Job Opps! Spring...Retail Therapy Guide 3/27/2021
A Vaccination Appointment Maker/Whisperer In Beacon Reveals Her Secrets: Interview With Heidi Harrison
/Heidi Harrison, a creative visionary best known for her work as a Youth Aid Job Coach for Dutchess County BOCES, Assistant in Beacon’s Park and Recreation Department, and Volunteer with Mutual Aid Beacon, has added another specialized skill to her resume: Vaccination Appointment Maker/Whisperer. Word on the street is that she “cracked the code” with finding people appointments, and has been clicking and booking for eligible people ever since. Since Dutchess County’s official location site, and other private sites, are not located in the New York State vaccination appointment site, volunteers like Heidi have been vital to booking people who really need the help, as well as getting the word out about opportunities.
ALBB reached out to Heidi to see if she would consider sharing her secrets, and she agreed! To help you book your vaccination appointment easier and possibly closer to your home, Heidi has divulged in great detail how she does it.
See below for her recipe, and then see double below for a list of links.
ALBB: Heidi: how are you this super sleuther?
I love research! Once a topic is of interest to me, I can’t get enough information about it. This issue happened to be one that peoples’ lives depended on, so once I realized I might be able to help, I started really digging in. I was very happy to finally be able to help others, while still self-isolating myself.
ALBB: Can we all become Super Sleuthing Vaccine Bookers like you? If so, what is your recipe?
I do believe that a lot of people could also become Super Sleuthing Vaccine Bookers, if they wanted to do so. The recipe is basically a desire to help others, a lot of patience, even more persistence, and a dash of OCD helps immensely. The people that would not be able to do this, unfortunately, are the ones that probably need it the most right now.
So many people in our senior population, are going into this battle without the proper training. My Dad for example, is 85 years old, has a flip phone, and has never touched a computer in his life. Even if I bought him a smartphone and computer today, he would not be able to navigate this system, to book himself an appointment. There are so many others like him, including entire groups of people that are disadvantaged, and don’t have access to computers and internet, that likely don’t even know that vaccines are available to them. Who is going to tell them and who is going to help them get appointments? People that are tech savvy and very familiar with computers and smartphones are having great difficulty booking themselves and their family members appointments.
ALBB: Heidi, can you tell us your secrets?
I’d be happy to share my secrets! Basically, I started by doing some research. I typed into Google “tips, tricks, and hints for booking a covid vaccine when they are all booked”
This search resulted in lots and lots of articles. One article was particularly helpful. It was a Wall Street Journal article titled, “Tips To Help Score a Covid 19 Vaccine Appointment At CVS, Rite Aid, Walgreens, and More” That was literally all that I needed for booking on those sites. The more you use them, the more you get to know the best times to find new appointments, and what their quirks might be.
My next step was to join Facebook groups started by others looking to offer the same help. I joined Vaccine Angels, New York/Connecticut Vaccine Hunters & Angels New York / Connecticut Vaccine Hunters and Angels and NY-HV Covid-19 Vaccine Appointment Assistance (NY-HV Covid-19 VAAT) NY-HV Covid-19 Vaccine Appointment Assistance Team (NY-HV Covid-19 VAAT). (The Vaccine Appointment Assistance Team was just featured on Spectrum News, highlighting two volunteers who have helped book 250 appointments so far). I am the Beacon liaison for this group. People can fill out this form if they need help booking.
This last group was formed from the Facebook group Covid19 Dutchess County and Ulster County Resources, which I joined in the beginning of the pandemic.
These groups are filled with people looking to help others, and share information that will make this process less stressful and less frustrating. The volunteers in the group also secure appointments for those needing help. I have specific methods and processes for each individual website, which I learned either by trial and error, or by other people posting to the groups, sharing what worked well for them. Someone even went as far as to make 3 short how-to videos, showing how she books appointments for people on the New York State Site.
This was by far the most helpful post that I was lucky enough to find. It showed step by step, the madness that one must undertake, to book an appointment on that site. It really comes down to using the refresh button and clicking approximately 1 click per second for around 15 minutes. This has been successful each time I have used it. If you type into a search “Am I Eligible” you will find the New York State Site.
You answer a few easy questions, and if you qualify, it takes you to the locate providers section. You can then choose which location you want to try to book an appointment at. They are listed by closest proximity to the zip code you entered earlier. This is where it will usually say No Appointments Available.
Most people would stop there. I learned not to give up that easy. You click the refresh on the browser several times in a row, usually 2-3 minutes until it takes you to another page that will ask you to choose a time. Then you will receive a message saying: “No Time Slots Available.”
Heidi Cracks The Code
ALBB: Wouldn’t you stop there? This is like a riddle in Zelda!
It’s game on, baby! Why would you go any further? Who in their right mind would click the same button that denied them already? I never would have without watching the video I mentioned earlier. The trick here is, clicking the purple button that says NEXT until a time magically appears. It does not happen quickly. My average wait is 15 minutes at one click per second.
When the time slot appears, you have to be quick, because someone might be quicker! I’ve lost a few this way, and I literally wanted to cry. But that’s when you just press on, and keep clicking, clicking, clicking, until another one becomes available. I joked with my doctor at an appointment last week, that there might be a surge of people with carpal tunnel syndrome in the months ahead, from the repetitive clicks.
ALBB: How do you work with the Dutchess County run locations, like JC Penney?
The JC Penny is strictly a County site, which is on a lottery type system. People have to have signed up for it and hope for a call. You cannot self book that site.
I have personally signed up for notifications through the Dutchess County Website, and have not received any, yet I have booked around 26 appointments at various sites. I only found out about the alternate sites by doing my own internet searches.
ALBB: Do you think there should be 1 central booking website for all of the inventory of doses out there?
I agree 100%! There is no central system whatsoever! It’s a patchwork quilt, that was never sewn together...just random squares of fabric, all relating to each other in a big, important, life or death way, but just scattered around on the floor.
ALBB: What about the non-County and non-State locations, like pharmacies and grocery stores? Do you refresh those? If so, how?
The site that has to be refreshed like crazy is the New York State site, the “Am I Eligible” link.
I have been in touch with all of the local pharmacies:
Rite Aid said that they don't have anything in stock as of now, but should have more in the next couple of weeks. I always call.
Beacon Wellness (new pharmacy on Main Street near Rite Aid) is also in that same time frame.
Sun River (formerly HRH Care on Henry Street) has a form that people can fill out online and wait/hope for a call back.
Caremount has sent emails to people who are eligible. I received one for my mom since I have access to her patient portal. It was an email with a link and a self booking system. It stated specifically that the link was not to be shared and would not work for anyone but the recipient.
I checked Drug World in Cold Spring, as I do along with other area pharmacies, CVS, Rite Aid, & Walgreens, every morning, and to my utter shock, I found available appointments! I was able to book 3 people without any sort of insanity. It felt really weird, and I rushed through the registration, even though I probably didn't need to...but my gut reaction to this process is stuck on HURRY UP OR YOU'LL LOST THE SPOT!
Looks like there are new opportunities at the Fishkill Rec Center via The Medicine Shoppe in Fishkill. Click here for registration details.
For the Pop-Up PODS that happen in Dutchess County and Orange County, like the ones that sometimes happen in Beacon and Newburgh, you need to register with Dutchess County, and then they call you when an appointment comes up. Register for Dutchess County here, and Orange County here.
ALBB: What have been your thoughts during this experience?
It shouldn’t be this hard. I understand the need to get this vaccine out as quickly as possible. I would never expect for it to be flawless or without some glitches. But sitting at my computer booking an appointment, feels like playing a slot machine, more than trying to secure a life saving vaccine. 900 clicks and you finally get an appointment feels like hitting the jackpot.
But most people aren’t winning at all. They are feeling hopeless and defeated. With each appointment I make, I am happy for that particular person, and I am grateful for being a part of what is to be the new beginning.
Governor Cuomo Continues To Skip Dutchess County As A NY State Partner Vaccination Site - Why That Matters
/Dutchess County entered 2021 by opening 3 county-run vaccination centers dubbed as PODs, which is in addition to any privately run locations at pharmacies or grocery stores. The locations are at the former JC Penney at the Poughkeepsie Galleria Mall, the former CVS, 3081 Route 22, Dover, and at Dutchess County Behavioral and Community Health - Mental Health Campus.
Why JC Penney? The retailer had filed for bankruptcy at the end of 2020 due in part to the pandemic shutdown, and has since emerged with new owners, possibly saving 60,000 jobs of the 85,000 jobs lost. The space inside of the mall with plenty of parking and public transportation drop-offs was available.
The only way to know about these locations in order to make an appointment at them is to follow Dutchess County announcements and local news. Why? Because the Dutchess County locations are not included in New York State’s Vaccine Hotline or Website to book an appointment. Only sites that Governor Cuomo designates as “Partner” sites are included in that very popular, state-wide website.
Beaconites like Joe Robitaille, owner of Homespun was eligible in late February for his vaccination, and used New York State’s website to book the only appointment he could. “The staff and I were sitting here looking at the website, clicking Refresh and appointments were just going, going, going right before our eyes. Finally we just clicked on anything, and I got Plattsburgh, NY.” That location is in the northern most part of New York State, near Vermont and Canada.
In early March, a location in Binghamton opened, and he switched appointments. “I'm off to Binghamton today to get my first vaccine shot! Got my appointment switched. So excited,” he told ALBB. Joe used the New York State website, and said he wasn’t aware of JC Penney location operated by Dutchess County.
Another local Beaconite was helping her dad, age 70, book his appointment back in February. “He called the New York State hotline. He didn’t use internet—at 70, I think the phone was less stressful than Internet. He got the appointment for April in Binghamton.” But the family wasn’t satisfied. They wanted an appointment sooner, and possibly closer. “We decided he should just call every day,” the resident continued to ALBB. “One day he called and they said they couldn’t really tell him details but they’d heard that Tops in New Paltz had appointments, and he called them, and got an appointment for 3 days later! He gets his second shot this Friday!”
When ALBB asked if her dad knew about the JC Penney location, the resident answered: “I don’t think it was an option he was given.”
Dutchess County’s Vaccination Plea To New York State To Add As A State Location
On February 19, 2021, Dutchess County Executive Marcus Molinaro wrote to Governor Cuomo, the letter of which was shared with media, which requested that the JC Penney vaccination POD site be added as an official New York State Partner vaccination site.
County Executive Molinaro stated in the letter: “I respectfully request New York State partner with Dutchess County Government to create a joint vaccination site at this current Poughkeepsie location. Due to the lack of supply given to our county, local residents must travel more than an hour to the nearest State-operated mass vaccination site, located at the Westchester County Center or SUNY Albany, and most cannot obtain an appointment in the next several months at either of those sites.”
Individuals can still get vaccinations at the JC Penney location - and any county-run location - but the option to book an appointment are not listed in the New York State website, which is what Governor Cuomo refers to daily when encouraging people to sign up for their vaccinations. Other locations are available in this region, including at pharmacies, but those are not included in the NY State appointment website.
New York State’s Incomplete Vaccination Appointment Website
Should all vaccination sites be located in a central website for New York State? Dutchess County Executive Marcus Molinaro and the CDC believe that they should. Says Colleen Pillus, Communication Director for the County Executive Office told ALBB: “The County Executive has been openly advocating for a clear picture of where all vaccine is allocated and a centralized place to schedule appointments at any vaccine provider.”
With Governor Cuomo’s consistent display of data aggregation across multiple web pages in New York State’s COVID section of the website, as he tracks patterns of the virus to display to the public, it is not clear why the vaccine locations across the state are not included in that portal. From a website build standpoint, that build-out is not difficult using Google Map tool at the very least. Local design firms nation-wide have already built some for their communities (including my own website design firm for a company producing an antibody test to display various locations in CVS drug stores).
Additionally, when the COVID-19 tests rolled out across multiple private locations, Dutchess County was not designated as an official testing center by New York State. The omission of Dutchess County from New York State’s test center location finder website added time and confusion to the testing process.
When a person called the New York State testing hotline, as Governor Cuomo told people to do daily when he was marketing how easy it was to get tested, the closest location Dutchess County residents was the parking lot at the Bear Mountain Bridge. Despite multiple Dutchess County run testing centers in operation, like the one at Dutchess Stadium just up the road for Beaconites. ALBB reported on the confusion of testing locations and insurance early on.
“Vaccination Czar,” Impeachment Issue, and County Access To Doses
This location-with-benefits logic is now repeating itself for vaccination locations. And is part of why County Executives were so shaken up when New York State’s “Vaccination Czar,” Larry Schwartz, called County Executives across the state asking them for the support of Governor Cuomo during his current impeachment consideration, which is based in part on megalomaniac tendencies and political bullying.
Dutchess County Marcus Molinaro, who is president of the New York State County Executives Association, told NPR in a report on the multiple phonecalls: “[Molinaro] says in the eyes of these local officials, Schwartz's calls were troubling and that after receiving the calls, 3 to 4 executives contacted him or his staff to express their concern and disgust. Here is Molinaro. ’That these calls would be made at all was troubling. That they were made by the individual responsible for, really, with a great deal of discretion, distribution of vaccines was extremely disturbing to them.’”
Dutchess County Executive’s Response To Omission Of Dutchess County Vaccination Locations In NY State Website
Despite Dutchess County Executive Marcus Molinaro’s repeated request to have the JC Penney POD be a “Partner” location by New York State, Governor Cuomo has not granted this designation. Though he has been adding partner locations regularly, and announced 2 in the Hudson Valley recently: one in Ulster County and in New Palz, which Governor Cuomo says, are not ready for the public yet. Dutchess County’s however, is already open and operational.
Despite New York State officials visiting Dutchess County’s JC Penney vaccination location prior to it opening and declaring it ready for scale, Governor Cuomo won’t make the partnership. "County Executive Molinaro has been advocating for the JCPenney location to be a mass vaccination site for several months,” said Colleen to ALBB. “In fact,” she continued, “as noted in his letter [to Governor Cuomo on 2/19/2021], officials from the Governor’s Office were on site at JCPenney when we first opened in January and noted how the capacity was certainly there to be expanded."
County Executive Molinaro pointed out in his 2/19/2021 letter to Governor Cuomo: “Though Dutchess County’s current 185,000-square-foot site in Poughkeepsie, inside the former JCPenney store at the Poughkeepsie Galleria, currently vaccinates fewer than 1,000 essential workers and seniors each week, due the limited number of doses we receive from New York State, our DBCH staff has the capability and space at the site to inoculate five times that number.”
Governor Cuomo Relevance To Dutchess County Executive Molinaro
Dutchess County Executive Marcus Molinaro ran against Governor Cuomo in the last election for governor, and was defeated. Actress Cynthia Nixon from Sex and the City was also running. Governor Cuomo refers to County Executive Molinaro as “some county executive who ran against me” in a press conference delivered on February 19, 2021, the same day the letter was sent, after Governor Cuomo encouraged people to check with their counties for individual sign-up locations, emphasizing that New York State was opening state-run sites in “socially vulnerable communities.”
Governor Cuomo has been pressured by Republicans and a growing number of New York State politicians about the nursing home issue, which questions how the Governor designated nursing home deaths (if the person died at the hospital, but was a resident in a nursing home, then it did not count as a nursing home death in figures released by New York State). That questioning has erupted into a broader discussion of how Governor Cuomo works with - or doesn’t - other politicians running different parts or departments of the state, including his staff. The question of bullying and megalomaniac power tenancies have been questioned.
Governor Cuomo’s dismissive statement was made while the Governor was being questioned by the media about the nursing home issue, as he attempted to discredit critical voices. You can read the full transcript of the February 19th, 2021 press conference here. The Governor has since denied taking questions from the media during a later press conference, as the investigation into him begins, and impeachment is discussed.
“Socially Vulnerable" Communities In Poughkeepsie, Beacon and the Hudson Valley
In terms of “socially vulnerable” communities being the reason for the lack of New York State partnership with Dutchess County, there are plenty of people in Dutchess County who have lost jobs, were already in a lower income bracket, or don’t have a car.
Said County Executive Molinaro in his letter to Governor Cuomo: “[The people who book an appointment] are the lucky ones – residents who have personal transportation and can travel at a moment’s notice, should a much-coveted appointment open up for them. Residents in our underserved communities, who rely on public transportation to take them to appointments to receive this life-saving vaccination, cannot readily travel an hour or more to the State’s sites; they can, however, travel to our Poughkeepsie site, which is easily accessible by Dutchess County Public Transit.”
Public transportation from Beacon regularly circulates to the Poughkeepsie Galleria Mall, including the G-Line, which is the pretty blue bus line introduced as a partnership with Beacon, Poughkeepsie and Dutchess County last year.
How To Add Yourself To Dutchess County’s More Convenient Vaccination Location List
Dutchess County has a web page that shows what their allocation was of vaccinations for the week, as well as a signup form to sign up once, and wait to be called for an appointment at a Dutchess County location. Other locations, such as pharmacies, are listed there as well for convenience.
As for the number of allocation doses since the County Executive’s letter, Communication Director for Dutchess County Colleen Pillus confirmed to ALBB on 3/17/2021: “Vaccine doses have increased statewide (and decreased) over the past several weeks as more vaccine become available from the federal level. Overall, vaccine allotment is up from what we been receiving in Jan/Feb, but last week’s allocation was lower than the previous week’s allocation.”
Dutchess County makes weekly updates to many vaccination sites on their vaccination web page, including pharmacies and hospital facilities. Do check this page weekly if you are in pursuit of a vaccination shot for yourself or a family member, as you may find a dose at a nearby location to you in Beacon, Fishkill, or other communities.
Volunteers who are pursuing and booking vaccination appoints on behalf of those who are too challenged in technology or physical condition to do it themselves have been making a big difference to connect people with doses. Read ALBB’s interview with a Vaccination Appointment Whisperer, Heidi Harrison, to learn her tips and tricks.
NEW JOB LISTING at Bretts Hardware
/Bretts Hardware is looking for cashiers/stock employees in all three locations (Beacon, New Windsor, Newburgh). The New Windsor location is also looking for an Assistant Manager.
Find out more information HERE.
NEW JOB LISTING at Community Action Partnership for Dutchess County, Inc.
/Community Action Partnership for Dutchess County, Inc. is looking for a Part-Time Family Resource Coordinator (Bi-lingual Spanish Required)!
Find out more information HERE.
Shuttered Venues Closer To Applying For Money From Grant Launching April 8, 2021
/The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has opened an intake form for the Shuttered Venue Operators Grant (SVOG) application portal to process applications for the much-anticipated critical economic relief program that launches on Thursday, April 8, 2021.
Venues must have been in operation by February 2020, and include the following:
Live venue operators or promoters
Theatrical producers
Live performing arts organization operators
Relevant museum operators, zoos and aquariums who meet specific criteria
Motion picture theater operators
Talent representatives
Each business entity owned by an eligible entity that also meets the eligibility requirements
“The SBA’s new Administrator, Isabella Casillas Guzman, said about the grant “The SBA knows these venues are critical to America's economy and understands how hard they've been impacted, as they were among the first to shutter. This vital economic aid will provide a much-needed lifeline for live venues, museums, movie theatres and many more.”
The SVOG program was established by the Economic Aid to Hard Hit Small Businesses, Nonprofits and Venues Act, which appropriated $15 billion for it. The American Rescue Plan Act, signed into law by President Joe Biden on March 11, 2021, appropriated an additional $1.25 billion, bringing the program funding to a total of $16.25 billion, with more than $16 billion allocated for grants.
Applying for both SVOG and PPP Program
To ensure eligible venues do not miss a window to receive assistance through the Paycheck Protection Program, the American Rescue Plan Act also amended the SVOG program so entities that apply for a PPP loan after Dec. 27, 2020, can also apply for an SVOG, with the eligible entity’s SVOG to be reduced by the PPP loan amount. The PPP loan applications have been updated to reflect this. SBA is currently offering PPP loans until March 31, 2021.
To prepare in advance of the SVOG application portal opening on April 8, potential applicants should get registered in the federal government’s System for Award Management (, as this is required for an entity to receive an SVOG, and reference the preliminary application checklist and eligibility requirements.
Information Webinar March 30th
The SBA will be holding a SVOG Application Information Webinar on Tuesday, March 30th. You can register for this free event by clicking this link.
Loan Extension for all disaster loans, including the COVID-19 Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) program, until 2022
/The U.S. Small Business Administration recently announced extended deferment periods for all disaster loans, including the COVID-19 Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) program, until 2022.
All SBA disaster loans made in calendar year 2020, including COVID-19 EIDL, will have a first payment due date extended from 12-months to 24-months from the date of the note.
All SBA disaster loans made in calendar year 2021, including COVID-19 EIDL, will have a first payment due date extended from 12-months to 18-months from the date of the note.
Existing SBA disaster loans approved prior to 2020 in regular servicing status as of March 1, 2020, received an automatic deferment of principal and interest payments through December 31, 2020. This initial deferment period was subsequently extended through March 31, 2021. An additional 12-month deferment of principal and interest payments will be automatically granted to these borrowers.
Borrowers will resume their regular payment schedule with the payment immediately preceding March 31, 2022, unless the borrower voluntarily continues to make payments while on deferment. It is important to note that the interest will continue to accrue on the outstanding balance of the loan throughout the duration of the deferment.
Questions on SBA COVID-19 EIDL and disaster loan payments can be answered by email at or by calling SBA’s Customer Service Center at 1-800-659-2955 (TTY: 1-800-877-8339).
Cupcakes and the Retail Therapy Guide 3/19/2021
Coming in April to Howland Public Library - Applying to College: From Getting Started to Finding Your Fit With Adam Kendis
/The Howland Public Library is offering a free workshop for students starting the college application process. The workshop, Applying to College: From Getting Started to Finding Your Fit, will be led by Adam Kendis and will be held via Zoom on Thursday, April 8th, at 6pm.
The college application process can seem overwhelming to students and families. But deciding on your next steps in life doesn’t need to produce anxiety. Instead, it can be a fun and powerful journey. This workshop will offer tips and practical resources that will help students and families learn:
How to start the college search process;
How to find colleges that are a great fit - academic, social and financial- for you;
What resources can help you confidently navigate this journey;
How to make yourself and your applications stand out in the process;
How to approach this journey in a way that emphasizes self-discovery and fun over anxiety and pressure.
This workshop is designed for students in 11th grade and the adults who support them but is open to all students and parents. To register, email Michelle Rivas at .
About Adam Kendis
Adam Kendis is the Director of College Guidance at a small, independent school in Fairfield County, CT and a local Beaconite. He has been working in college guidance for 15 years and has worked with hundreds of students and families. In 2011 Adam was named a Counselor That Changes Lives by the Colleges That Change Lives.
City Administrator Chris White Refuses To Answer Questions From ALBB After Questions Confirming Employee Job Titles
/After a series of articles highlighting hiring practices in the City of Beacon’s Water and Highway Departments, in March 2021, Beacon’s City Administrator Chris White declined to answer any questions from A Little Beacon Blog unless a face to face meeting was held. City Administrator White has also instructed all staff to not take questions sent via email or voice mail, including the Park and Recreation Director, Mark Price. The previous City Administrator Anthony Ruggiero continued to answer questions from ALBB, even when the questions were about employment and grew uncomfortable.
Beacon’s former Mayor Randy Casale, known for his brazen and outspoken style, told ALBB when asked if he ever declined to answer reporter’s questions: “Not during my administration unless the lawyer advised him because of litigation, but that would only be about that subject. I do not believe it wise if you want transparency!”
Later, when Mayor Kyriacou participated in a COVID-19 vaccination event, City Administrator Chris ignored questions seeking comment about the event, to encourage others to get vaccinated.
Chip Rowe, the Managing Editor of the Highlands Current, a leading newspaper in the region had this to say when asked by ALBB if having a standing no-comment policy from a local government administration was normal: “There have been politicians who said they won't talk to certain outlets, Obama did that to Fox for a while.”
When A Little Beacon Blog was researching disciplinary action taken by the City of Beacon on Highway Department employee Reuben Simmons, after he was put on paid leave the first time in January 2021, and was seeking confirmation of the unpaid leave from the Highway Department’s CSEA Union Representative, Paula Becker, I left two voicemails with Paula seeking confirmation of the unpaid leave status. At the time, I did not know that Paula was an employee with the City of Beacon in the Finance Department.
City Administrator Chris emailed me in response, saying: “I received notice from other staff that you had called regarding a personnel issue. As I mentioned previously, the City does not comment on personnel issues. I would appreciate you contacting me if you have questions in the future.”
Paula Becker is an employee of the City of Beacon, and the President of the CSEA for Beacon. That combination, in this case, has led to a conflict of interest for pursuing research for employment articles.
Reuben Simmons, the City of Beacon employee in the Highway Department on unpaid and paid leave, was also at one point the President of the CSEA for Beacon, and says he understands the pros and cons of having an employee be a Union President. While in that leadership position, he recalls how he as the president needed to advocate for employees, as well as give them answers they did not like.
To get the background on Reuben’s employment situation, listen to ALBB’s podcast with him here. The podcast also provides an employment and demotion timeline.
Below is City Administrator Chris’ email outlining his position. I declined to meet him for the conversation, as I do not think it necessary to outline or negotiate editorial standards with a governmental entity, or any subject a publication is reporting on. Other reporters may have chosen to meet, in order to warm a relationship. With three kids in Remote Learning at the time, and 3 jobs I hold down, this is not something I wanted to make time for. All I need are answers to simple questions, and those can be sent via email. It should also be noted, with regards to the “simple conversation” he referred to below, I had asked him these questions via email. The opportunity to clear anything up had already happened
Thank you for your response. I am unable to respond to further questions until you and I have some discussion about journalistic standards for your articles. Since I replaced Anthony, I have tried to treat you as I would a news outlet, but I’m realizing that your blog does not operate in the same manner. I have to say that I also liked your blog’s focus on small businesses in Beacon so I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt in responding to you as time allowed.
The article that you just published on City hiring, which is referred to as a “hot mess,” certainly does not meet basic journalistic standards for unbiased reporting. If you would like the City to respond to you as we do with news media, we will need to establish some comparable reporting standards. With a simple conversation, we could have cleared up some of the inaccuracies and misleading assertions in this article, which is what the local papers would have done before publishing.
If you would like to have a conversation at some point to discuss this further, please let me know, and I will try to be available to you. However, until we can establish some sort of standards, I am not able to respond to further questions.
Best regards,
High Winds Cause Power Outage And Traffic Lights Out In Beacon Along Wolcott At Main Street and Others
/As spring pushes through 2021, March’s winds are coming in like a lion, blowing around a few snow flakes on Sunday in between a glorious sun surrounded by dark clouds holding what could be more snow at any moment. At 3:29pm, Central Hudson reported that at least 2,218 customers in Beacon were affected by an outage, and that crews were on site repairing.
Some traffic lights were out along Wolcott, including the intersection of Main Street, and the intersection at Beekman (the road to the train station), as well as the intersection at Verplank. At least 1 Highway Department employee was out on Sunday, and Stop signs had been placed at dark traffic lights.
Trucks from Central Hudson were repairing a line in the trees at Verplank at Wolcott, and cars were routed around the area, causing backups on side streets.
People who have allergies may want to have medication for itchy noses and watery eyes on hand as the wind blows new spring buds around the block.
Left: Intersection of Wolcott (9D) and Beekman
Right: Intersection of Wolcott (9D) Main Street.
Filming In Beacon; Ice Cream! Retail Therapy Guide 3/12/2021
New Creative TV Show From A New Beaconite Streamed Live From Inside The Howland Cultural Center - And Her Survival From COVID
Under the ornamental rafters of this historic landmark building, Tara will be interviewing Jon Slackman of Five Corner Films about their music video collaboration, and also performing with guitarist Tony DePaolo.
DATE: ON DEMAND: March 11-25
Beaconite and singer Tara O’Grady has been busy since moving to Beacon from NYC after she survived her long battle with COVID-19 one year ago, which did weaken her voice, thereby canceling her singing career. Upon moving to Beacon, she searched around for new creative income opportunities.
Since then, she has been selling her vintage clothing collection from the 1940s-1960s at Jaz On Main; as well as her 5 albums of jazz, blues and folk music; hosted a book signing for her memoir “Migrating Toward Happiness” at Draught; making music videos with collaborator and film maker Jon Slackman of Five Corner Films; and this Saturday, March 11, 2021 at 8pm, is airing their first live-streamed TV show, “Howlin’ at the Howland," also created with Jon.
The singer/songwriter moved to Beacon, New York in August 2020 and “discovered the jewel of her new town, the Howland Cultural Center,” she says. The show will be performed live from within the Howland Cultural Center and then streamed On Demand for limited time, showcasing the Howland’s revered, architecturally ornate backdrop. Viewers can buy tickers here to support the show.
In each episode, Tara will be interviewing a local artist and co-creating with them using their artform, whether it be filmmaking (episode one), music, painting, writing, dress making, photography, etc. In addition, between the art making interviews. Tara will then perform live with different musicians.
Tara tells A Little Beacon Blog: “The show airs a full year and a day after I last performed live in front of an audience in Manhattan. I have not been able to sing since last March when all my gigs and my income ceased. It took me all year to gain back my strength and my voice after having COVID.” Musicians and other live performers have felt the emotional withdraw from connecting with a live audience in the same room, as we heard with the Beacon-based Wynotte Sisters.
About The First Episode
The premiere of Episode One is called "Seasons of Love" featuring the 4 seasons Tara has experienced in the Hudson Valley through cinematography and classic jazz songs about summer, autumn, winter and spring.
Under the ornamental rafters of this historic landmark building, Tara will be interviewing Jon Slackman of Five Corner Films about their music video collaboration, and also performing with guitarist Tony DePaolo.
And Inside Look At This Beaconite’s Battle With COVID
Tara, a writer, shared with us her experience surviving COVID in the early months of 2020 that it was recognized in this country. This is her story:
I just moved to Beacon two weeks ago. It was love at first sight. I had never been here before July when I decided to escape NYC. I stepped on to Main Street and within seconds said out loud, this is my new home. I'm a jazz singer. My last day performing in Manhattan was March 10. I didn't know it would be my last. I didn't know how serious the virus was. My fever started March 24. It lasted 21 days. The shortness of breath lingered for 5 weeks. I couldn't sing. I couldn't even walk half a block to a store. It took me all summer to build up my strength to be able to walk two miles and not get out of breath, to be able to ride a bike up a low incline. But I'm better now. Despite being an unemployed musician. My unemployed neighbors in Queens were also struggling. They are still lining up daily at community centers to receive free food. They are sleeping on mattresses on the sidewalk. Crime has increased. So has suicide. I wanted to get out and find a place where I felt safe. I've only been here two weeks and I've been able to attend live music in the Towne Crier, outdoor yoga at the Stony Kill Farm, and connect with musicians and other artists in town who are as open and friendly as my family back in Ireland. I've never felt so embraced by a community so quickly, except for Donegal where I spent every summer on a farm with my grandparents.
Before I even found an apartment, Jaz on Main, the vintage store, offered to host a book signing for me when I went in to try to sell them my vintage clothing collection that I wear when I perform. I'm also an author with a published memoir. I had plans to continue to perform at book launches and teach writing from here to Europe, but all was put on pause. Living in Beacon for me will me more than a pause to wait out the global pandemic. I have finally found a place to call home, something I've been searching for my entire life. I really love it here.
"Severance" Films In Beacon's East End - Storefronts Are Dressed - Here's What We Know
/If you were walking past your favorite cafe down on the East End of town near Mt. Beacon and saw that it was called something else, your heart may have skipped a beat as you thought: “Oh no! Not another business moving out!” But this time it’s not another business moving out! It’s a film production coming to town. Dressing the storefronts in costume for the Apple TV+ produced show “Severance.”
According to the Poughkeepie Journal: “Severance" is a drama featuring Adam Scott, Britt Lower, Patricia Arquette, Christopher Walken and SUNY New Paltz graduate John Turturro. Ben Stiller is listed as an executive producer and director of several episodes. According to, the show is scheduled to premiere sometime this year.” As stated on IMDB, the premise is: “Lumen Industries, a company that's looking to take work-life balance to a new level.”
Beacon business owners in the area could not confirm or deny if filming was happening, but for those of us window browsing at night, onlookers were puzzled by the newly named storefronts, and were trying to piece together the mystery. Facebook was of course lighting up with speculation. Couples walking along the sidewalk stopped in front of storefronts to ask each other: “Wait, this vintage piece of furniture looks very similar to that piece of vintage furniture in that storefront over there….What is going on?” A person walking their dog really wanted to go inside of a shop, even though the shop was closed.
Storefronts who seem to be selected to be Main Street stars are Beacon Bath and Bubble, Reservoir, The Vault, 13 Floor Mod, Beacon Realty, Beacon Falls Cafe, La Mère Clothing and Goods, Raven Rose, and possibly others. No one would confirm, however, as they alluded to agreements that required disgression.
The boutique, for instance, that is normally called La Mère Clothing and Goods is now called The Midcentenarian. A Little Beacon Blog knows that owner April has not moved her business, as La Mère is an advertiser with A Little Beacon Blog, and we have a shopping date coming up!
Photo Credits: Ruby Martin, a 10 year old photojournalist, taken during a Remote Learning day.
A Little Beacon Blog reached out to the City of Beacon for confirmation that film permits had been granted and paid to the City, however, City Administrator Chris White reminded us (me) that we are not on speaking terms based on last week’s employment articles that had racist undertones, and would not answer any questions.
Thankfully, a Citizen Reporter called in to the Mayor’s Office, and received confirmation that the production is “Severance,” a production from Apple TV+, and will be filming on Monday and Tuesday. Set dressers have visited storefronts who will be in the scene. April of Le Mere’s shop employee called her to suggest she might want to come in to see the new items in the store, after many antiques were deposited into the store. April had been tending to her three children and mother.
“My employee Facetimed me the situation, and I came in right away. You know me - the store has to be perfect, and all of these antiques were here in the front of the store.” We do know April quite well over the years, and could see that she was twitching. The evening we encountered her, she was pulling a late-nighter in order to make her shop presentable to the public in order for them to shop the weekend before the Monday shoot.
Courtney of Raven Rose says she is a huge fan of Adam Scott, and told A Little Beacon Blog she is very happy that the East End of town is getting this filming action.
The City of Beacon issued a robo-call on Friday evening, listing what street closures would be happening (see below for the street closure list). The City’s robo-call did not mention the film production or the purpose for the street closures. The coordination of rolling street closures may be due to the parking of large film production trucks from Haddad’s, a truck rental company that is used for several union productions in New York City and elsewhere, as well as camera positions for different takes of the scenes.
What We Know About The Scene Being Filmed
Earlier reporting from the Poughkeepsie Journal revealed that scouts had visited Beacon Bread Company and Hudson Valley Food Hall earlier in February 2021, which are storefronts on the other end of town.
We know that the producers are keeping this production very hush hush, that it is episodic, and may have a “futuristic mind-bending” kind of twist to its storyline. However, the set dressing of Beacon’s storefront windows for this upcoming week are set back in time. This particular scene may only be one minute in the episode.
Excellent reporting from Geoffrey WIlson in the Poughkeepsie Journal revealed that the production is currently going under a different name, “Tumwater," which is common in the early stages of filming in order to not attract attention. According to the article, some residents had received a letter from the Location Department: “The Location Department for ‘Severance’ listed 'Tumwater"‘ as the project's working title in its letter to Beacon residents.'“ The article went on to say: “Laurent Rejto, director of the Hudson Valley Film Commission, confirmed that a project titled "Tumwater" is starting filming in the City of Kingston Wednesday, and that project was filming at the Rondout Friday.”
According to the resident letter, the production will be filming in Beacon late into the night, with cameras positioned on the rooftop of the 1 East Main Street building in order to take night shots of a couple walking on Main Street down below. 1 East Main houses lofts, Lambs Hill Bridal, Urban Links Design, and Trax Coffee.
According to locals on the ground, the scene filmed on Monday and Tuesday will be a “walk-and-talk.” According to an anonymous source, the “script is awesome” and may have “a futuristic, mind-bending” element to it. Which is interesting, since the storefronts in Beacon are currently set decorated to have a much older look from the past.
Photo Credit: Charlie Martin
Street Closures:
Sometimes during a big production, there are members of the film crew called Production Assistants (PAs) who will close a street or sidewalk, and tell you to not cross the street just now. We do not know if there will be PAs closing the streets, or if Beacon Police officers will be closing the streets.
For those interested in the City’s income on this, usually when Police Officers are used to close the streets and direct traffic for film jobs, they are paid by the production company. Usaully the officers used are off-duty, so an Overtime Rate is paid. Additionally, the City is paid a day-rate for a union-produced show permit. A Little Beacon Blog reached out to the City of Beacon’s City Administrator Chris White to inquire as to the game-plan and income stream, but he did not respond.
If you, Citizen Reporter, get the answer on what was paid to Beacon, let us know! We are also inquiring via our other sources re the details of the City’s contract.
According to the City of Beacon’s robo-call, parking and street closures will be impacted as follows:
The following streets will be closed and parking will not be allowed on Monday, March 15th from 3pm - 7am Tuesday morning. And from Tuesday March 16th from 3pm - 7am Wednesday morning.
Municipal Parking Lot on Churchill Street
North Street from Main Street to Locust Place
South Street from Main Street to Locust Place
Leonard Street from Amity Street to East Main Street
Verplanck Avenue from Davis Street to Main Street
Churchill Street from Main Street to Spring Valley Street where there will be local traffic only
On Monday March 15th there will be rolling closures, and parking will be allowed on the following streets:
Russell Avenue
Spring Street
Locust Place
Falconer Street
Boyce Street
Grove Street
Liberty Street
On Monday, March 15th from 3pm - 7am Main Street from Tioronda Avenue to Ackerman Street will be closed and parking will not be allowed.
On Tuesday, March 16th from 3pm- 7am Main Street from Teller Avenue to Ackerman Street will be closed and parking will not be allowed.
Have fun, everyone! High fives to the participating businesses.
It's Time...Ice Cream Shops In Beacon!
/The weather is getting warmer and you know what that means… it’s time for ICE-CREAM (although we are truly big fans all year round)! A reader already wrote to us about it on Thursday: “Urgent question: When is Ron’s opening?” By Friday afternoon, the Beacon Creamery had happy patrons sitting outside of it on their carved wooden bear bench.
People are gearing up to stand in socially distant lines (remember, don’t over-crowd!) to begin practicing how to order ahead from an ice cream shop, if they offer it. It is time to revisit Beacon’s ice-cream shops, as the spring weather has everyone itching to get outside in the sunshine.
The Beacon Creamery
The Beacon Creamery is located at 134 Main St in Beacon, NY and they have mouth-watering flavors that you need to try now! Some include, “New York, New York” which includes cappuccino Kahlua, hot fudge, whipped cream, and raspberry sauce. They also have floats, ice cream sundaes, specialties, tipsy shakes, and regular ice cream with an option to add WINE ice cream for $2.00!
Ron’s Ice Cream
Ron’s Ice Cream is located at 298 Fishkill Ave in Beacon, NY and they have all of the fun flavors you want like Birthday Cake or Cookies and Cream. And always sprinkles. Some special flavors include Chocolate Moose Tracks, Graham Central Station, Crazy Vanilla, Cookies n Cream, and many more! They also carry sundaes, specialty sundaes, flurries, milkshakes, slushies, and more. Oh, plus, they have hotdogs, burgers, snacks, sandwiches, and sides!
The parking lot is small for line crowding during a pandemic. Last year, Ron’s initiated a call-in service with no walk-up service. ALBB does not have word yet on how they will do it this year. Stay tuned!
Zora Dora’s
Zora Dora’s Micro Batch Ice Cream And Paletas is located at 201 Main St in Beacon, NY, and makes ice creams and sorbets in the form of paletas! If you don’t know what a paleta is, it’s a frozen treat on a stick! Their handmade products are produced in small batches every day and they source and handpick the freshest seasonal ingredients available. They also offer catering and cart rentals!
The Chocolate Studio
The Chocolate Studio doesn’t only have delicious chocolates and signature treats, but they also have ice cream! Vegan flavors too. You can pick-up vegan and gluten-free treats (or nonvegan/gluten-free) OR they ship nationwide! Sadly, ice-cream is excluded from the shipping part so you will have to stop in the store for that! But you’ll want to! So many flavors, you might have to get a few.
Yankee Clipper Diner
You can also stop in the Yankee Clipper Diner for ice-cream! They have a few sundaes on their menu, including the Waffle Sundae, which is a freshly baked Belgian waffle with 2 scoops of ice cream, chocolate syrup, whipped cream, sprinkles, walnuts, and a cherry on top! I mean, this could be your breakfast! Add additional toppings for only $1.