messes you make” The note was signed with a smiley face.

Another note says, in all caps, indicating importance: “Unused stove burners not be considered.The back left burner is used less often. It needs to be covered up when you cook. This reduces fat and grease buildup.”

The third note instructs in green marker: “Please don’t touch any of the heaters.”

It is not known when the last time the building was inspected while people lived inside of it, before it was purchased and gutted.

Tips can be sent to the Beacon Police Department and to A Little Beacon Blog.

List Of Property Plans To Be Discussed At Beacon's Planning Board Meeting (July 2022)

Plans, visions and ideas for the following properties will be discussed at the City of Beacon’s Planning Board Meeting, July 12, 2022. Click here for more details with links to supporting documents related to each property.

1. "Beacon Views Townhouses" (37 units), Conklin Street, submitted by Beacon Views, LLC

2. 16 West Main Street (62 units), submitted by Farrell Building Company

3. Hotel and event space, 1113 Wolcott Avenue, submitted by Prophecy Theater, LLC (postponed to August 9, 2022 at the request of the applicant)

4. 2-lot residential, 46 Judson Street, submitted by 46 Judson, LLC (postponed to August 9, 2022 at the request of the applicant)

5. Indoor and outdoor event space, 4 Hanna lane, submitted by Jason Hughes

6. 2-lot residential, 146 Verplanck Avenue, submitted by James Petty

7. Mirbeau Inn & Spa at Howland Estate, 7 Craig House Lane, submitted by The Mirbeau Companies

8. 2-lot residential, 67 Grove Street

9. Small cell wireless facility on an existing light pole and one antenna, 2 Red Flynn Drive, submitted by Verizon Wireless of the East, LP (dba Verizon Wireless)

10. Artist studios, 5 Henry Street, submitted by Michael Braden

11. Accessory apartment, 31 Beacon Street, submitted by Kyle Donnelly

12. 12 Highland Place, submitted by Lori Joseph Builders Inc

Graffiti Sprayed Onto New Building - 249 Main Street - Tagged With Words, Not Art

This photo was taken 1 week after the graffiti was covered up with paper by a person who wanted to remain anonymous, but wanted to make the vandalism less glaring.

One of the new apartment buildings in Beacon - 249 Main Street - was tagged last weekend. The words “Go Home” were spray painted in white over the building and windows. A person who wished to remain anonymous covered up the graffiti with white paper one day after the incident happened. A Little Beacon Blog has reached out to the Beacon Police and to the realtor who represents the property, The Gate House Team at Compass (formerly Gate House Realty), to inquire if the incident had been reported to the police, and if so, if security cameras on Main Street or neighboring businesses had been used to find who did the spray painting. Neither have responded. Baxter built the property.

This is not the first time buildings have been tagged in Beacon by menacing individuals. Last year in January 2020, a handful of businesses were tagged. In that case, 3 New Windsor men and 1 man from Newburgh were taken into custody and charged in relation to vandalism, as reported by the Poughkeepsie Journal, who identified the men after the City of Beacon Police Department shared the information.

Some of the art you see around Beacon on the sides of buildings is a result of covering up unwanted graffiti. Removing the paint is very difficult.

The intent of the message is not clear. Beacon’s real estate has been hot for a while, and is currently pricing out many locals who live here who need to stay in rental units, or want to move from rental units into property they purchase. Some Beaconites are selling directly to each other, and not listing their homes, in order to avoid bidding wars and do their friends a favor to keep their friends in Beacon. One the other hand, some Beaconites are setting the prices very high on their homes, hoping to get cash offers.

Beacon’s Mayor Lee Kyriacou has been resisting the City Council’s push to sign into law the Good Cause Eviction Law, as neighboring towns have, including Newburgh, Poughkeepsie, and Kingston. During the first meeting the City Council had to discuss Good Cause Eviction Law, Beacon’s attorney Nick Ward-Willis of Keane and Beane rushed to silence the discussion and move it to Executive Session, which is when the City Council, Mayor and City Administrator can discuss things in private from the public.

Since then, Councilperson Dan Aymar-Blair has presented a proposal to accept Good Cause Eviction Law, which has the support of many in the public who continuously show up to City Council meetings to voice their support. Mayor Kyriacou, who is a landlord, continues to not support it, saying he defers to the city’s attorney, who is not recommending the law, stating that New York State guidance is needed. However, New York State’s Attorney General Letitia James just stated she supports the law.

Said Letitia in a filmed speech shared with City Limits: “I step before you as someone who was once in poverty…who was once evicted. And so paying the rent — yeah rent is too damn high. So we’ve gotta talk about rent and housing and all the issues that we care about. Yes, we need to pass Good Cause Eviction.”

Airbnb is also a factor in Beacon’s real estate economy. While it is good for some house owners and apartment renters who offer it, it is taking long term rental units and houses off the market. While Beaconites who rent out on Airbnb were deathly afraid of Beacon’s then Building Inspector, Tim Dexter, enforcing code requirements on them and shutting them down under then Mayor Randy Casale’s administration, Beaconites have nothing to fear now. Tim Dexter has since retired, replaced by his then assistant, David Buckley. Under Mayor Kyriacou’s administration, the current Building Inspector took a very different approach to code interpretation, and removed the road-block of fire-safety egress windows or ceiling sprinklers in his interpretation to make offering Airbnb more affordable for homeowners who did not want to invest in such safety features.

Further, Beacon’s City Administrator Chris White says that he spoke with David Buckley, and the two discussed how the Airbnb regulation Beacon passed years ago is unenforceable. There seems to be little desire at the administration level to begin enforcement.

If any such enforcement has happened that you would like to share with ALBB, please do so by contacting us.

One week later, the white paper covering the graffiti is still up on the apartment building, albeit ripped and blowing in the wind. Sadly, the graffiti was done at the building’s “promotional” window, that encourages a passer-byer to “tag” the realtor with a selfie photo.

What's Being Discussed At Tonight's City Council Workshop: Accessory Apartments; Good Cause Eviction; Highway Department Hire; Assessment Base Percentage; Zoning Board Appointment

Beacon's City Council will meet this evening 9/27/2021 at 7pm for a regularly scheduled Workshop meeting, which is when they discuss topics amongst themselves in public, but without opportunities for Public Comment. This type of meeting happens every other Monday.

On the agenda tonight are different topics, some of which were covered during last week's public City Council Meeting. When new information or public feedback emerges, sometimes these topics get put back onto the Workshop schedule for further discussion. Click here for the full agenda, plus links to supporting documents.

Tonight's Agenda Includes

Accessory Apartments

The City Council is perusing normalizing Accessory Apartments as a right for homeowners of single family homes in all R1, all RD and the T Zoning Districts to build and rent out without requiring a special use permit approval from the Planning Board. Mayor Kyriacou with the support of City Administrator Chris White is pursuing this in the name of renter and owner affordability during the current housing crisis throughout the nation. According to supporting documentation from the City's attorney: "The City Council is considering adopting amendments to the City Code to encourage the development of accessory apartments to promote renter and owner affordability in the City of Beacon."

This vision is led by Mayor Kyriacou and City Administrator Chris, who served on council together during the 1990s. Mayor Kyriacou is a property owner in Beacon who has renovated properties, and has served as a landlord for different properties.

Mayor Kyriacou is pursuing the right to build the Accessory Apartments bigger than they are now. City Administrator Chris is pursuing removing parking requirements for Accessory Apartments. Parking requirements can sometimes be used to stall a building project by those who disagree with a project.

For the past several years, Beacon has been unfavorable toward Accessory Apartments, even when someone wanted to build one for their parent-in-laws or caregivers required to care for an aging parent or person who required consistent medical care. This zoning edit would change that.

During tonight's meeting, the City Council will debate several changes to the existing code, including size of the unit, how any dwellings would be allowed per lot, the design scheme of the accessory apartment, increasing the maximum build, eliminating currently required inspections every two years, and removing the parking requirement.

It is not indicated how the increase in number of Accessory Apartments would guarantee lower rental prices, since the free market and current supply and demand are not yielding to lower prices in Beacon.

The City Council will also review code regulations from the Town of Cortland, the Town of Newburgh, the Town of Pound Ridge, and the Town of Wappinger.

Proposed Local Law Regarding Good Cause Eviction

Councilmember Dan Aymar-Blair proposed that the City consider a law making it more difficult to evict tenants, called the Good Cause Eviction Law. The City will also look at Albany's Good Cause Eviction Law during tonight's Workshop. During last week's public City Council Meeting, a handful of people from the public called in demanding that the City put on Dan's proposed Good Cause Eviction Law onto the agenda. People told stories of people they knew who had their rents raised by several percentage points, making it difficult or impossible for them to remain in Beacon.

Last February 2020, Councilmember Terry Nelson pushed to have the Emergency Tenants Protection Act (ETPA) considered by the City. This law would legalize a rent cap, but has several requirements that the city must meet, including vacancy rate and the age of buildings. This was discussed by the Council, and Mayor Kyriacou presented reasons for not pursuing it.

Proposed Hire of Motor Equipment Operator

The Highway Department is recommending the hiring of Andi Driza for Motor Equipment Operator.

Abandonment of Paper Streets

The City of Beacon is pursuing abandoning specific, very tiny areas in Beacon that are undeveloped and slipped through the cracks of ownership decades ago, which could put them into the ownership of neighboring homeowners. During last week's Public Hearing on the topic, some of those neighboring homeowners came to speak on the issue, to say if they wanted or did not want the property that was about to be absorbed by them. The council indicated that they were not anticipating the feedback, and appreciated the input. The matter has moved back into Workshop, where the council will discuss it again.

"The Official Map of the City of Beacon contains several undeveloped paper streets identified as Ryans Avenue, BeVier Avenue, Morse Street and Levy Street. A paper street is a street established on a filed subdivision map and is included on the Official Map of the City of Beacon, but which was never subsequently developed or used as a public way."

Proposed Appointment of Montos Vakirtzis to the Zoning Board of Appeals

Montos Vakirtzis is being recommended by Joe Galbo to be on the Zoning Board of Appeals.

Proposed Resolution to Certify Base Percentages and Proportions for the 2021 Assessment Roll Pursuant to Article 19 of the Real Property Tax Law

"Pursuant to Article 19 of the Real Property Tax Law, the City Council hereby adopts and establishes the Adjusted Base Proportions for the 2021 City of Beacon Assessment Roll as 69.10766% for Homestead parcels and 30.89234% for Non-homestead parcels, which are to be used for real property tax purposes;"

Property Taxes - How Are They Paid By People Who Experienced Income Reduction?

While renters in Beacon are experiencing little protection from increases on where they live, causing some Beaconites to leave Beacon or live with anxiety of rent increases, people with qualifying mortgages backed by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Department of Veterans Affairs, and Department of Agriculture who have escrow accounts with the mortgage company holding their account may be catching a break when their property tax to the City of Beacon, school and library come due.

The CARES ACT legislated that if a qualifying homeowner has experienced lower income due to the pandemic, they can put their mortgage into forbearance, thereby pausing payments and not incurring additional interest or penalties. The paused payments get added back into the total owned of the home, which are added to the total debt the homeowner owes. This forbearance was started by the Trump administration, and was continued by the Biden administration, who recently extended that deadline through June 2021.

Forbearance Is Set - What Does It Mean For Property Taxes?

While relief is experienced for a homeowner who lost income due to the pandemic, what happens to the property, school and library taxes that are due directly to the City of Beacon?

Some residents pay these payments directly from their own accounts, versus having the institution servicing their mortgage divide a portion of their payment into an escrow account, so that when property taxes come due, the money is there and company servicing the mortgage, like Quicken Loans or Rhinebeck Bank, makes the payment on behalf of the homeowner.

One year ago in March 2020, at the start of the pandemic, A Little Beacon Blog asked the City of Beacon how property tax was being handled. At the time, Mayor Kyriacou, who is a landlord in Beacon and owns several properties, advised us to ask state officials about it.

This year, A Little Beacon Blog inquired again, and received this response from Beacon’s City Administrator, Chris White: “The City delayed foreclosing on any properties in 2020. Normally, the City would have sent last chance agreements in March of 2020 to properties with 2018 taxes still open. In compliance with the State's COVID-19 Emergency Eviction and Foreclosure Act, the City mailed hardship declaration forms to anyone with open taxes from 2018 giving them until May 1, 2021 to pay or enter into an installment agreement. We have also not taken action on back taxes for 2019 or 2020 so there has been some flexibility.”

New York City’s City Council passed legislation in 2020 on late payment penalty interest to 0% for a period of time. As for Beacon, Chris explained: “The interest on taxes is 1% a month but is not compounded. We allow partial payments and offer installment agreements of up to 24 months for past due taxes as long as property owners remain current on any upcoming taxes (including school) while in an agreement.”

A Benefit To Escrow Accounts: Advance Payments Have Been Made For Some Mortgages

When a homeowner has an escrow account with the company handling their mortgage, that company sets aside a portion of the monthly mortgage payment and places it into an escrow account for property taxes to the City of Beacon and to the school and library. Same can be done with homeowners insurance. It’s one less bill to worry about, and makes setting aside money automatic.

If an escrow account is not used, however, then the homeowner needs to make the payment themselves. Even before the pandemic, some residents who had not disciplined themselves to save the money found it difficult to scrape the money together. With the pandemic and economic shut-down, collecting that money could be more difficult.

Property Tax Escrow Account 101

When we reached out to Dave Curry, VP Commercial Lender for Rhinebeck Bank, to inquire as to if Rhinebeck Bank was also advancing property tax payments for residential mortgages, he went beyond the question to provide some education about escrow accounts as they pertain to residential mortgages:

“Yes, we escrow taxes into the monthly payment. For Rhinebeck Bank, we do this on both the residential and commercial side. This a typical requirement as financial institutions want to be sure the taxes are being paid on an annual basis and that the borrower is in a position to do so. Some Banks will not escrow taxes if it was requested by the borrower, however, the bank is putting the trust in the borrower to be able to manage their finances enough to pay those big bills when they come! Unfortunately, most people are not disciplined enough with their finances.”

Dave continued: “Escrowing Insurance is a different story. Normally Banks do not require the escrow of insurance. So how this works is that your monthly mortgage payment is normally broken down 3 ways: Principle, Interest and Escrow. The escrow portion goes into a separate escrow account and when the Bank receives the tax bill, they cut a check from this account. Additionally, there is an escrow analysis done on an annual basis, which determines if your monthly escrow portion is enough to satisfy the annual taxes. Sometimes there is a shortage and you will have an increased monthly payment, and sometimes there is an overage where you will be cut a check from the Bank. That is pretty much the scope of it, but very common for mortgages.”

The escrow analysis is conducted for if the taxes in the city increase or the city reviews their appraisal amounts on each home, as Beacon did a few years ago after not having done it for years, which resulted in a substantial increase for property owners. The amount set aside from the monthly mortgage payment needs then to also increase in order to set aside enough property tax money.

People who are done paying their mortgages may not be in the habit of making the monthly required payment anymore, thus needing to be disciplined enough to set aside the money for tax collection time. If they have the money, during the pandemic where some have experienced job loss.