No Plans As Of Yet For Parklets In Beacon, Says The City - Restaurants Respond

Pictured here are diners outside of Homespun, which has sidewalk seating in front, and a patio in the back. For two springs and summers, it also had a parklet in front.
Photo Credit: Heather Barr

Last year at this time, the Delta variant of COVID-19 was brewing, and in May 2021, it became official. People were used to eating outside in parking spots called “parklets,” which were created by using orange water-filled “jersey barriers” to surround tables and chairs for diners to eat outside of a restaurant. The water made the barriers heavy, so they were not moved by casual pushing.

Most of Beacon’s restaurants opted into the parklets, and Mayor Kyriacou waved any fee for having them. They were purchased by the City in part with money the City of Beacon earned through some film permits, as stated by City Administrator Chris White during some City Council Meetings.

The people who were comfortable eating in the street filled up the parklets most weekends. While Beacon citizens were mixed on if they would park their bodies in a parklet, those who wanted to eat outside to feel safer than eating indoors appreciated the choice. Restaurants appreciated the additional seating and additional revenue the parklet seating could provide.

Abruptly In September 2021, the City of Beacon told restaurant owners they had to pull the parklets in a matter of days in order to prepare for the paving of Main Street. Joe Robitaille, owner of Homespun, remembers working on a Sunday to dismantle his shaded structure he had designed to beautify the parklet, recalling: “The City told us we had to remove the parklet by Monday, and we had one weekend to do this. Sunday is a busy day for us on the weekend, but to comply, I dedicated myself to taking down the parklet and not helping my staff serve customers.”

Homespun was not the only one who invested in upgraded porches and designs for the parklets. Neighbor Ziatun had a patio, and Sukhothai also built out a structure. Several other restaurants adorned their plastic barriers with flowers. September in Beacon usually brings beautiful weather, with a boom in sales for the Columbus Day Weekend in October (now known as Indigenous People’s Day). Seating was lost for the weeks leading up to that October holiday weekend, including that weekend itself. And then the paving of Beacon’s Main Street was canceled, putting in question the early pulling of the parklets. The previous year, the parklets were pulled in November.

A Little Beacon Blog reached out to the City Administrator Chris White, Mayor Lee Kyriacou as well as Councilmember George Mansfield, who is a restaurant owner, to gain insight on if the City Council had discussed the parklets with themselves, the public or business owners. Councilmember George responded: “There has been no discussion at Council regarding the parklets. I assume they will not be back due to scheduled repaving of Main Street and the fact that there is no longer any state mandates limiting indoor occupancy for the hospitality industry.”

City Administrator Chris did indicate in a recent City Council meeting that paving would begin on Main Street soon. When ALBB asked about a start date, Councilmember George did not know, stating that there were several “moving parts” to organizing paving. City Administrator White and Mayor Kyriacou did not respond by publishing time.

Safety Of Parklets

The public was mixed on the safety of parklets, yet the seats remained full. Traffic and speeding in Beacon is a known issue. On Mother’s Day, two cars collided in the middle of Main Street, avoiding the parklets but jumping the curb to land on the sidewalk to hit a grandmother and pin a child. Months later, another grandmother was hit and killed by a local driver in the crosswalk while the grandmother correctly crossed the street at Teller and Main Street because the driver was blinded by the afternoon sun, according to the police report. An 11 year old girl was hit in the crosswalk at Verplanck Avenue and Matteawan after school let out while correctly crossing the street on her bike because the driver “thought she had passed already,” the child told A Little Beacon Blog (interview to come).

After the parklets were pulled, some readers wrote into A Little Beacon Blog, asking if the parklets were returning, as they preferred eating outdoors and did not mind the location of the parklet. Some people who are in favor of a “walkable Main Street” are in favor of the parklets to naturally slow down traffic. Unless the police chime in after the publishing of this article, there have been no reports of people in parklets being hit. However, there have been several reports of people in crosswalks and walking on Main Street being hit.

Restaurants Respond

After being told by the City of Beacon that there was no plan as of yet for the parklets, Joe of Homespun had this to say about the loss of parklets, despite him having sidewalk seating in front and patio seating in back: “I think it will make it tough on restaurants in town. For us with the garden backyard, it was always over-flow seating anyways, and would fill up after the garden was fully seated. But for smaller places with tinier dining rooms, it provided a big shot in the arm. Hopefully the public is really ready to dine inside again.”

Marko Guzijan, owner of the Hudson Valley Food Hall, which has several food vendors stationed inside with plenty of seating including an outdoor patio had this to say about the parklets: “It’s not surprising. In truth, it won’t effect our business much. It may actually help as we already have private outdoor seating and now people who aren’t comfortable sitting inside will have less options in Beacon (this is especially true for families of young kids who can’t get a vaccine). But we don’t want to see our business improve beacuse other Beacon businesses are hindered.

“No parklet seating, plus the increase in energy bills is going to hurt many Main Street business. Again, the chefs in the Food Hall will probably make more money, but that doesn’t mean I think it’s the right decision. I’m curious as to why the City Council of Beacon thinks this is a good idea, while New York City continues to have outdoor seating to try to help their food and beverage businesses? As of yet, they haven’t communicated with any of the businesses in the Food Hall to explain their decision.”

As of now, there have been no public discussions during City Council Meetings about the parklets. Peekskill recently indicated they are considering removing some of their parklets, and some members of the Peekskill public have started a petition to keep them. This report at News12 quotes some business owners who benefited from the parklets.

Editorial Disclaimer: Homespun was a sponsor of A Little Beacon Blog and is a website client, and Hudson Valley Food Hall is a sponsor of A Little Beacon Blog. Their views do not influence content, but our relationship does make understanding their issues easier.

The Resistance That Won't Go Away :: Palestinian Love Shines From Beacon & Beyond

Pick a day, any day, and Beacon local Kamel Jamal, owner of more than one restaurant in town (Ziatun, Beacon Bread, WTF, creator of Tito Santana Taqueria, and Végétalien, both he since sold), wears his heart on his sleeve for his home country of Palestine.

Every day for him is a day of love he shows for a free Palestine. From the food he plates, the restaurants he decorates, the merch he makes, most centering back to somehow to empower those still living in Palestine.

In this podcast, Kamel discusses how his parents left Palestine when he was a toddler with some of his family thanks to a family friend who sponsored them.

Co-hosts Brandon Lillard and Katie Hellmuth Martin sat down with Kamel on A Little Beacon Blog's sister podcast, "Wait, What Is That?" for an at times emotional interview about his view of how the people of Palestine are living now. The time was May 2021 during the escalation of protesting by residents in Palestine in the neighborhood Sheikh Jarrah. Their homes were scheduled to be demolished, and Muslim neighbors in the Hudson Valley as well as the world were sounding alarms.

In this podcast, Kamel describes his Palestine. He discusses how his parents left Palestine when he was a toddler with some of his family thanks to a family friend who sponsored them. He describes why he continues advocating from America for Palestine's liberation, so that people can live without fear of their homes and businesses being demolished by occupiers. He discusses the lack to basic rights, like clean water, receiving mail, and having to pass through armed checkpoints to get to a job or part of town.

In 2021, a protest march in Newburgh was organized with Next Step Hudson Valley where the Palestinian community came out, consisting of people young and old, with roots in Palestine, Pakistan, and other communities. Speeches were held on the lawn of Representative Sean Maloney's Newburgh's office.

Beaconites normally quiet about their cultural origins brought pages of prepared speeches, to express to an engaged audience about how their parents, siblings, cousins and/or friends felt about the global response to this little neighborhood protest in Palestine that spring. A Little Beacon Blog covered that march, which you can read about here and listen to some speeches.

Kamel Jamal, speaking at the Free Palestine protest march in Newburgh on the steps of Representative Sean Maloney’s office. Several other speakers participated.
Photo Credit: Katie Hellmuth Martin

Khitam Jamal Nakhleh’s Starbucks order, where her name is “FreeGaza,” which results in the barista shouting the demand to the room. Khitam is Kamel’s sister.
Photo Credit: Khitam Jamal Nakhleh

Since then, a lot has happened. Kamel's sister, who many know as Kate, champions the Free Palestine movement with every step she takes. Recently, she declared she was going by her birth name: Khitam Jamal Nakhleh. She is known to use subtle tactics like ordering a Starbucks under the name of "Free Gaza" so that the demand has to be called out to the room full of customers.

Every now and then, something pro-Palestinian will make the news in the US, like when Emma Watson (Hermione Granger from Harry Potter), and a UN Women's Goodwill Ambassador, voiced her support for Palestine. Or the feature story in Vanity Fair's February 2022 issue, "Generation Gaza" by veteran war correspondent Janine di Giovanni who revisited Gaza "and found resilience and hope among its 2 million Palestinian residents, two thirds of whom are under the age of 25," according to the lead-in for the article.

Also according to the February Vanity Fair feature: "Gaza's 20 and 30 somethings, it so happens, tend to be highly educated, multilingual - and jobless. 64% of the youth labor force is unemployed, largely due to the occupation. Nonetheless, year after year, they have proved indefatigable." Running a business there is virtually impossible, due to actions taken against business owners. But some continue to try, as this designer does, which was featured in Vogue.

In May 2021, neighbors came out to show their support of Palestine by creating a chalk art message on the sidewalk outside of Beacon Bread, owned by Kamel.

Circling back to the first line of this article - pick a day, any day - in the publishing world, an article usually needs to be published in a timely way. Like, back in May or June 2021 after we recorded this podcast episode and covered protest march. In Palestine, their inability to live free lives is every day, with different demolitions of family homes scheduled, like this one at the end of January 2022 or this one where the family had to self-demolish their own home.

But timing gets tricky. During the "Wait, What Is That?" episode, the silence of friends was discussed, acknowledging that talking openly about this topic can be difficult leading to unexpected responses. There is a moment where Kamel's emotions overcome him. You'll need to listen closely to the interview to hear where.

Peek Inside Ziatun

If you haven't been inside of Ziatun yet, here is a peek. Kamel admits this is one of his favorite places to be, and you can tell in the flavor of the food. The hummus is unlike any you have had, being extra smooth. There are plenty of warm soups to choose from, like the Addas soup. View the merch and buy a bag or two. Don't miss the watermelon t-shirt, designed to show resistance through food.

The Tiny Self-Serve Food Pantry At The Beacon Rec Center Moved Around Back - Here's A Video To Find It

The Tiny Food Pantry at the Beacon Recreaction Center has moved “around back”! The Recreation Center is located at 23 West Center Street, close to South Avenue Elementary and in the heart of where several neighborhoods intersect, including the new-ish South Avenue Park playground, Loopers Court (basketball court), and in the winter, a sledding hill.

This is the self-serve food pantry that anyone can put food into, and anyone can take what they need. This pantry takes non-perishables, refrigerated unopened food, and produce. You can contribute to it at any time, any hour. Pick your favorite foods that you would love, kids would love, and seniors would love (as their dietary needs change with age). Consider contributing toiletries like tampons, pads, and Depends. Those are pricey.

This self-serve food pantry very accessible to many neighborhoods and kids. Started and managed by Fareground, this food pantry now includes a community refrigerator. See several of Beacon’s food pantries and soup kitchens in ALBB’s Food Pantry and Soup Kitchens Guides. Includes directions on how to contribute and how to access when in need.

Beacon Farmers Market To Stay Open Outside All Year - Bring Your Mittens, Kittens!

Featured here: Happy Belly, at the Beacon Farmers Market.

The Beacon Farmers Market was one of the first to pivot hard when the business shutdown happened when COVID-19 was first discovered and declared a global pandemic. They quickly built a extremely robust but temporary well-serving website to connect devoted customers to vendors, and opened outside, withstanding the deep snowfall Beacon experienced last year.

This year, vendors agreed that they prefer to stick it out outside in the DMV parking lot, where there is more space, possibly better internet, and that small-scale live music that helps keep the market moving.

Managed by Common Ground Farm, the organization approached the City of Beacon to seek permission to operate outside year round. The parking lot is owned by Dutchess County, and leased by the City of Beacon. The City Council approved the extended occupation of the DMV parking lot in early November. Expect to shop the market outdoors all year!

The Shred Foundation, a skateboarding organization serving under-served youth which is Black founded, at the Beacon Farmers Market.

Diana Mae Flowers, a Beacon Farmers Market staple for creative bouquets.

Cooperstown Cheese Company at the Beacon Farmers Market.

Trax, a Beacon local coffee roasters with 3 locations in Beacon, also likes to serve it up at the Beacon Farmers Market.

Eggberts Free Range Farm, another Beacon Farmers Market staple and wonderful source for eggs, beef, lamb and pork.

Advocates for free New York Health Insurance, which would in theory be funded by a payroll tax on New Yorkers. Anna Brady Nuse started a petition for the cause, and has been pursuing Beacon’s Mayor Lee Kyriacou to show support for free New York Health Insurance by putting it on Beacon’s City Council Agenda, where the council can create and vote on a Resolution supporting it. So far the Mayor has not put it on the agenda.

Last Days To Donate Grocery List To "Turkey On Every Table" From Key Food, Salem Tabernacle, I Am Beacon

The “Turkey on Every Table” initiative from I Am Beacon, Key Food, and Salem Tabernacle has opened for collection again, hoping to reach families as it did last year. Created in 2014 by I Am Beacon, the three organizations came together last year during the pandemic when soup kitchens could not operate, and pre-packaged and delivered bags of dinner meals for people to cook.

Said Ginger Dandreano, Administrative Assistant for Salem Tabernacle when ALBB asked how the distribution will work: “All the food will come already packaged in a grocery bag. The idea is to make this as easy for people as possible, especially for those who may be walking. The bag will consist of a full Thanksgiving dinner.”

Pickup points will be Salem Tabernacle (7 Delavan Ave), Open Arms Food Pantry (based at Beacon’s Recreation Department at 25 Center Street) in Beacon, NY.

How The Organizations Coordinate The Food Giving

Ginger elaborated to ALBB: “The turkeys are being purchased by Salem Tabernacle. Salem Tabernacle does a yearly fundraiser that raises money for this outreach. So far this year, $5,000 has been raised. Key Food in Beacon also contributes with a fundraiser that helps offset the cost. Salem Tabernacle purchases the food from Key Food at cost. I Am Beacon also promotes the Key Food fundraiser and creates awareness amongst the community. I Am Beacon also has provided the connections with Open Arms Food Pantry and St. Andrews. Key Food is a generous, community oriented store that makes this complicated process much easier. They get the food at cost and also refrigerate the food up until the day of distribution. I Am Beacon and Key Food truly make this possible.”

How People In Need Can Sign Up For The Thanksgiving Dinner

Thanksgiving Dinner Signup at Salem Tabernacle.

Families or Friends can call Salem Tabernacle at 845-831-0114 Mon-Th from 10am-3:30pm. They can also go to and follow the prompts to sign up (or click here directly). You can sign up yourself or sign up a family in need. Available while supplies last, but you must sign up. Their goal is to feed 100 families this year.

This year the drive is heating up again, with collections being made at Key Food at checkout. You can specify that your donation of food or cash/credit card be for this project at the checkout counter. Volunteer opportunities are available with Salem Tabernacle for those looking to pack bags, deliver them to destinations, and facilitate getting them into hands.

Requested Items Include:

Peanut Butter Jars, Jelly Jars, 16-Pack hot Chocolate Mixes, Canned Yams, Mac and Cheese Boxes, Stuffing Boxes, 1LB Rice Bags, 14OZ Canned Vegetables, 3LB Apple Bags, Baked Pies, Reusable Grocery Bags

People Working With The Organizations

I Am Beacon is run by brother and sister Rueben Simmons, Brook Simmons, and Brandon Lillard. Open Arms Food Pantry is managed by Kenya Gadsen, who served on Beacon’s Board of Education years ago and was of the few Black board members serving. Kenya moved to Fishkill, and currently serves as an elected Councilwoman for the Town of Fishkill. Key Food is a franchise run by the Dabashi and Said families.

Beacon Restaurants Open On Mondays

Bank Square
129 Main St.
Your friendly place on the West End Main Street for a latte, craft beer, or Mast Brothers Hot Chocolate. Also have snacks like yogurt, granola bars, and homemade donuts when they are making them.

Open Monday - Friday 6am - 9pm
Saturday from 7am - 10pm
Sunday from 7am - 9pm


Tito Santana Taqueria
142 Main St.
(845) 765-­2350

Tito Santana Taqueria is a California-style Mexican fare with really fresh food you'd expect to find in a taqueria! From guacamole to fish tacos to cheesy quesadillas. They also serve beer and cans of wine! Stop in! The taco etiquette: Always order more than you can eat.
PS: Inspired Vegan & Gluten-Free options make Tito Santana Taqueria the place to be!

Open daily from 11am - 9pm (Closed on Wednesdays)

Artisan Wine Shop
180 Main St.
Beacon's most delightful wine shop specializes in pairing wine with food.

Open Monday - Saturday 10pm - 8pm & Sunday 12 - 6pm.


Meyer's Olde Dutch
184 Main St.
(845) 440-6900

This burger joint bought and replaced Poppy's and you can get the scoop! Look for Dirty Fries, creative cocktails, chicken sandwiches, and more.

Open Sunday thru Thursday for Food 11:30 am until 9 pm; bar until 10 pm; Friday and Saturday Food 11:30 am until 11:00 pm; bar until midnight.


Beacon Bread Company
193 Main St.
(845) 838­-2867
You'll find not just their delicious, fresh baked bread, but you can stop in for warm french onion soup, grilled cheeses and other sandwiches, cheese danishes, brownies. Vegan options are available!

Open Monday-Friday 8am - 5pm (Closed Wednesdays)

BJ's Soul Food Restaurant
213 Main St.
Beacon's stop for soul food including fried chicken, ribs, oxtail, and mac and cheese that rivals Stouffers. Enjoy a generous slice of a homemade three-layer frosted cake. Serves beer.

Open daily 7:30am - 9pm & Sundays 7:30am - 7pm


Homespun Foods
232 Main St.
(845) 831­-5096

Delicious spot for breakfast, lunch or sweet snacks (like carrot cake or chocolate mousse). Be sure to ask about their deep dish french toast with real maple syrup, which had formerly was only baked on the weekend, but now may be served daily in Homespun's new morning hours for breakfast, starting at 8am. Also serves oatmeal, yogurt, quiche, sandwiches, cheeses and beer.

Open Monday from 10am - 4pm & Thursday-Sunday 10am - 7pm
Closed on Tuesday & Wednesday.

Isamu Sushi
240 Main St.
Beacon's most modern and hip-looking sushi restaurant with a waterfall wall that kids love. Seats large party. Serves wine and beer.

Open daily 11am - 10pm & Sundays 12pm - 10pm


244 Main Street
(845) 765-8268
Authentic Palestinian-Arabic-Middle Eastern food that serves vegan & vegetarian options as well as traditional meat dishes that include lamb and beef. Local blogger at Beacon Bits was quite taken with the flavors you'll find there, including mint, sumac, toasted pita, and more. After being open for 6 weeks, Ziatun (pronounced Zay-toon) made it to a Top 10 List at The Culture Trip. It is one of the restaurants from Kamel Jamal (you know him from Tito's, Beacon Bread Company, and W.T.F Beacon), and the child of Palestinian immigrants, born in a refugee camp in Jordan, you are sure to taste his passion for the Palestinian home-cooking and enjoy your dining experience.

Monday + Thursday-Saturday 11 am - 9pm
Tuesday + Wednesday 11 am-4pm
Sunday 11am - 8pm

Max's On Main
246 Main St.
Enjoy Max's for lunch and dinner! A favorite around these parts is their crab meat cakes when they are available as a special. A dependable staple is their potato skins, which are a rare appetizer in these parts. And we know this because we are potato skin aficionados.

Open Monday-Thursday 12pm - 10pm
Friday & Saturday 12pm - 11pm
Sunday 12pm - 9pm

Fu Xing Chinese Restaurant
250 Main St.

Open Sunday 12pm - 10pm
Monday-Thursday 11am - 10:30pm
Friday-Saturday 11am- 11am

Scarborough Fare
257 Main St.
While not a restaurant, Scarborough Fare sells the olive oil, vinegar, pickles, pasta and sauces you need to make your own meals.

Open Monday, Wednesday - Friday 11am - 5pm
Saturday 11am - 6pm
Sunday 10am - 5pm


Hudson Valley Food Hall
Eateries Inside: Mizz Hattie’s BBQ, Momo Valley, Shmuck’s Sweet Stuff, The Roosevelt Bar, El Nica, Barb’s Fry Works

288 Main St
The Hudson Valley Food Hall & Market showcases a variety of cuisines and local chefs from the Hudson Valley. In addition to food vendors, the hall houses The Roosevelt Bar, with a cocktail program showcasing local spirits from the Hudson Valley.

Open daily from 12pm - 9pm except Tuesdays

Happy Valley
296 Main St.

Open Monday - Thursday 12pm - 12am
Friday & Saturday 12pm - 1am
Sunday from 12pm - 11pm

The Studio @ Beacon
301 Main St
In addition to being a Spin/Boxing studio, they have a refreshing Smoothie Bar with an amazing selection of smoothies which will refresh and energize you. You can call in advance and place your order! See their menu.

Monday 5:30am–8:30pm
Tuesday 5:30am–11am, 5pm–8:30pm
Wednesday 9am–11am, 5pm–8pm
Thursday 6am–11am, 5pm–8pm
Friday 9am–1:30pm
Saturday 8am–12:30pm
Sunday 8am–1pm

Glazed Over Donuts
315 Main St.
The sundae of donuts, the aroma of this donut shop, located in the navy blue building on Main Street near the Howland Public Library, can be smelled from blocks away, even into the residential area behind Rite Aid.

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Sunday 10am – 5pm
Friday & Saturday from 10am - 6pm
Closed Tuesday

Roma Nova
6 Eliza Street (on a side street off Main Street)
This little pizza/taco combo is a favorite for some. It may be quick place to swing by and pick up a taco while you're out.

Open Monday - Thursday 11am - 8pm
Fridays 11am - 9pm
Saturday 12pm - 8pm
Closed on Sunday

Beacon Natural Market
348 Main St.
The Deli Menu at Beacon Natural Market is an easy, tasty and healthy source for a work lunch or early dinner. A new menu is posted each week at their website, and you'll find creative dishes to select from, including Red Curry Chicken Soup, Mixed Green Salad with Golden Raisins and Walnuts, as well as Smoked Salmon Hash or a vegan Seitan Sausage & Peppers main dish.

Open Monday - Saturday from 10am - 6pm & Sunday from 10am - 5pm

Beacon Pantry Cafe & Market
382 Main St.
Beacon Pantry is a specialty market for meats, cheeses, fish, crackers, jams, honey, granola, ice cream, and so much more. Known for carrying French and Italian delectables.

The Market is open Monday - Sunday from 10am - 6pm
The cafe is open Saturday & Sunday from 10am - 4pm and Monday - Friday from 11am - 4pm

Big Mouth Coffee Roasters
387 Main St.

Open Monday - Friday from 7am - 6pm
Saturday 8am - 7pm
Sunday 8am - 5pm

Draught Industries
394 Main St.
Draught's motto will give you an indication of what's it's like inside this little hallway of a bier garden in the middle of Main Street, and why it could be top of your list for beer: "Some people collect art. We drink it. 20 rotating Draughts & 2 rotating Beer Engines."

Open Monday 2pm - 10pm
Tuesday - Thursday 12pm - 10pm
Friday & Saturday from 12pm - 12am
Sunday 12pm - 10pm

Yankee Clipper Diner
397 Main St.
If you need broad food selections from veggies to meat to seafood, Yankee Clipper is a Beacon staple that will seat you comfortably for any meal. If you've seen the movie "Nobody's Fool" with Paul Newman, you'll recognize Yankee Clipper in a scene. Find a huge menu that includes Italian, Southwestern, and enjoy a few dishes with a Greek flare such as a gyro or chicken slouvaki. Serves beer and wine.

Open daily from 7am - 10pm

The Beacon Daily
29 Teller Ave.
Bringing you Fine Food, Craft Beer, Coffee, and Pie! Open daily and serving breakfast all day, their Brekkie sandwiches with home made English Muffins are a huge hit! Fast becoming a local and visitor favorite.

Open Monday - Thursday 10am - 6pm
Friday - Sunday 8am - 6pm

Kitchen & Coffee
418 Main St.
A beautiful cafe and eatery serving baked goods, salads and soups that are all gluten free and really good.

Open daily from 7am - 7pm

Carters Restaurant & Lounge
424 Main St.
A high-end yet very comfortable restaurant in one of Beacon's most historic buildings, with a menu that changes with the seasons.

Open Monday - Saturday from 11am - 12pm
Sunday from 11am - 8pm

Brother's Trattoria
465 Main St.
Find pizza here of course, but also many more entrees of fish, steak and chicken. A favorite pizza is "Grandma's", a Sicilian style garlic cheese pizza with fresh tomato. Also ask about their gluten free pizza.

Open daily from 11am - 10pm

The Bagel Shoppe
466 Main Street
The Bagel Shoppe has been offering the best bagels in the area from their Fishkill location since 1998. Now serving breakfast and lunch, Beaconites now have a location closer to home!

Open Monday - Wednesday from 6am - 3pm
Thursday - Sunday from 6am - 4pm

Beacon Falls Cafe
472 Main St.
This American Bistro restaurant has a cozy and comfortable atmosphere with its quaint, old mountain town decor and super friendly staff. They offer plenty of delicious comfort food and beer options for diners.

Open Monday & Tuesday 10am - 4pm
Thursday 10am - 8pm
Friday 10am - 9pm
Saturday 9am - 9pm
Sunday 9am - 4pm
Closed Wednesday

The Chocolate Studio
494 Main St.
The Chocolate Studio (formerly Gourmetibles) is perfectly suited for birthday parties for kids of all ages. They make their delicious treats in their own kitchen, including custom cakes, made to order. The aroma may hook you in for the night. They also make our own Cake Pops, French Macarons, chocolate covered Bacon, chocolate covered pretzels and lots more.

Open Monday - Saturday 10am - 6pm (except Tuesdays - closed)
Sunday 12pm - 5pm

504 Main St.

Open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday from 10am - 5pm
Friday, Saturday, Sunday from 10am - 6pm
Closed on Tuesday

516 Main St.
Sukhothai creates traditional Thai dishes, such as Pad Thai and Som Tam. They offer to spice each entree is to your taste, available in 1–5 in degrees of hotness.

Open Sunday - Thursday 1130am - 930 pm
Friday & Saturday 1130am - 1030pm

Melzingah Tap House
554 Main St.
From the owners of The Barking Frog and the Public House, Kevin and Dana Collins, this revival of an old restaurant location is a welcome addition to the East End of town near the mountain. Stop in and look for a special fish and chips.

Open Monday - Thursday 12pm - 11pm
Friday 12pm - 12am
Saturday 12pm-3pm & 4pm-11pm
Sundays 11am-3pm & 4pm-1-pm

Trax Coffee Roasters
1 East Main Street

Open daily from 7am - 7pm.

Barb's Butchery
69 Spring St.
Local butcher trained with some of the best in the Hudson Valley, and works with farms within a 200 mile radius of the shop, ensuring that you get local meat every time. You'll not only get cuts of meat, but ask for any special home-stuffed sausages or braises they have put together that day. Barb's Butchery is known for their weekly lunch specials which can include Thick Slab Bacon BLT with Garlic Aioli or Fried Chicken and Waffles, so stay hooked on their Facebook page for updates.

Open 8am-6pm daily.

Barking Frog
435 Fishkill Avenue
Awesome Pub & Restaurant located in historic Beacon, NY. Stop in and enjoy our full bar, fantastic food, and friendly pub staff!

Open daily from 12pm - 11pm


Eat Church Food Truck
511 Fishkill Avenue
Eat Church is food as punk as truck. Eat Church is a celebration of community. Let us commune to give thanks and praises for the bounty of the Hudson Valley. Rock. Roll. Eat. Amen. They are a food truck that operates with the mission that community is built through the interaction of eating and drinking with one another. They provide multiple opportunities for these experiences through rotating menus or "revues" in which they will visit varying ideas about food and how we all come together to eat it.

Available daily at Marbled Meat Shop grab-n-go fridge!

Beacon School Lunch Is Going Local For National Farm To School Month


On October 14th, elementary students will be served pasta with NYS beef meat sauce, tossed salad with Common Ground Farm greens, local cucumbers, and NYS apples and pears!

Middle and high school students will be served loaded baked potatoes with school made NYS chili, NYS potatoes, tossed salad with Common Ground Farm greens, local cucumbers, and NYS apples and pears!

More About The Partnership Between Common Ground, Land To Learn, and The Beacon City School District

According to Sember Weinman, Executive Director of Common Ground Farm, told A Little Beacon Blog that they started working with the Beacon City School District leading Farm to School education programs in 2012 and began developing a relationship with food services director, Karen. They started a Vegetable of the Month taste test that allowed Common Ground and partner organization Land to Learn (was Hudson Valley Seed at the time) to encourage students to try fresh seasonal vegetables while the cafeteria expanded their veggie side dish menu options.

In 2016 Common Ground gave Karen a U-Pick membership that helped her to understand farm operations. They began donating lettuce and other greens to the schools in spring of 2016, and in 2017 worked on a micro purchase agreement to sell to the schools and participate in the bid process. Karen conducted a site visit and made several food safety recommendations, which Common Ground implemented.

Common Ground Farm focuses on lettuce because it has a short grow time and is very popular with students, but also sells smaller amounts of items that can be showcased through the Vegetable of the Month program like cucumbers, kale, carrots and tomatoes. 

Common Ground Farm thinks that nutritious food is a right regardless of economic background. They see public school as a way to reach a diverse cross section of the community. They were already leading education programs in the schools so it seemed like a really natural fit to begin working with the schools as a distribution point as well.

The Barns Art Center to Host Harvest Festival

Hopewell Junction, New York – The newly opened Barns Art Center is pleased to announce Harvest Festival. Held from October 9-10, the convening will feature the premiere of LOST ARTS, a three-screen film experience, the groundbreaking ceremony for a large-scale installation with artist collective Futurefarmers, and a local market.

LOST ARTS Film Premiere – screening times 11:00am-3:00pm
The Barns Art Center will premiere LOST ARTS, a three screen, immersive film experience that explores the art and culture of agriculture in the Hudson Valley. Beyond being a tool for education and a response to our current social and ecological climate, the film is a sensory celebration of the bounty of the Hudson Valley and the profound wisdom that has been unearthed and cultivated here for thousands of years. By looking to the past for forgotten methods, techniques, and philosophies, today’s farmers have found more innovative, sustainable, and equitable ways forward.

The ten featured farmers include: Jack Algiere, Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture; Ben and Melany Dobson, Hudson Hemp; Ken Greene, Hudson Valley Seed Company; Anne Hall, Crespell; Don Lewis, Wild Hive Farm; John Michelotti, Catskill Fungi; Rick Osofsky, Ronnybrook Farm Dairy; David Rowe, Rowe’s Apiaries Jalal Sabur, Sweet Freedom Farm; Karen Washington, Garden of Happiness/La Familia Verde/Rise & Root. The film is produced with Kingston-based company Northguild.

In conjunction with the LOST ARTS premiere is a roster of farmer-led, daytime activities:

11:30am Sculpting with Flowers

Flower Arranging Workshop with Anne Hall, Crespell

12:30pm Looking Back – How did we get here?

A conversation with Don Lewis, Ken Greene, David Rowe, Rick Osofsky

1:30pm Spore Printing

Mushroom Walk and Printmaking Workshop with John Michelotti, Catskill Fungi

2:30pm Looking Forward – Farming for the Future – Where can we go?

A conversation with Jack Algiere, Ben and Melany Dobson, Jalal Sabur


Futurefarmers Of Furrows & Lands in Harps Installation

Futurefarmers breaks ground on their first large-scale public artwork in the United

States. Drawing on the success of their 10-year project Flatbread Society for the city of

Oslo, Of Furrows & Lands in Harps will manifest as an extraordinary architectural

structure and a public program that unfolds over three-years time. The architectural

structure, designed by Belgian architect Lode Vranken, will feature three spaces: a

bakehouse, a meeting space and an extraordinary experimental instrument at the heart

of the work and building called Hum Stone. Hum Stone is made from a millstone and is

able to play other millstones. Drawing from the historical context of the site, once a farm,

then a microchip factory, now The Barns Art Center, this unique instrument points to the

past while invoking the future. Participating composers include Walter Kitundu,

Guillermo Galindo, Annea Lockwood.

A groundbreaking ceremony for Futurefarmers will be held from 3:00-6:00pm:

3:00 Place Stones with artist/choreographer, Elaine Buckholtz

A participatory action involving sound, movement, and the placing of three millstones.

4:00 Impressions from the Stone

A series of limited-edition prints made from rubbings of custom carved millstone by

Walter Kitundu.

Harvest Festival Market 11:00-3:00

The Festival Market will include River Valley Guild Artist and Artisan Market and a Cider

Week New York Tasting, including local food and beverage vendors such as Ronnybrook

Farm Dairy, Sloop Brewing Co., More Good, Fishkill Farms and Treasury Cider, and


More about the The Barns Art Center

The Barns Art Center is a contemporary art initiative located up the Hudson River, 60 miles north of NYC, in East Fishkill at iPark 84. The Barns occupies a 3,200-square-foot museum quality gallery built adjacent a former IBM microchip plant. Aligning with the region’s rich agricultural tradition and history of environmental stewardship, The Barns champions art at the nexus of food, farming, ecology, and sustainability. Stimulating essential dialogue around innovation, conservation, and equity, we hope to cultivate new ways of thinking about the earth, the history we inherit, and the legacy we leave behind. Through its exhibition, education, and empowerment programs, The Barns Art Center strives to create community and catalyze creative expression. We are free, open to the public, and committed to fostering an accessible, interactive, and inclusive environment.

For additional information or materials regarding any of the above programs or events, contact: Tara Anne Dalbow, Gallery Director and Curator,, c.970-376-8668 / @barnsartcenter

Wednesdays Are A Big Day For Free Food Pickup For People In Need


In Beacon, Wednesdays have become a big day for Free Food Pickup. Depending on if you have kids, if you want fresh produce in your life (yes, say yes!) and pre-bagged groceries, Beacon has your back. And Wednesdays aren’t all for people in need. Learn about more opportunities in A Little Beacon Blog’s Food Pantry and Soup Kitchen Guide.

A reader asked a question about how to donate produce from their garden. You might consider the Community ‘Fridge located behind Binnacle Books. You might also consider volunteering to clean it every now and then. It is not advisable to put fresh produce in the Tiny Food Pantries, as bears and raccoons will come, as will flies and ants. Non-perishable packages are best for those drop-off donation locations. You can also double up on your discount days at Key Food, and donate to their food bin in the front of the store. That food gets distributed to food pantries as well.

Here are the Wednesday Food Opportunities:

Free Farm Stand Wednesdays At Beacon Recreation From Green Teens and Common Ground Farm


The Green Teens are back to offer people in need access to a Free Farm Stand on Wednesdays from 5-6pm at the Beacon Recreation Center at 23 West Center Street. This program will run from July through September, and is made possible by Common Ground Farm.

Also at the Beacon Recreation on Wednesdays from 9:30am-10:30am is a Free Groceries distribution. Groceries come pre-bagged, and volunteers ask that people come on foot as pedestrians. They ask for no cars.

Cars, however, can pull up to Memorial Park on Wednesdays from 9am-10am for the same pre-bagged grocery program.

Free Summer Meals For Beacon City School District Students: Pickup On Wednesdays 10AM

Free Summer Meal Program from the Beacon City School District. Photo Credit: Katie Hellmuth Martin

Free Summer Meal Program from the Beacon City School District.
Photo Credit: Katie Hellmuth Martin

What got canceled a year before the pandemic thanks to changing percentages in Beacon that measure what districts qualify for free summer meals, got restarted during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020: The Free Summer Meals program through the Beacon City School District.

The program is back for the Summer of 2021 and includes 5 days of breakfast and lunch meals. The program runs from July 14th through August 11th, and parents can pick up for all children in their household. Signup is not required.

Pickups are on Wednesdays at 10am-10:45am at the Beacon High School Athletic Entrance (this is after the 9am Free Grocery Pickup at Memorial Park, and before the 5pm Free Farm Stand at the Beacon Recreation Center).

First come first serve. Food is ready to heat or eat packaged meals, which include 5 breakfast and 5 lunch meals. Packaged with fruits and vegetables with a focus on fresh local produce and milk. Hot meals can include pizza, chicken nuggets, and chips and cheese sauce.

For children 18 and under.

Recipe For Mystery Chives From Your Yard Featured In New Cookbook Authored By Beaconites Emily and Matt Clifton

3-30 Chicken and Dumplings-30.jpg

Beacon local authors and cooks Emily Clifton and Matt Clifton have done it again, with the release of their second cookbook, The Ultimate Dutch Oven Cookbook: The Best Recipes on the Planet for Everyone's Favorite Pot, published by Page Street Publishing and available at Binnacle Books, Split Rock Books, and other incredible places books are sold. This topic of perfecting cooking in the Dutch oven could not have come at a better time - during a pandemic - when people want creative and flavorful dinners at home with no-fuss.

All photos of the food have been taken by the Beacon-based authors, who live within the foothills of Mount Beacon, surrounded by their yard garden, where they develop the recipes.

The Dutch Oven Provides For Layers Of Flavor

If you could only pick one kitchen tool to use for the rest of the time what would it be? A shallow frying pan? Probably not. A cookie sheet? Meh. A versatile, long-lasting Dutch oven? Ding ding ding! We have a winner. As every home cook knows,  Dutch ovens are the ultimate cooking tool, and as one of the most reliable vessels in your kitchen arsenal, the recipe options are endless.

Under Emily and Matt’s tutelage, who began their cooking and food photography careers with the blog Nerds with Knives, readers will find this cookbook to be the perfect compendium of tried-and-true Dutch oven favorites combined with some very unique recipes for making the most of your favorite tool.

One of the best parts of cooking with a Dutch oven is it’s almost a set-it-and-forget-it option, making it perfect for creating easy weeknight dinners with layers of flavor. The Ultimate Dutch Oven Cookbook: The Best Recipes on the Planet for Everyone's Favorite Pot has 7 chapters and 60 recipes. Your mouth will be watering at the delicious possibilities! 

Traditional favorite recipes such as “Soy and Red Wine-Braised Short Ribs with Pickled Red Cabbage” will make a scrumptious dinner one night, and then you can spice it up with “Indian-Chinese Sweet and Spicy Fried Cauliflower” the next.

Wild allium is indigenous to the yards of Beacon, and can be used in the “Creamy Chicken Stew with Chive Dumplings” recipe in Beaconites Emily and Matt Clifton’s new cookbook, The Ultimate Dutch Oven Cookbook: The Best Recipes on the Planet for Everyone's Favorite Pot.

Wild allium is indigenous to the yards of Beacon, and can be used in the “Creamy Chicken Stew with Chive Dumplings” recipe in Beaconites Emily and Matt Clifton’s new cookbook, The Ultimate Dutch Oven Cookbook: The Best Recipes on the Planet for Everyone's Favorite Pot.

Are you a bread lover? With a whole chapter dedicated to bread baking, Emily and Matt have pulled out all the stops, showcasing exactly how the Dutch oven can do it all. Emily and Matt have shared a recipe with A Little Beacon Blog readers: “Chicken And Dumplings,” and we are so excited to try it - with some indigenous chives that come up every year in the yard. At least, we thought they were chives…

Matt chimed in to clarify: "Most often, when you see those chive-like clumps start coming up in spring, you’re seeing field garlic, a very common wild allium. The leaves are absolutely interchangeable for chives, and are a great forage provided you know the soil is not chemically-treated. Use them in our Creamy Chicken Stew with Chive Dumplings!"

Creamy Chicken Stew With Chive Dumplings Recipe 

Say Emily and Matt: “Our version of this classic recipe results in tender chicken; a rich and creamy broth; and chive-flecked, light-as-air dumplings. While not traditional, popping the pot under the broiler for a few minutes gives the dumplings a beautiful golden-brown crust, a great contrast to their pillowy center. This is Southern fine dining.” 


  • 4 tbsp (56 g) unsalted butter 

  • 1 large yellow or Spanish onion, diced 

  • 2 celery ribs, diced

  • 3 medium carrots, diced 

  • Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, as needed 

  • 4 cloves garlic, minced 

  • 6 cups (1.4 L) Golden Chicken Stock (page 84) or store-bought stock 

  • 1 tsp minced fresh thyme leaves 

  • 1 bay leaf 

  • 3 lbs (1.4 kg) boneless, skinless chicken thighs or breasts 

  • 6 tbsp (48 g) all-purpose flour 

  • 1 (12-oz [355-ml]) can evaporated milk 

  • 4 oz (113 g) cream cheese, room temperature, cut into cubes 


  • 1 cup (125 g) all-purpose flour 

  • 2 tsp (6 g) baking powder 

  • 1⁄4 tsp baking soda

  • 1 tsp kosher salt

  • 1⁄4 tsp freshly ground black pepper 

  • 1⁄2 cup plus 2 tbsp (150 g) buttermilk 

  • 3 tbsp (45 ml) melted unsalted butter, cooled 

  • 1⁄4 cup (12 g) finely minced fresh chives, plus more for garnish 


To make the stew, melt the butter in a large Dutch oven set over medium heat.

Add the onion, celery, and carrots, season with salt and pepper, and cook, stirring often, until the vegetables are softened but not browned, 8 minutes.

Add the garlic and cook until fragrant, 1 minute.

Add the stock, thyme, bay leaf, and chicken, making sure all the chicken pieces are submerged. Bring the liquid to a full boil, cover the pot, turn the heat down to low and simmer for 10 minutes.

Turn off the heat and let the chicken continue to poach in the hot broth for 10 minutes. Transfer the chicken to a plate and let it sit until cool enough to handle. Shred the meat and cover it with foil to keep it warm. Set it aside. 

Add the flour to a small bowl and whisk in the evaporated milk until the mixture is completely smooth. Turn the heat under the Dutch oven back to low and slowly pour the milk-flour mixture into the chicken stock, whisking constantly. Add the cream cheese, stirring until it melts. Add the shredded chicken back to the pot and let it simmer, stirring occasionally, while you make the dumpling dough. 


To make the dumplings, in a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and pepper.

In a small bowl, stir together the buttermilk, butter, and chives.

Slowly pour the buttermilk mixture into the dry ingredients, stirring just until the dough comes together. Be careful not to overmix it, or the dumplings will be tough. 

Drop tablespoon-sized (15-g) dollops of dumpling dough on top of the stew, leaving a little room between each one. Cover and simmer for 10 to 12 minutes.

The dumplings should have grown in size by roughly fivefold, and the interior should look like a soft dinner roll. If they’re not fully cooked, cover and cook for 2 minutes more.

If you like browned dumplings like we do, preheat your broiler while the dumplings are poaching. Once the dumplings are puffed, place the pot in the oven, uncovered, and broil until their tops are golden brown, 2 to 5 minutes, depending on your broiler.

Divide the chicken stew and dumplings among bowls, and top with more chives, if desired. 

Reprinted with permission from The Ultimate Dutch Oven Cookbook by Emily and Matt Clifton, Page Street Publishing Co. 2021. Photo credit: Emily and Matt Clifton

It's Time...Ice Cream Shops In Beacon!


The weather is getting warmer and you know what that means… it’s time for ICE-CREAM (although we are truly big fans all year round)! A reader already wrote to us about it on Thursday: “Urgent question: When is Ron’s opening?” By Friday afternoon, the Beacon Creamery had happy patrons sitting outside of it on their carved wooden bear bench.

People are gearing up to stand in socially distant lines (remember, don’t over-crowd!) to begin practicing how to order ahead from an ice cream shop, if they offer it. It is time to revisit Beacon’s ice-cream shops, as the spring weather has everyone itching to get outside in the sunshine.

Pictured: Mocha Crunch Photo Credit: Beacon Creamery via Yelp

Pictured: Mocha Crunch
Photo Credit:
Beacon Creamery via Yelp

The Beacon Creamery

The Beacon Creamery is located at 134 Main St in Beacon, NY and they have mouth-watering flavors that you need to try now! Some include, “New York, New York” which includes cappuccino Kahlua, hot fudge, whipped cream, and raspberry sauce. They also have floats, ice cream sundaes, specialties, tipsy shakes, and regular ice cream with an option to add WINE ice cream for $2.00!

Pictured: Blue Panda

Pictured: Blue Panda

Ron’s Ice Cream

Ron’s Ice Cream is located at 298 Fishkill Ave in Beacon, NY and they have all of the fun flavors you want like Birthday Cake or Cookies and Cream. And always sprinkles. Some special flavors include Chocolate Moose Tracks, Graham Central Station, Crazy Vanilla, Cookies n Cream, and many more! They also carry sundaes, specialty sundaes, flurries, milkshakes, slushies, and more. Oh, plus, they have hotdogs, burgers, snacks, sandwiches, and sides!

The parking lot is small for line crowding during a pandemic. Last year, Ron’s initiated a call-in service with no walk-up service. ALBB does not have word yet on how they will do it this year. Stay tuned!

Zora Dora’s

Zora Dora’s Micro Batch Ice Cream And Paletas is located at 201 Main St in Beacon, NY, and makes ice creams and sorbets in the form of paletas! If you don’t know what a paleta is, it’s a frozen treat on a stick! Their handmade products are produced in small batches every day and they source and handpick the freshest seasonal ingredients available. They also offer catering and cart rentals!

Pictured: Vegan Chocolate Orange

Pictured: Vegan Chocolate Orange

The Chocolate Studio

The Chocolate Studio doesn’t only have delicious chocolates and signature treats, but they also have ice cream! Vegan flavors too. You can pick-up vegan and gluten-free treats (or nonvegan/gluten-free) OR they ship nationwide! Sadly, ice-cream is excluded from the shipping part so you will have to stop in the store for that! But you’ll want to! So many flavors, you might have to get a few.

Yankee Clipper Diner

You can also stop in the Yankee Clipper Diner for ice-cream! They have a few sundaes on their menu, including the Waffle Sundae, which is a freshly baked Belgian waffle with 2 scoops of ice cream, chocolate syrup, whipped cream, sprinkles, walnuts, and a cherry on top! I mean, this could be your breakfast! Add additional toppings for only $1.

Featured Businesses In ALBB's Black Owned Business Directory

Maggie and Ease

“We at MAGGIE & EASE are committed to preparing great food and providing a remarkable and enriching experience through bold flavor and savory delights made generously with love.” Try their desserts at Dia: Beacon art museum & Homespun Foods on Main. St.

Sound Asleep Media

Sound Asleep Media is a production company in Beacon, NY offering photography & videography services including parties, portraits, family photos, and events.

A charming and cozy salon studio with a good energy and vibe. A rustic/chic boutique decor. It’s not just a hair appointment, it’s an experience!

Blacc Vanilla

A Coffee Lounge located in Newburgh, NY with an experience that serves old-world passion evoking a strong sense of community. “Blacc Vanilla may not be an industry leader in the café business, but they have consistently been very active within the city community: hosting community and political events, providing relief for folks during disasters, and creating a business, as well as a community partnership.”

APG Pilates

Whether you’re new to Pilates or at an advanced level, at APG Pilates we work with each person individually and in small groups to help you achieve your personal goals. Pilates is designed to improve physical strength, flexibility, and posture, and enhance mental awareness.” Located in Newburgh, NY, APR Pilates is designed to improve physical strength, flexibility, and posture, and enhance mental awareness.

Are you in the Black community and run a business in the Hudson Valley? Let us know about you! Listings in the Black Owned Business category are free. All other categories can sign on as sponsors for a listing.