(4/26/2019) COVID-19 Numbers For Dutchess County (64 new positives today), Beacon (117 infected right now), Fishkill, Newburgh, Wappingers Falls
/As Governor Cuomo talks about a gradual reopening of New York, he imagines a regional approach between counties in New York State, as well as with other states neighboring New York, including New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania, since many people commute from state to state, and county to county to work and live. During several briefings, and succinctly by tweet, the governor has stated: “We are taking a regional approach to safely reopening NYS. Each region is facing its own set of facts. Protecting public health comes first and all decisions will be data-driven.”
New York State has its COVID-19 tracker that includes county data. Several counties have made their own daily trackers public, including Dutchess and Orange Counties, that do show some statistics for communities within the counties.
As the CDC’s guidelines have recommended a 14-day decline, with the White House’s recommendation here, realizing the numbers in this region is relevant. A Little Beacon Blog will present select numbers from the state and county trackers as a way to help you have a snapshot view of what is happening, and what happened yesterday and last week. Having context to these numbers going up and down is important.
Keep in mind, testing is limited. There is the base number of how many people are tested, but there is a limited number of tests, which limits the types of people who can get tested. Almost daily, the public and health officials are learning about the coronavirus that may impact how data is collected. Decisions won’t be based on simple numbers either. Communities will be aware of what is happening within their borders.
All numbers have been taken from the Dutchess County Tracker, and the New York State Tracker. Each have their own stipulations as to how they collect data. As of now, the number of deaths per municipality (i.e.town/city/village) is not included in Dutchess nor Orange County trackers. A Little Beacon Blog has confirmed on 4/27/2020 with Dutchess County by way of Colleen T. Pillus, the Communication Director for Dutchess County, that they do have the number of deceased for each municipality, but will not be releasing it at this time.
Sources: New York State COVID-19 Tracker, Dutchess County COVID-19 Tracker, Orange County COVID-19 Tracker
How Many People Tested Positive So Far: 2,793 (New York State Tracker)
How Many People Tested Today: 389 (New York State Tracker)
How Many People Tested POSITIVE Today: 64 (New York State Tracker)
Percentage of Today’s People Testing Positive: 16.45%
How Many People Tested In Dutchess County: 13,464 (New York State Tracker)
Percentage Of People Testing Positive - Of Those Tested - In Dutchess County: 20.74%
How Many COVID-19 Related Deaths So Far: 36 (Dutchess County Tracker)
Number Of People Hospitalized For COVID-19 Right Now: 79 (Dutchess County Tracker)
Active COVID-19 Cases In Beacon As Of Today: 117 (Dutchess County Tracker)
Of the Positive Cases In Dutchess County, How Many In Beacon? 4.19%
Active COVID-19 Cases In Fishkill As Of Today: 181 (Dutchess County Tracker)
Of the Positive Cases In Dutchess County, How Many In Fishkill? 6.48%
Active COVID-19 Cases In East Fishkill As Of Today: 163 (Dutchess County Tracker)
Of the Positive Cases In Dutchess County, How Many In East Fishkill? 5.84%
Active COVID-19 Cases In Wappingers As Of Today: 157 (Dutchess County Tracker)
Of the Positive Cases In Dutchess County, How Many In Wappingers? 5.62%
Active COVID-19 Cases In Wappingers Falls Village As Of Today: 46 (Dutchess County Tracker)
Of the Positive Cases In Dutchess County, How Many In Wappingers Falls Village? 1.65%
How Many People Tested Positive So Far: 8,238 (New York State Tracker)
How Many People Tested Today: 587 (New York State Tracker)
How Many People Tested POSITIVE Today: 132 (New York State Tracker)
Percentage of Today’s People Testing Positive: 22.49%
How Many People Tested In Orange County: 25,095 (New York State Tracker)
Percentage Of People Testing Positive - Of Those Tested - In Orange County: 32.83%
How Many COVID-19 Related Deaths So Far: 277 (Orange County Tracker)
Note: This number has already changed to 299 by 10 pm tonight 4/27/2020 as we were double-checking numbers before sharing. ALBB will update this once per day in the afternoon, knowing that numbers are updated at these trackers at different times of the day.
Number Of People Hospitalized For COVID-19 Right Now: 183 (Orange County Tracker)
Active COVID-19 Cases In Newburgh As Of Today: 543 (Orange County Tracker)
Of the Positive Cases In Orange County, How Many In Newburgh? 6.48%
Active COVID-19 Cases In City of Newburgh As Of Today: 1,044 (Orange County Tracker)
Of the Positive Cases In Orange County, How Many In City of Newburgh? 12.67%
A screenshot of the White House-supported guidelines of reopening America, as of 4/27/2020. Things change daily, and this text on the White House website could also change.
Photo Credit: The White House website