Councilperson Paloma Wake asked: “Can you just describe the sports bra project a little bit more? It's not totally clear to me what the program does. Probably helpful for the community to hear how they can access this if it applies to them.”
City Administrator Chris answered: “Their goal is to facilitate participation by females in sports and activities for accessibility.” On the Sports Bra Organization’s website, girls from all over the world are holding bras in pictures.
Councilperson Amber Grant stated: “I will also say that this program was featured in the Highland Currents for their work in Beacon. I just looked them up. I was like: ‘Is this a Beacon based organization?’ And they are. If anyone wants to see the article in the Highland Currents, I'm sure you can Google it.”
The article, which was published in December 2023 and the grant application process opened 2 months later in February 2024, shows Sarah in a photo with storage bins in what the newspaper says is her one-room office in Beacon in a building on Henry Street. There is one office building on Henry Street. The Beacon Post Office, which is listed as the Sports Bra Project’s address, also abuts Henry Street. Mayor Lee Kyriacou also weighed in on the Beaon-ness of the organization, by saying: "I know it's a Beacon-specific organization." Neither Councilperson Amber, nor City Administrator Chris, nor Mayor Lee mentioned at this point, or at any point during the meeting, that the organization they were asking about was founded by Beacon Recreation Committee member Sarah.
City Administrator Chris was eager to end the discussion and move on to vote on it. “We have a proposal that we have a Resolution lined up for you to vote on this. We have $20,000. We didn't quite award the whole thing. I think at this point, our Rec Department needs to move on.”
Who Serves On The Recreation Committee These Days?
Serving on the Recreation Committee are Benjamin Swanson (Executive Assistant for the City of Beacon), Larry Clark, Justin Lynch, Christina Ricottilli, Heidi Kitlas (Executive Director of Soul Ryeders, married to Highlands Current reporter Jeff Simms and hiking buddy of Sarah’s over at Soul Ryeders ), Jim Eve, Hayley Richardson, Sarah Dwyer-Shick (Founder of The Sports Bra Project and DOC of East Fishkill Soccer Club (recreation).
Of this Committee, it was not mentioned who may not have voted at all, which seems to be half of the Committee not voting. From the Recreation Committee’s Applicant Log, not voting were Sarah Dwyer-Shick, Hayley Richardson, Justin Lynch, and Jim Eve. The Applicant Log was included in the Council’s packets, but not read aloud to the public.
How Many Organizations Applied?
City Administrator Chris did not mention how many applicants applied, nor did he name them. Even though they were in the Council’s packet and on the City’s website. Only people who were digging for this information would have to find this on the City’s website and click to download it. Normally, when the Council wants to make sure something is heard, they read it to the public.
City Administrator Chris stated: “We did get enough responses, that Mark Price is recommending that we fund 3 projects.” Eight applications came in total.
Which Organizations Were Denied?
Applicants who were not awarded were organizations heavily invested in Beacon, especially the youth, and included Bannerman Castle Trust, Common Ground Farm, Compass Arts, Land to Learn, and Roll Out Of FBS.
Common Ground was voted for by those in the Committee who voted, but City Administrator Chris said that Beacon’s attorneys deemed Common Ground ineligible because it “benefits people outside of Beacon.” However, Common Ground manages the Beacon Farmer’s Market, which sets up in the heart of Beacon on Main Street each Sunday.
Common Ground’s application stated that the funding would double the food benefits that people with low income use at the Beacon Farmer’s Market. They stated: “Greens4Greens coupons to be redeemed across our markets, doubling the purchasing power of many people who use benefits.”
But, City Administrator Chris added another reason for why Common Ground was denied: “Also, this was just a gift to people.” It is not clear what a “gift” is and why a gift of farm fresh food at the Farmer’s Market landing in the hands of many people wouldn’t count, since storage bins to one person are certainly a gift to anyone, especially ones that can be purchased for $7,550.
Initially, City Administrator Chris did not mention that it was Common Ground which was denied. Councilperson Dan Aymar-Blair asked which one it was. At that point, City Administrator Chris moved to wrap up the discussion.
The Council voted unanimously to award the three organizations that the Recreation Committee recommended.