“Did She Get Hit By A Bus Finally?” ALBB Goes To The Hospital

Years ago when Katie first started the blog, and later pursued advertisers, she landed her first car dealership client. But before they said yes to investing their money into an advertising campaign, the manager asked Katie: “What happens if you get hit by a bus?” Bloggers are thought to be solo-workers, but one can’t run this blog alone. Needs a team, and I had one. While I am replaceable ;) I am not alone, I told him. I have team members. Fast forward to today, I’ve upgraded our “contract workers” status to employee. ALBB employs 2 people (Katie and Teslie) on payroll, as this is our full time job.

And then it happened. I disappeared.

The night of the 4th of July, Katie went to the hospital with stomach pain of 13 (between 1-10). A piercing side cramp with a side of mystery menstrual behavior made for a perfect storm of a surprise attack of Diverticulitis, as diagnosed by Peekskill’s NY Presbyterian (the best). After several blasts of 3 different antibiotics during an overnight hospital stay, Katie was released and went to the wonderful Women’s Center at Sun River Health, where she was told that the two were linked: a brewing intestinal infection can trigger menstrual movement and get everything out of whack. For months prior!

While on the ER bed, Katie texted her ALBB Co-pilot, Teslie, to hold it down. Katie also did some thinking. Things need to change. It’s been horrifying watching the trauma. Absorbing it, knowing that Israel’s treatment of Palestine has been going on for over 76 without most people (including Katie) saying anything. Watching the lies. Watching people turn their heads.

But not saying anything is worse. Personal life and professional. A person can only absorb so much without speaking. Or, when speaking, getting insulted, lied to, stalkers who sabotage, etc.

Therefore, here is what’s changing:

  • Donation Campaigns:
    ALBB will be having regular donation drives for ourselves (click here to donate online). This money goes to the business of ALBB. It’s why Teslie is here. It’s how Katie is here. We need your help all the time. Support independent media. Keep our voices free. Not free from charging you. Free from being held back from speaking.

  • Palestinian content:
    Will adapt again. To be turned into articles to tie locally when possible. We won’t let it disappear from our platform while big media is complicit in this genocide. But we need your help.

  • Beacon Local:
    Reporting locally is actually harder than Palestine. Because it’s small town living. But Palestine has cured Katie of this fear. Expect more hard news stories. But they require childcare! They take hours and days to research and write. And childcare costs.

Donate online or in person. Katie can meet you for a check, mail it, or you can donate here >

Deepest Thank Yous,
Katie and Teslie