Wednesdays Are A Big Day For Free Food Pickup For People In Need


In Beacon, Wednesdays have become a big day for Free Food Pickup. Depending on if you have kids, if you want fresh produce in your life (yes, say yes!) and pre-bagged groceries, Beacon has your back. And Wednesdays aren’t all for people in need. Learn about more opportunities in A Little Beacon Blog’s Food Pantry and Soup Kitchen Guide.

A reader asked a question about how to donate produce from their garden. You might consider the Community ‘Fridge located behind Binnacle Books. You might also consider volunteering to clean it every now and then. It is not advisable to put fresh produce in the Tiny Food Pantries, as bears and raccoons will come, as will flies and ants. Non-perishable packages are best for those drop-off donation locations. You can also double up on your discount days at Key Food, and donate to their food bin in the front of the store. That food gets distributed to food pantries as well.

Here are the Wednesday Food Opportunities:

Free Pre-Bagged Groceries Distributed At Memorial Park and Beacon Recreation On Wednesdays


The Beacon Recreation Department in conjunction with Mutual Aid Beacon who organizes volunteers, have been distributing pre-bagged groceries from Memorial Park on Wednesdays from 9am-10am and from the Beacon Recreation building at 23 West Center Street from 9:30am-10:30am.

The Memorial Street location welcomes cars to line up and grocery bags are placed in the trunk. The Beacon Recreation location asks that people walk up, and do not drive. In theory, you could drive in and park on a nearby side street to carry those groceries home.

This free food distribution was funded in large part the Hudson Valley Food Bank distribution, and individual donations via Mutual Aid Beacon. The City of Beacon was awarded $25,000 in grocery money from CDBG funding managed through Dutchess County. According to Beacon Recreation Director Mark Price back in April 2021, the groceries were approved to be purchased through a “local food distributor.” It is unknown at this time if the entire $25,000 has been spent, or is lasting over time.

Free Farm Stand Wednesdays At Beacon Recreation From Green Teens and Common Ground Farm


The Green Teens are back to offer people in need access to a Free Farm Stand on Wednesdays from 5-6pm at the Beacon Recreation Center at 23 West Center Street. This program will run from July through September, and is made possible by Common Ground Farm.

Also at the Beacon Recreation on Wednesdays from 9:30am-10:30am is a Free Groceries distribution. Groceries come pre-bagged, and volunteers ask that people come on foot as pedestrians. They ask for no cars.

Cars, however, can pull up to Memorial Park on Wednesdays from 9am-10am for the same pre-bagged grocery program.

Free Summer Meals For Beacon City School District Students: Pickup On Wednesdays 10AM

Free Summer Meal Program from the Beacon City School District. Photo Credit: Katie Hellmuth Martin

Free Summer Meal Program from the Beacon City School District.
Photo Credit: Katie Hellmuth Martin

What got canceled a year before the pandemic thanks to changing percentages in Beacon that measure what districts qualify for free summer meals, got restarted during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020: The Free Summer Meals program through the Beacon City School District.

The program is back for the Summer of 2021 and includes 5 days of breakfast and lunch meals. The program runs from July 14th through August 11th, and parents can pick up for all children in their household. Signup is not required.

Pickups are on Wednesdays at 10am-10:45am at the Beacon High School Athletic Entrance (this is after the 9am Free Grocery Pickup at Memorial Park, and before the 5pm Free Farm Stand at the Beacon Recreation Center).

First come first serve. Food is ready to heat or eat packaged meals, which include 5 breakfast and 5 lunch meals. Packaged with fruits and vegetables with a focus on fresh local produce and milk. Hot meals can include pizza, chicken nuggets, and chips and cheese sauce.

For children 18 and under.

Explaining That Confusing Central Hudson Letter About Changing Energy Supplier - Deep Dive Into Community Choice Aggregation (CCA)

Energy in our lives is simple - you flip on a light switch and the lights turn on.

Managing that energy and where it comes from is not as simple, especially as residents get marketed to on their front porches, and get letters in the mail from sources like:

  • Central Hudson, the company who makes sure our energy gets to our homes.

  • City of Beacon to tell residents about any changes.

  • Third-party energy agents who want customers to leave an energy supply arrangement with Central Hudson and hook up with their company, which could be a renewable energy company, or just an energy company promising discounts - in exchange for a contract with a length of time coupled with a fine if the customer decides to leave the billing arrangement early. Sometimes these companies come door to door, promising cash sign-on bonuses if you give them your bill right there on the spot.

    • Peddler’s Permit: Remember, when these people do come to your door, ask to see their Peddler’s Permit, as explained by Beacon’s former City Administrator Anthony Ruggiero to ALBB years ago.

    • Cautionary Note: Be very, very careful about showing your utility bills to anyone. You should protect your Central Hudson account number like you (should) protect you Social Security Number.

The Confusing Central Hudson Letter Of June 2021

In May 2021, residents of Beacon received a package from the City of Beacon explaining that the energy supplier of renewable energy (in this case, 100% hydropower) from the group purchasing partnership the city belongs to, Hudson Valley Community Power, was changing from Direct Energy to Columbia Utilities Power, LLC. No change would be needed by the resident customer, but as required by the program, a rectangular opt-out card with self-addressed envelope was included with the package for people who wanted to opt-out of the program they had been in for 2 years or for people who were newly offered participation in the program, for those who newly moved into a CCA community. Same program, new contract with different renewable energy supplier, which triggered the package to be sent.

Following that letter, in June 2021, Central Hudson sent out a similar letter, but one that led to much confusion, causing some residents to think that they had been duped by a peddler or scam, that their energy switched to a different company without them realizing it. Part of the letter from Central Hudson read: “If this change is unauthorized by you, you must contract Central Hudson within 1 business day prior to the effective date; otherwise your account will be transferred as stated above.”

During the spring of 2021, marketing peddlers of other energy companies had recently swept Beacon in a door-to-door energy switch marketing campaign, iPads in hand ready to switch people in minutes, which may have been a coincidence contributing to the confusion of when the letters arrived. A person could have thought: “Wait, did I authorize something with that young person promising me a rebate, hitting up all the houses with their iPad? Did they get into my account? Did my partner authorize something? Did my elderly parent sign something?”

Basically, nothing changed, everything is fine (unless you signed with the iPad peddlers). But let’s back up to remember what the City of Beacon agreed to on the behalf of residents - along with 9 other municipalities - 2 years ago in order to get 90% of Beaconites on renewable energy at the same or lower rate than what is currently traditional fossil fuel energy direct from Central Hudson, which is what this letter was all about.

It All Comes Down To Community Choice Aggregation (CAA) - What The Heck Is That?

After energy de-regulated in the 1990’s, companies could solicit energy supply relationships with consumers (though nothing would interfere with their delivery arrangement with Central Hudson - Central Hudson would always deliver the chosen supply). You may have seen these energy companies at farmers markets, where they try to entice you to sign up for solar power (not solar panels on your roof, but through your regular energy bill). Sometimes it was more expensive to sign up with these companies at farmers markets or on your front porch.

Then in 2016, New York State created legislation to allow for buying renewable energy in bulk, thereby discounting it, called Community Choice Aggregation (CCA), a policy which basically allows for cities, towns, villages and other local governments to buy renewable energy in a discounted rate in a buying club structure. According to Jeff Domanski, founder of the Beacon-based non-profit Hudson Valley Energy, there are so far 8 states who offer this, including California, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Ohio, and Rhode Island. He says the law “is like a Swiss Army knife for getting renewable energy into homes.”

“The CCA Order came about for a number of reasons, but in simple terms, the win-win-win opportunity to:

  1. promote renewable energy in New York,

  2. in a cost-effective, and possibly cost-saving way for utility customers (counter to what everyone has expected prior to CCA, and

  3. consumer empowerment/protection.

“Because of the numerous consumer protection/empowerment aspects inspiring and baked-into the CCA Order and programs,” Jeffrey continued to ALBB, “including empowering folks who never thought of supporting renewable energy to address the Climate Crisis because it was a more expensive prospect and because navigating the opportunities can be overwhelming for most folks – made worse by the many bad actors out there - the CCA program in communities is an easy way to contribute to the environment and save money on the electric bill.”

City of Beacon Agrees To Move Beaconites Into 100% Renewable Energy On Their Central Hudson Bills

A series of steps needed to be taken In order for this to be available in Beacon:

1. Beacon Law: A law needed to be passed in Beacon to pursue this. New York State required that each municipality needs to set a law to pursue it. Beacon passed a law in 2017.

2. An Administering Body: Beacon needed to choose how the program would be administered in line with New York’s order. New York’s order includes consumer protections, including sourcing renewable energy from New York suppliers, not locking customers into timed contracts, and not charging customers hidden fees. The municipality needed to pick an approved administrator. The administrator who emerged was (and is) called Joule Community Power. According to Joule, their mission is to empower municipalities (like a city or village) in the energy market: “We are shifting NY State’s energy dependency from a utility-controlled, fossil fuel model to a municipally-controlled clean, renewable energy model for thousands of households at a time. By designing and implementing community choice aggregation programs, we empower municipalities to make energy decisions for their own communities thereby enabling local decision-making and transferring control away from the State.”

3. Who Administers? The administrator, (Joule) needed to supply an implementation plan of hundreds of pages describing how this would work. Part of this implementation plan was educating and outreaching to the residents in the municipalities who signed into this. Joule would outsource this education and outreach via a non-profit. The non-profit selected to do this outreach is Hudson Valley Energy, a non-profit started by local Beaconite Jeffrey Domanski.

In 2019, after hearing presentations from Joule and Hudson Valley Energy, the City of Beacon agreed to be one of 10 municipalities to source this energy. The other municipalities included Fishkill, Philipstown, Cold Spring, City of Poughkeepsie, Town of Red Hook, Town of Clinton, Marveltown in Ulster, and the Town and Village of New Paltz. In the 2 years since this started, Fishkill has since exited the arrangement when the new Town Supervisor, Ozzy Albra, was elected and replaced Robert LaColla. According to Jeffrey of Hudson Valley Energy, Fishkill did not like the idea of the opt-out nature of the program, where the default was to be in the program, and one needed to take action to opt-out if they so desired. Replacing Fishkill to keep the group number at 10 is Saugerties. More municipalities can always join in.

4. The Bulk-Buy Program: With the municipalities signed on, this created a new group partnership program name called Hudson Valley Community Power. The Program administered by Joule, and locally managed by Hudson Valley Energy for customer service inquiries and education (not for power outages…Central Hudson remains the delivery/repair/billing company and go-to source for all of those calls). The power source for the Program is currently 100% hydropower. But things will change over time to include more New York-based solar and wind power sources, Jeffrey said.

Neither Joule nor Hudson Valley Energy go door to door with education materials or billing changes. “We very, very, very much do not go door to door,” Jeffrey told ALBB. “Community Solar companies in particular are going out.”

5. Lights…Camera…Action! Now that the players and names have been settled, the supplier of energy must be selected. From 2019 - 2021, that supplier was Direct Energy for a 2 year contract at a fixed rate. In this buying club, if people do not opt-out, the rate does not change thanks to negotiations locking it in. The opt-out rate has been about 10%, said Jeffrey, which was expected. After the energy supply contract expired, Joule sent out a RFP (Request For Proposal) for a new supplier. Six companies bid, including Direct Energy, but a different company won for the lowest bid: Columbia Utilities Power. They will be the supplier for 3 years, from 2021 - 2024.

Hence The Letter From Central Hudson…

When the new contract was signed with Columbia Utilities Power, the letters to Beaconties went out, introducing customers to Columbia Utilities Power. But the letter from Central Hudson was very confusing, scaring some customers into calling customer service numbers immediately, and was signed with an acronym matching none of the above: “Very truly yours, Customer Choice Program”

The nation-wide program is called “Community Choice Aggregation,” which sounds similar to “Customer Choice Program,” the name signed at the bottom of the Central Hudson Letter. Nowhere in the letter was mentioned the national program “Community Choice Aggregation” and the letter instructed people to call Columbia Utilities Power LLC with pricing questions, which is not in line with how the regional program is or has been run.

The company to call with pricing information is Hudson Valley Energy, who works with Joule, to service the New York State initiative complying with Community Choice Aggregation.

The company to call with billing questions, smelling a gas leak, reporting a power outage, and safety concerns remains Central Hudson, whether you are in the Community Choice Aggregation program or not.

Whew! So Now What? Are We Saving Money And Saving The Planet?

Educator Jeffrey from Hudson Valley Energy says that we are. There are a lot of useful charts, rates and data at the Hudson Valley Energy website FAQ page (which is also available in Spanish). Now that two years of data has been collected, one can compare the rates in detail.

Rates from 2019-2021 in the Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) program. Photo Credit: Hudson Valley Energy

Rates from 2019-2021 in the Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) program.
Photo Credit: Hudson Valley Energy

To further understand the numbers, ALBB asked Jeffrey some clarifying questions:

ALBB: Regarding the chart above: if I opt out of Community Choice Aggregation (CCA), and I get my energy from Central Hudson’s sources, am I in the Central Hudson Standard Mix? And of that energy, is it fossil fuel?

JEFFREY: “If you opt-out of the Program, Central Hudson will make your supply decision each month. The rate will vary and the sourcing will be predominately fossil-based. The sourcing mix of the Hudson Valley Community Power Program’s ‘Standard’ rate is similar, but is fixed (i.e., folks in the communities can choose to stay in the Program and choose one of the two rates).”"

ALBB: If I did nothing 2 years ago, and nothing this year, which color label am I in from the chart? Hudson Valley Community Power 100% Renewable (Fixed Rate)?

JEFFREY: “Yes – the 100% Renewable Rate option is the default (no-action required) choice in all of our partner-communities.”

Ok…So What Is Community Solar?

Add to the mix are the solar farms being developed and coming online for energy production referred to as “Community Solar.” Many of them are out marketing door-to-door to get consumers to switch. Jeffrey says that they aren’t necessarily a bad thing, and that consumers can actually have both. “It's not a bad service necessarily that Community Solar is offering,” stated Jeffrey. “It is the 2nd tool in the Swiss Army knife of tools that is Community Choice Aggregation. People who opt-in on their billing can be a virtual owner of a solar field. Thereby letting the owner meet their requirements to let them drive a discount on energy. People should look into Community Solar to save 10% on their electric. It's a parallel thing. You can do neither, either or, or both.”

In fact, Joule is involved with its own Community Solar.

ALBB: When my neighbor says he is opting into to Community Solar, is he leaving the Hudson Valley Community Power partnership?

JEFFREY: “In brief, no. Community Solar is a parallel opportunity to the fixed rate ‘electricity supply’ aspect of CCA we’ve been mostly talking about.”

“To further the distinction, the fixed electricity supply rate ($/kWh) is multiplied by the amount of electricity a customer uses each month (kWh). Nearly all Community Solar programs I know are a symbiotic relationship between the customer and the owner of the solar field, whereby the customer’s subscribing to be a virtual owner of a portion of the solar field allows the project to proceed as a ‘community project.’ In return, the customer receives a monetary discount off their entire electricity charges, which is targeted to result in a 10% savings for each year of the agreement. Note: the credit received each month is not based on the customer’s usage that month.”

However, Jeffrey wanted to stress: “Community Solar is NOT a customer’s supply source.”

ALBB: If I opt-into a Community Solar company, am I leaving the Hudson Valley Community Power Program - our region’s CCA?

JEFFREY: “Subscribing to a Community Solar project does not conflict with the Electricity Supply component of a CCA Program. The Electricity Supply component of CCA provides a fixed rate which is directly tied to a customer’s monthly electricity usage. Nearly all Community Solar subscription programs assign a portion of a solar field to a customer to generate (in the Community Solar developer/owner’s business model) a monetary credit which targets 10% off a customer’s total electric charges (averaged over a year).

ALBB: Regarding the rate: Is it cheaper than being in regular Central Hudson?

JEFFREY: “Yes – it currently is, and we believe will be cheaper over the life of the Program, though there will be months when Central Hudson’s supply rate is lower than the Program’s fixed rate. The Program rate for 100% renewable-sourced electricity (from New York producers) is $0.06573/kWh. Central Hudson’s comparable rate is $0.0697/kWh.”


That concludes today’s lesson in a few data points in the energy supply market for communities. In another article, Jeffrey can explain how CCA’s have been enabled to support Community Solar “and talk about the evolving ways that’s happened and will be happening,” Jeffrey told ALBB. “Suffice to say, CCA is a dynamic, powerful tool which enables cities, towns, and villages to help the customers through localizing energy decision-making.”

Beacon's City Council Takes A Vacay From Monday Meetings, Posts Summer Schedule With Combo Meetings


While everyone is headed to the pool or for a hike or for a vacation, Beacon’s City Council is also taking some time off. In the middle of July, when the corn was knee high, the City of Beacon posted their reduced meeting summer schedule for regular Monday meetings, with some Mondays merging both a City Council Meeting with a Workshop. A City Council Meeting is when the public can participate with comments at the beginning or end of the meeting, or to comment during an official Public Comment Hearing. The Workshop is when the City Council members discuss amongst themselves different topics on their agenda without public input, but in front of the public.

Since New York State lifted its Emergency Status for the pandemic, council meetings have begun meeting in person again at City Hall. Mayor Kyraicou has stated during recent meetings that they are considering trying to continue both the live meeting via video for those to attend and call in who cannot attend the meeting in person. Currently, public meetings are broadcast live on YouTube and Zoom, and during the last couple of meetings, council members met at City Hall with an open door to the public.

Agendas for the public City Council Meeting/Workshop combos have not yet been posted.

Summer Schedule:

July 19th: No Workshop/Meeting

July 26th: No Workshop/Meeting

August 2nd: Workshop followed by Council Meeting

August 9th: No Workshop/Meeting

August 16th: Workshop followed by Council Meeting

August 23rd: No Workshop/Meeting

August 30th: Workshop

Assistant to the Mayor Collin Milone has confirmed with ALBB that No Workshop/Meeting does mean that there is No Workshop and No Meeting for that date. The night is completely off.

Retail Therapy Guide 7/23/2021

Do you want to know about a very relaxing spot for lunch, with beef, chicken and vegan options? Check out where we went today. Meanwhile, the MTA heard our prayers and questions, and has opened the Newburgh/Beacon Ferry, beginning August 30th! Read all about it here.

Don't miss live music tonight near the Hudson River (ignore these on-again off-again rain showers!) at Two-Way Brewing! See below for details.

Edited and Written By Teslie Andrade and Katie Hellmuth Martin

If you'd like to guarantee to see your entertainment event listed here, help us help you by advertising it here.

River Pool At Beacon - The 2021 Swim, The 17th Cross-River Swim
Days: Saturday, July 24 (rain date July 25).
Time: 12pm - 6pm
Now is your chance! The River Pool's biggest fundraiser started - where you can sponsor a swimmer (see this list) who is courageously swimming across the Hudson River this weekend. Swimming it is 1 mile in the open water, with volunteer kayakers and others accompanying the swimmers. The best way you can support is to sponsor a swimmer, or donate in general to the River Pool right now. Your funds help them pay their lifeguards, pay for testing of the water, pay for upkeep of the unique water pool that they wish others had as well, and more.
River Pool is back! Tuesday-Sunday, July-Labor Day, weather permitting.
Information >

Summer Onstage Program With Beacon Players
Days: 3 Day Sessions
Session 1: July 26th
Session 2: August 2nd
Session 3: August 9th
Time: 9am - 12pm
Location: The Theater at Beacon High School, 101 Matteawan Road, Beacon, NY
Open to BCSD Students Grades 7-12. Each day will bring more and more excitement as we build to performance. Step by step we will develop all the elements that will bring us to a successful and satisfying production. Information >

Check our Calendar and Events Guide regularly for upcoming events throughout the week!

18 West Main St.

Oh boy! Two Way released a new beer & you do not want to miss out!  It's a 7% India Pale Lager brewed with oatmeal and honey malt (YUM), and hopped with Mosaic and Eukanot, and fermented with a checz lager strain of yeast. Refreshing, to say the least. Stop in & try it out! Pints, flights, & beers to-go!
Thursdays: Trivia next Thursday, July 29 at 7pm
Fridays: Live Music at 7:30pm. This Week: Glenn Echo
(music is inside, but you can also hear it on the patio outside)
Thursday 4:00pm - 9:00pm
Friday 4:00pm - 10:00pm
Saturday 12:00pm - 9:00pm
Sunday 1:00pm - 8:00pm
Two Way Brewing Company is a Sponsor, thank you!
3091 U.S. 9, Cold Spring, NY

Vegan Summer Rolls from Eat Church's mini-fridge )available at Marbled Meat Shop in Coldspring, NY) never looked so good! The perfect light lunch on a sweltering day. All the yums ON THE GO! Available daily.
PS. Check out Eat Church Thursday-Sunday at Industrial Arts Brewing and Sundays at the Beacon Farmers Market!
Website >
Eat Church is a Sponsor!, thank you!

193 Main St.
Now that's what we're talking about! BBC! There truly is a no better way to start or end the week than with this 🤤 So many breakfast & lunch options - chicken cutlet BLT, 2 eggs on a roll, chicken & waffle, breakfast tacos, waffle house special, western omelets, and SO much more! Over 5 options for a vegan breakfast & lunch too! Pair one of these meals with a delicious complement, like the loaded potato tots or a yogurt parfait. Open 8 am-5 pm daily!
Menu > 
Order Pick Up or Delivery > 
Beacon Bread Company is a Sponsor, thank you!

184 Main Street, Beacon, NY

Now, that's how you do it! Meyers Olde Dutch takes fresh watermelons purée & makes the most fantastic ice cubes and then spikes a classic mojito to the recipe with a little @mariebrizardusa watermelon! Watermelon mojitos for the WIN! Especially on hot summer days.
Open Sunday thru Thursday for Food 11:30 am until 9 pm; bar until 10 pm; Friday and Saturday Food 11:30 am until 11:00 pm; bar until midnight.
Order Now >
Meyers Olde Dutch is a Sponsor, thank you!

142 Main St.
Wrap up your weekend with a Crunch Wrap from Tito Santana! Delivery orders through Uber Eats are available as well! Why would you want to cook when you have Tito Santana?
PS: Dinner takeout special available Monday-Friday from 4pm - 9pm: 4 tacos, + 2 street corn, + 1 chip & salsa, + 1 rice & beans for only $22!
PPS: Tacos are only $2 on Tuesdays! Easy Kid Dinner!
Menu > 
Catering > 
Tito Santana Taqueria is a Sponsor, thank you!

232 Main Street, Beacon, NY

For the second year in a row, Homespun is proud to offer local Farm Kits from Common Ground Farm. Common Ground Farm is a non-profit organization with a mission to serve our community as a model for food justice and education for people of all ages and incomes. Each week, for the remainder of the growing season, Homespun will offer a 'Farm Kit' full of local, seasonal produce grown right here in Beacon. Each week will be a little different, and this is a wonderful way to truly eat with the seasons. Local organic produce, harvested fresh and ready for pick up each Friday at Homespun Foods. The weekly harvest is a seasonal surprise. Order cutoff is Tuesday at 5pm, and pick up will be at Homespun on Friday, anytime between 10am-7pm.
Find more Farm Kit Info Here >
SAVE THE DATE: A new literary group is meeting at Homespun on Thursdays called "Lit Lit." Learn more about it here.
Thursday - Monday, 10am - 7pm
Order Food >
Homespun is a Sponsor, thank you! 

288 Main Street, Beacon, NY
Momo Valley (located inside of the HVFH) offers Himalayan style dumplings called MoMo, a native & staple dish of Nepal, Tibet, & Bhutan. Their assortment of MoMo is made from locally thoughtfully sourced ingredients, followed by their family recipes for an authentic and unique taste! These protein-packed, more than a bite-size MoMo are served with signature homemade sauces. Their additional selections from the menu are all authentic Himalayan dishes prepared fresh from scratch with the secret ingredient called LOVE. Stop in! Check them out! They're delish!
Follow HV Food Hall's foodies:
Miz Hattie's BBQ: Southern Style BBQ, from North Carolina. Order ahead via their Toast-app menu!
Momo Valley: Himalayan Spiced Hand-Crafted MoMo & More
Barb's Fry Works: Gourmet, small-batch-loaded fries. And salads.
El Nica: Nicaraguan Food
Roosevelt Bar: Cocktail Bar in a well-ventilated space with Outdoor Patio!
Schmuck's Sweet Stuff: Local Ice Cream, Hot Waffles, and Other Sweet Stuff
Hudson Valley Food Hall is a Sponsor, thank you!

BAJA 328
328 Main Street, Beacon, NY
Margarita pitchers from Baja 328? Oh sure! You can get pitchers of a classic margarita, "blue-violet", spicy cucumber margarita, "Chupacabra’s Blood", watermelon mint, strawberry jalapeno margarita, "Bajarita",   Baja Signature Margarita, and a seasonal margarita! So many pitchers. Options for everyone. Pitchers + @baja328 food = a great day.
Check out their specialty drinks > 
Check out the specials >
BAJA 328 is a Sponsor, thank you!

244 Main St.

Looking for delicious vegan food but want to avoid processed ingredients? Look no further! This is what authentic meat-free Palestinian food looks like. 100% vegan, traditional, and healthy. Similiar amazing/delicious non-vegan foods are available here as well! Open all weekend from 12-8!
Menu > 
Order Online > 
Ziatun is a Sponsor, thank you!

380 Main Street, Beacon

The small allocation of this scrumptious gluggable chillable red sold out in a week last summer! This year, Dirty Bacchus was able to get their hands on twice as much, but of course, two times small is still small - don’t hesitate! Act fast! And get yours! Organic, carbonic, dry-farmed, unfined, unfiltered, minimally sulfured, this gem from Oregon is your remedy for heat and humidity! Plus, only $28!
PS you can shop online! >
Mon-Wed: 12-6
Thur- Sat: 11-7
Sun: 12-5
Dirty Bacchus is a Sponsor, thank you!

321 Main Street, Beacon

Leslie Marmon Silko, “Almanac of the Dead” from Binnacle Books. This doesn’t come through that often, for whatever reason. It’s an extraordinary, sprawling world of a novel! @Binnacle Books carries many gems like this! Stop in & check it out. Interested in a quick & easy guide to queer & trans identities? See that here. Binnacle has it all!
Binnacle Books is a Sponsor, thank you!


18 West Main Street, Beacon
"Weeding for Littles" thanks to Brett's Hardware! Everyone needs their own gloves. Especially little kids. Find truck gloves, Paw Patrol, plain colors, and more. For those who need the extra skin coverage for weeding once those weeds scrape you (so itchy!), Brett's Hardware has Rose Picker gloves. Smart. You can literally find anything & everything here!
Brett's Hardware is a Sponsor, thank you!

181-183 Main Street, Beacon
Next up in Luxe's "Meet The Luxe Family" series is ⁠Crissy!⁠ Crissy Dawson is Luxe's Customer Experience Coordinator, and is a Northern California native. She embarked on her modeling career while attending San Diego State University studying Journalism, Media, and Advertising. ⁠She has been published in British Vogue, Vogue Italia & Ellements, and walked in 4 seasons of NYFW shows (while also planning & styling shoots off-season!). Her previous experience also includes marketing, retail buying, and hospitality. This makes Crissy a wonderful & key part of the team. ⁠Help Luxe Optique officially welcome Crissy to the team!
Monday: 10 AM–5 PM
Tues-Sat:10 AM–6 PM
Sunday: Closed
Shop Online >
Luxe Optique is a Sponsor, thank you!

470 Main Street, Beacon

"It’s you. It’s you. It’s always been you. " **New** Fuzzy Wrap Crop is available at La Mere! If this doesn't scream, MUST HAVE, then it must scream, NEED NOW! Shop new arrivals every week & shop fast! La Mere Clothing & Goods is so good that they sell out so fast! You don't wanna miss out. EVER.
PS Everything is under $100!!
Shop Online >
La Mere is a Sponsor, thank you!
Yanarella Dance Studio
312 Main St., Beacon, NY
What better way to kick off summer break than with trying a new dance class at Yanarella Dance?! They offer classes in tap, ballet, jazz, hip-hop, contemporary, and tumbling. New students of all ages are always welcome!

Contact them to schedule a FREE trial class—they'll be here dancing all summer!

PS - Island Adventures Summer Dance Camp is starting!
Days: Monday, July 26, 2021 - Friday, July 30, 2021
Times: 9am - 11am (Ages 3-5) & 9am - 1pm (Ages 6-12)
Register here > 

PPS - New sessions of Mommy & Me happening on 7/26 10 am - 10:30 am. $10 per class to drop in or $27 for the 3-week session.

Visit Yanarella Dance online. 
Register for classes today! 
Yanarella is a Sponsor, thank you!

This is Beacon: Youth Podcast Workshop
Day: Only one Friday left!, July 30 2021
Time: 4:30pm - 6pm
Location: Beacon Recreation, 23 West Center Street
Grades 7 -12 - Registration is required, and is still open! This podcast workshop is led by Brandon Lillard of This Is Beacon and ALBB's Wait What Is That? podcasts. A great opportunity to expose teenagers to the vast world of podcasting.
For more information, email Michelle at


Beacon Mercantile now offers an in-store bottle refill service for Beacon Mercantile skincare, perfumes, candles, home fragrance + select apothecary goods! Simply bring in your clean, sanitized Beacon Mercantile bottle/vessel and we will refill it for you, plus you will receive a 10% discount on your purchase. Can't make it to the shop? All packaging that we use is 100% recyclable to help keep our planet green and your scene clean.

No. 3 Reading Room & Photo Book Works
Second Saturday Outdoor Event:
Location: 469 Main Street, Beacon, NY 12508
For the month of July into August, re-scaled reproductions of Zachary Skinner’s original paintings will be on display in No. 3 Reading Room's storefront windows as an outdoor exhibit.
Information >
No. 3 Reading Room and Photo Book Works is a Sponsor, thank you!

“La Finca” Vieques, PR...A memoir of LOVE, LOSS & LAUNDRY
Saturday, July 24, 2021
Time: 3pm
Location: Marion Royael Gallery, 159 Main St, Beacon, NY
Corky Parker will be reading from her new illustrated memoir, LA FINCA, Love Loss and Laundry on a Tiny Puerto Rican Island. The book is about finding and running her inn, La Finca Caribe, for over 20 years. So whether you’re interested in travel, alternative businesses ,rustic tropical living, chasing dreams or rebooting your life, chances are you’ll find something that moves you. Hope to see you there!
Information >

340 Main Street, Beacon

Running a successful business comes with its challenges, but having the right protection doesn't have to be one of them. Luckily Antalek & Moore always has your back & makes sure that your business is properly insured for a secure future!
Give Antalek & Moore a call today: 845-831-4300 and visit their website.
Latest Announcements >
Antalek & Moore is a Sponsor. Thank you!

Tin Shingle’s Training Opportunities - Every Wednesday
Connecting is one of the most important ways of learning, growing, and succeeding as you seek exposure in social, digital, and print media. Tin Shingle’s TuneUps are live broadcasts of a webinar that takes a deep dive into a trending topic or a big picture strategy. Tuneups & Office Hours happen on Wednesdays at 1pm EST. The TuneUp will either be open to the public to watch (then are published to Tin Shingle’s archives for members to stream anytime), or for Tin Shingle Members only to participate in.
Find out more >
Tin Shingle is a Sponsor. Thank you!
Homespun Foods has brought back their Farm Kits - a creation during the early pandemic days when they needed to survive during the shutdown. Katie James Inc. Was able to create this new Grocery section for them on Homespun's Squarespace website, with Farm Kits being the first product. Katie James, Inc. opted to create an eCommerce section called “Grocery,” where all food products can go in, and auto-populate. Homespun staff will be trained in how to create a Grocery product so that the section can build itself. Of course, Katie James, Inc. can do it for them in our Pay As You Go program if they get too busy in the kitchen.
Learn More >
Katie James Inc. is a sponsor. Thank you!
HIRING: Sous-Chef Position At Homespun Foods
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HIRING: Part-Time Production Assistant At SallyeAnder
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HIRING: Brett's Hardware in New Windsor
Details >

HIRING: Meyers Olde Dutch
Details >

HIRING: Homespun
Details >

List your job in ALBB's Job Listings >

ALBB's Business Directory is a Deep Dive List of services you need right now in Beacon and the Hudson Valley. There is a lot of talent here in the 12508 and beyond and we want to highlight all of them. Check out the Business Directory HERE.


Samantha Cuello Consulting
Tin Shingle
Katie James, Inc.

Malouf's Mountain

Juniper Birth

Juniper Birth


Heads Up Learning


Focus On Massage Therapy


Jacklyn Faust Interiors

Blue Green Lawns

Antalek & Moore Insurance Agency


Rizzi Home Inspection Services, Inc.

List Your Business In The Business Directory > 

New Literary Open Mic Night, "Lit Lit," Launches At Homespun From Donna Minkowitz


UPDATE: The opening night of 6/29/2021 is canceled due to forcasted heavy rain. Said the organizer: “Because it is going to rain pretty steadily tonight, we are cancelling Lit Lit in the interests of safety, because I think our crowd will be too large for the indoor dining room at Homespun. But no worries, we have rescheduled for NEXT Thursday, August 5 at 7 PM, when the weather forecast is no rain and we can read in the garden!”

The literary scene in Beacon was bubbling softly like a nice glass of effervescent wine before the pandemic hit. But all that went flat when the shutdown happened. Literary events were usually held in restaurants, like the Get Lit event in Oak Vino before that wine bar closed, sold, and has since reopened as a new delicious eatery.

Homespun was a restaurant who had newly shifted under new ownership, and was promptly shut down while New York State got a handle on the virus. New owner Joe Robitallie was new to owning a restaurant, but not to the written word, having earned his Masters of Fine Art in Poetry from Brooklyn College. While studying word rhythm, he worked as a sommelier in the city before starting a family and moving to Beacon.

Enter Donna Minkowitz, a writer based in Beacon, formerly of Brooklyn, who has organized a new literary open mic night for literary folks to gather to read pieces, perform their ideas, and connect with one another for growth that will happen once a month on Thursdays. "Beacon's writers and readers have been wanting to gather again for awhile,” Donna told ALBB. “As things have started to open up again, I thought the time was now (as long as we exercise reasonable caution).” As for any relation to the Get Lit group, Donna confirms: “We are not related to the former series Get Lit at Oak Vino, except that we take them as an inspiration, because we loved them!”

People are invited to tell stories or “perform” their work (playwriting, spoken word) if that applies to their genre. People are encouraged to sign up to be a reader by filling out this form, or can go to simply listen and experience. Signups are closed right now so as to make room for signups the night of the event. Some of the published authors who are expected to read at the first event are poet Ruth Danon, food writer Matt Clifton, playwright, fiction writer, and poet Peter Ullian (who was Beacon's poet laureate from 2019-2020), and Donna (the author of two memoirs, and a former writer for the Village Voice and the Nation).

The first Lit Lit will be Thursday, July 29 at 7pm in Homespun‘s back patio garden. Homespun is located at 232 Main Street. In the event of rain, the group can move inside.

Lit Lit will give a reason for Homespun to turn on the twinkle lights in the back patio and tend bar at the new Beer bar. Photo Credit: Homespun Foods

Lit Lit will give a reason for Homespun to turn on the twinkle lights in the back patio and tend bar at the new Beer bar.
Photo Credit: Homespun Foods

Joe spoke with ALBB to answer why he is looking forward to this new event: “It signals a return to normalcy and groups gathering outside to express their common interests. I am excited because we always imagined that we’d be able to use Homespun as a meeting place for the community, that it would be a safe space for people to gather and build community around their interests. I am excited to hear neighbors read their writing and find inspiration in one another. How writing communities work is always so fascinating, with people sharing through reading and how ideas get pushed forward. Finally I’m excited because it gives us a nice chance at Homespun to turn on the lights in the backyard, and have people enjoy an evening out there. Homespun: the Bar, for an evening.”

Homespun’s wine, beer, soft drinks, and perhaps some snacks will be available for purchase.

Editorial Note: Homespun is a sponsor of A Little Beacon Blog, but this article was done independently of that partnship.

Newburgh to Beacon Ferry Will Run Again! CARES Act + American Rescue Plan Act Earmarked For MTA

Rep. Maloney voted to pass the CARES Act in March of last year, which generated funding for different sectors, some of which the MTA is receiving:

$4.35 billion via The CARES Act: Allocated $4.35 billion to New York in Transportation Funds. $3.8 billion of those funds went exclusively to the MTA.

$6 billion via The American Rescue Plan Act: The American Rescue Plan Act, which Rep. Maloney voted to pass in February, dedicated over $6 billion to the MTA.

At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in April 2020, Metro-North implemented an Essential Service Plan and discontinued service on both ferries. This summer, readers of A Little Beacon Blog have written in to ask if the Newburgh/Beacon Ferry is running (signage and website were not updated), and if it would run again.

This Monday (7/19/2021), the MTA announced that they were reopening the Newburgh/Beacon Ferry, as well as the Haverstraw-Ossining ferry services, scheduled to resume on Monday, August 30, just one day after Metro-North's overall service increase, which will increase train service to 83% of pre-pandemic levels.

“We are so excited to see the region continue to recover, and our weekday ridership has increased steadily all spring and into the summer,” President Rinaldi said. “Our late August service increase will provide even more travel options for people ready to return to the office after Labor Day. Restoring ferry service during weekday peak periods will give our Rockland and Orange County customers returning to work additional options for getting to and from the City and other destinations along Metro-North’s Hudson Line.”

"People are coming back to work and NY Waterway ferries are here to give them a safe, fast and convenient commute. We’re thrilled to restart the Haverstraw-Ossining and Newburgh-Beacon service with Metro-North, and we look forward seeing all our past riders, and many more new ones, back aboard in August," said Armand Pohan, CEO, President and Chairman of NY Waterway.

Funding From CARES Act And American Rescue Plan Act Earmarked For MTA

In an emailed press release, Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney highlighted the reinstatement of ferry service between Newburgh and Beacon, where he celebrated “the essential funding he secured for the MTA and Metro-North in the American Rescue Plan and CARES Acts that has enabled service to resume at close to full capacity,” stated in his press release sent Wednesday (7/21/2021).

Said Rep. Maloney: “Folks are going back into the office, and they need safe, reliable, and fast transportation to get there. Getting Metro-North up and running at full capacity is key to New York’s economic recovery,” said Rep. Maloney. “The MTA saw steep declines in ridership, expensive sanitation efforts, and a massive budget shortfall during the pandemic. I worked hard to deliver the funding necessary to help fill that deficit and get operations back to normal. Now, we are seeing the impact of that investment. We’re not at 100% yet, but thanks to the nearly $10 billion I helped secure in Washington, we are getting close.”

The CARES Act, which Rep. Maloney voted to pass in March of last year, allocated $4.35 billion to New York in Transportation Funds. $3.8 billion of those funds went exclusively to the MTA. Amtrak additionally received approximately $1 billion to meet funding needs after a decline of ridership on the Northeast Corridor and long-distance routes due to COVID-19.

The American Rescue Plan Act, which Rep. Maloney voted to pass in February, dedicated over $6 billion to the MTA, as well as $4 million for New York Stewart International Airport.

MTA Announced No Scheduled Fair Hike

Also on Monday, Gothamist reported that the MTA announced that they decided not to impose a previously scheduled and postponed fair hike. From the article:

“The MTA announced Monday that a previously postponed fare hike will not happen at all in 2021. MTA board member Larry Schwartz, who chairs the finance committee and is a close confidante and adviser to Governor Cuomo, said it would be inappropriate to raise fares, during Monday’s MTA committee meetings. Larry was also at the heart of a vaccination question on counties during the spotlight on Cuomo for alleged sexual inappropriateness in the spring of 2021.

“Now is not the time to raise fares,” Schwartz said Monday. “At a time when we need to encourage increasing ridership, raising fares does the opposite.”

After receiving so much money through the CARES Act and American Rescue Plan Act, as spelled out by Rep. Maloney in this week’s press release, it appears that they may not need to add that cost to people.

MTA Timetables For Re-Opening Services

According to the MTA’s 7/19/2021 announcement about the Newburgh/Beacon Ferry, the Augst 30th date is part of their logic on staggered openings. “Upcoming Aug. 29 service increase follows up on service increases reflected in Metro-North's April 12 and June 21 timetables. The April 12 timetables saw the restoration of weekend service to Wassaic and the reopening of the Manitou station, located near Bear Mountain Bridge and Anthony’s Nose. The June 21 timetables added 24 new peak trains on the Hudson, Harlem and New Haven Lines, bringing the railroad to 67% of its pre-pandemic service levels.”

Schedules for the Haverstraw-Ossining and Newburgh-Beacon ferries will be made available in early August. Perhaps the MTA will also update the printed signage in the Beacon location as well! And perhaps they will consider opening weekend service for trips across the river to visit the sister cities of Beacon and Newburgh!

COVID-19 Cases In Town Of Red Hook Impact School and Camp; Vaccinated People Amoung Infected, But Mild

The Dutchess County Executive’s Office sent out the following press release regarding to a COVID-19 cluster being reported on in the Town of Red Hook. “Several of the individuals confirmed as positive for COVID-19 in the Red Hook outbreak had been previously vaccinated, however most are only experiencing mild symptoms, if any. There are no related hospitalizations or deaths.”

Dutchess County Department of Behavioral and Community Health (DBCH) Commissioner Dr. Anil Vaidian stressed: “Those who are unvaccinated remain a vector for the virus. Getting vaccinated is the most important protection you can take, as the more people who are vaccinated, the less chance the virus has to spread.”


The Dutchess County Department of Behavioral and Community Health (DBCH) is currently investigating multiple confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Town of Red Hook that are believed to be related to a party at a private residence.

There are currently 8 confirmed cases, including children and adults. The cases have impacted the Red Hook Central School District summer school program as well as the Red Hook Recreation Summer Camp and Pool programs, with health officials working with each organization for contact tracing, quarantines and other precautionary mitigation efforts.

There was limited impact in the Red Hook Central School District. The district has been in communication with DBCH and all impacted families. Summer school is otherwise operating on a normal schedule with all appropriate precautions. The Red Hook Recreation camp and pool programs are expected to return to normal operations in the next day or two, as there was minimal exposure risk for participants.

“This is a critical reminder to our community that the COVID-19 pandemic is still very much here and it is as important to be vigilant and continue to take steps to protect yourself and your family,” said DBCH Commissioner Dr. Anil Vaidian. “Those who are unvaccinated remain a vector for the virus. Getting vaccinated is the most important protection you can take, as the more people who are vaccinated, the less chance the virus has to spread.”

Several of the individuals confirmed as positive for COVID-19 in the Red Hook outbreak had been previously vaccinated, however most are only experiencing mild symptoms, if any. There are no related hospitalizations or deaths. “Though we have not had a lab-confirmed case of Delta variant to date in Dutchess County, the new, aggressive COVID-19 variants continue to spread and nationally we are seeing more instances of the variants “breaking through” to vaccinated people. However, vaccinated individuals generally experience only mild symptoms or no symptoms at all. The risk of being hospitalized or dying is minuscule for vaccinated individuals,” said Dr. Vaidian.

Residents should be alert for symptoms and in the event they do experience symptoms, such as coughing, sneezing, shortness of breath or loss of taste or smell; get tested for COVID-19 and stay home to rest and recover.

“The mitigations people took to protect themselves over these many months against COVID-19 are as important as ever to staying healthy and safe, not just against COVID-19, but basic illnesses like summer colds which are on the rise,” noted Dr. Vaidian. To prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other illnesses, continue to practice smart health and safety measures including:

  • Washing hands regularly with soap and water; or using hand sanitizer when necessary

  • Practice physical distancing – particularly in congregate settings

  • Stay home when sick! If you are experiencing cold or COVID-19 symptoms, including coughing, sneezing, loss of taste or smell - stay home to rest, recover, and help prevent the spread of virus and disease

  • Carry a mask and wear in crowded settings, particularly when you may be in contact with people who you do not know their vaccination status or are experiencing symptoms.

COVID-19 vaccine is widely available and anyone 12 years and older is eligible to be vaccinated. To learn more about where to get COVID-19 vaccine, visit

The River Pool! And Other Happenings | Retail Therapy Guide 7/16/2021


Summer is officially here because...the River Pool at Pete & Toshi Seeger Riverfront Park is open! And their main fundraising event, the Newburgh to Beacon Swim, is also scheduled for next weekend. Registration to be a fundraising swimmer is open now!

Not for the faint of heart, the Hudson River, which the Lenape called River Shatemuc (which means "river that flows both ways" before it was renamed by a colonizer,) is a challenging swim. Volunteer kayakers and jet ski drivers accompany swimmers. You can get more info here.

Summer is also officially in its second-half, as the corn is knee-high, and the chorus of cicadas has started in the trees. The birds are busy hunting them.
Edited and Written By Teslie Andrade and Katie Hellmuth Martin

If you'd like to guarantee to see your entertainment event listed here, help us help you by advertising it here.

Modern Makers Market at Cold Spring
Saturday, July 17, 2021
Time: 10am - 6pm
Location: St. Mary's Episcopal Church, 1 Chestnut Street, Cold Spring, NY 10516
40 amazing artisans, artists, and makers are coming to the Village of Cold Spring. The event takes place at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 1 Chestnut Street, Rte. 9D. Who are they? Glass workers, woodworkers, leather workers, jewelers, potters, food makers, mixed media, artists, and more who make one-of-a-kind handcrafted items, as well as small batches of food and beverage. To compliment the day, there will be live music on the great lawn, 2 food trucks, beer and cider for sale, and a fundraising Raffle, "SHOP AND DINE PHILIPSTOWN". Take Metro-North to Cold Spring and then a short walk through the village to the Market. If you’re driving, free parking is available at Metro-North Train Station or Haldane High School.
Information >

Space Out, Outside
Day: Saturday, July 17, 2021
Time: 3pm
Location: Polhill Park, Beacon, NY
Strange sounds, outdoors with Al Margolis, Bob Lukomski, Tamalyn Miller, and wormlogo.
Information >

Mount Gulian Garden Tour
Day: Saturday, July 17, 2021, & Sunday, July 18, 2021
Time: 11am, 12pm, 1pm
Location: 145 Sterling Street Beacon, NY 12508
Explore Mount Gulian's unique horticultural history. Learn about the garden's origins, evolution, and notable gardeners, including the story of James F. Brown, a fugitive slave and Virginia Verplanck who wrote two gardening books. Learn tips, tricks and techniques from the past. Admission: $12 adults; $10 seniors; $6 youngsters (6-18). Children under 6 and Mount Gulian members are free. Reservations are required. Please call 845-831-8172 or In accordance with NYS policy, masks are required for non-vaccinated visitors and social distancing will be observed.
Information >

Paint & Sip @ Two Way Brewing Co.
Sunday, July 18, 2021
Time: 6:30pm
Location: Two Way Brewing Company, 18 W Main St, Beacon, NY
Information > 

Beacon Chamber Ensemble Free Summer Outdoor Concert Series: Mostly Bach & Mozart
Sunday, July 18, 2021
Time: 12 pm - 2 pm
Location: Corner of Cross St. & Main St., Beacon, NY

Check our Calendar and Events Guide regularly for upcoming events throughout the week!

18 West Main St.

Two Way is hosting a paint + sip this Sunday at 6:30 pm (make sure to purchase tickets!) If you can't make it, you'll want to stop in at some point because you'll want to try the new Glorie Daze (pictured here). This is Two Way's latest sour offering! A lightly tart fruit ale, this brew was naturally soured with wild lacto and fermented with the same local yeast that they use to make their signature Confusion Ale. After fermentation, they generously dose it with local strawberries grown by their friends at Glorie Wine. Delightfully fruity and gently puckering, this one will help you power through the rest of summer.
PS Live Music next Friday, July 23rd with Glen Echo.
Stay tuned for more info regarding the upcoming weeks!
Thursday 4:00pm - 9:00pm
Friday 4:00pm - 10:00pm
Saturday 12:00pm - 9:00pm
Sunday 1:00pm - 8:00pm
Two Way Brewing Company is a Sponsor, thank you!
3091 U.S. 9, Cold Spring, NY

WOOOOHOOO! Sesame noodles and Vegan/Shrimp Summer Rolls from Eat Church have been re-stocked in the Marbled Meat Shop fridge! All ready to go! Delicious & easy! Stop in & get yours.  Meals from Eat Church are available DAILY. Want Eat Church live? Visit their food truck at Industrial Arts on Rte. 52 just past the John Deere place.
Website >
Eat Church is a Sponsor!, thank you!

193 Main St.
Cheers to the freakin weekend & Matcha lattes from the Beacon Bread Company made with green tea, milk, and water! Enjoy it hot or iced, with milk, oat, or soy milk, and the option to add house-made caramel, vanilla, or mocha. We're going to say that again: house-made caramel, vanilla, or mocha. That will get you out of bed! BBC has chai lattes, golden milk lattes, espresso lattes, hot chocolates, teas, and all the different & amazing coffee variations you can think of (americano, cortado, macchiato, etc.)
Menu > 
Order Pick Up or Delivery > 
Beacon Bread Company is a Sponsor, thank you!

184 Main Street, Beacon, NY

Specials from Meyers are our absolute favorite! Peach & Pork burger?! C'mon!!!! House-made peach butter, pork and bacon patty, pickled jalapeños, whipped herb goat cheese, and fresh raw peaches. Name a better burger special.... we will wait!
Open Sunday thru Thursday for Food 11:30 am until 9 pm; bar until 10 pm; Friday and Saturday Food 11:30 am until 11:00 pm; bar until midnight.
Order Now >
Meyers Olde Dutch is a Sponsor, thank you!

142 Main St.
Neato burrito! California-style burritos from Tito Santana is where it's at! Choose from a basic burrito (rice, beans, corn, 3 cheese blend), or the kale & sweet potato burrito, Strawberry chipotle & pork, falafel press, or the vegan burrito (made with lettuce, pico, rice, corn, guacamole, and salsa Roja)! The add-ons are endless! YUM!
PS: Dinner takeout special available Monday-Friday from 4pm - 9pm: 4 tacos, + 2 street corn, + 1 chip & salsa, + 1 rice & beans for only $22!
PPS: Tacos are only $2 on Tuesdays!
Menu > 
Catering > 
Tito Santana Taqueria is a Sponsor, thank you!

232 Main Street, Beacon, NY

3 Sangrias & Olives to share - the way to start it off at Homespun! Enjoy the garden patio in the back or the parklet in the front. Either way, enjoy delicious food while you smell the flowers! Sandwiches like the Roasted Mushroom Melt and Pork Bahn Mi, Salads including Bacon & Apple and Beet & Citrus, Breakfast from Avocado Toast to Granola, and MUCH MORE!
Thursday - Monday, 10am - 7pm
Order Food >
Homespun is a Sponsor, thank you! 

288 Main Street, Beacon, NY
We truly can't get enough of Miz Hatties BBQ located inside of the HV Food Hall. The most delicious southern style bbq food & the most friendly customers helping out! Miz Hatties offers dining, takeout, and catering! Experience the mac ‘n cheese melt in your mouth, and savor the fried chicken and sweet yet spicy pulled pork in a bowl or a bun. Don't forget to add the sweet tea - amazing!
Follow HV Food Hall's foodies:
Miz Hattie's BBQ: Southern Style BBQ, from North Carolina. Order ahead via their Toast-app menu!
Momo Valley: Himalayan Spiced Hand-Crafted MoMo & More
Barb's Fry Works: Gourmet, small-batch-loaded fries. And salads.
El Nica: Nicaraguan Food
Roosevelt Bar: Cocktail Bar in a well-ventilated space with Outdoor Patio!
Schmuck's Sweet Stuff: Local Ice Cream, Hot Waffles, and Other Sweet Stuff
Hudson Valley Food Hall is a Sponsor, thank you!

BAJA 328
328 Main Street, Beacon, NY
Lets taco about this deliciousness from Baja 328 for a moment... fresh ingredients, mouth-watering (in every bite), and 15 different flavors! The choice of 3 tacos is only $15! + all options can be served as street tacos. BRB, we found our weekend plans.
Check out their specialty drinks > 
Check out the specials >
BAJA 328 is a Sponsor, thank you!

244 Main St.

Whoa! The signature Za'atar fries from Ziatun have us speechless! ... Delicious thin-cut fries with authentic Middle Eastern spice. We could snack on these all day long... literally! You'll have to prove us wrong. Open all weekend from 12-8!
Menu > 
Order Online > 
Ziatun is a Sponsor, thank you!

380 Main Street, Beacon

It's that last day (Saturday 7/17) where all of the 40+ wines in Dirty Bacchus' FUNKY section are 5% off! Amazing skin contact and otherwise funkyfied wines from all around the world! Stop in & ask Steve for recommendations! Dirty Bacchus is the PLACE to find natural wines, ciders, sakes, and meads. Located next to Beacon Pantry. Did you see their new funky sign!?
PS you can shop online! >
Mon-Wed: 12-6
Thur- Sat: 11-7
Sun: 12-5
Dirty Bacchus is a Sponsor, thank you!

321 Main Street, Beacon

Ecology, Flora and Fauna, The Hudson Valley and Hiking... So many good finds at Binnacle Books! Nothing like picking up a good book & hanging out at Long Dock park or on Main Street! Guaranteed to find something - no matter your style. Stop in & check 'em out. You can also sell any books you may have laying around that are in great condition especially in their core categories: literature, philosophy, poetry, political history, graphic novels, etc. - This option is only available during the week! We suggest reaching out via email with a list of books or photos of spines to give us a sense of what you have.
Binnacle Books is a Sponsor, thank you!

18 West Main Street, Beacon
Go Brett's Hardware for leaf bags, but leave with string porch lights as well! Take this bag full of weeds and grass clippings to the Dump (aka Transfer Station down by Dennings Point) and let them turn into dirt that you can pick up later - for free! Or, call the Beacon Highway Department to let them know you have a bunch of bags out front your house, ready for pickup. If they drive by a bunch, keep the faith (and keep calling). BTW: Aren't these the coolest string lights ever? Perfect for the front porch or apartment windows. Bretts truly has it all!
Brett's Hardware is a Sponsor, thank you!

181-183 Main Street, Beacon
NEW COLLECTION ALERT over at Luxe! This is so exciting! Rimless frames from Black Fine Eye Wear! ⁠Luxe Optique always sources from hard-to-find designers. The Blackfin Aero Collection is a state-of-the-art design⁠ in an ultra-light structure. A combination of exceptional flexibility with functionality + maximum comfort.⁠
⁠ Black Fin Eyewear⁠
Stop in today to try on a pair!⁠
Monday: 10 AM–5 PM
Tues-Sat:10 AM–6 PM
Sunday: Closed
Shop Online >
Luxe Optique is a Sponsor, thank you!

470 Main Street, Beacon

Snag the **Lady Candle** from La Mere before they’re gone.   We don't even think we could burn these... they're so beautiful! But, on top of a bookshelf by some flowers (like the photo)? We'll do that! Talk about the perfect touch. Find more accessories & sexy home goods from La Mere. The best clothing + goods for your closet & home!
PS Everything is under $100!!
PPS Word on the street is that new/fun candles like these are coming to the store soon! Must act fast.
Shop Online >
La Mere is a Sponsor, thank you!
Yanarella Dance Studio
312 Main St., Beacon, NY
Island Adventures Summer Dance Camp starts soon! Every day will be a different Island Adventure theme: Jungle, Mermaids, Pirates! Your child will be instructed in Ballet, Tap & Jazz, Contemporary + Hip Hop (ages 6-12 only). Everyone will explore Hula dancing, baton twirling, and tumbling. Plus, crafts will be made each day.

Days: Monday, July 26, 2021 - Friday, July 30, 2021
Times: 9am - 11am (Ages 3-5) & 9am - 1pm (Ages 6-12)
Register here > 

Plus, new sessions of Mommy & Me for toddlers started Monday 7/12. It will run for 3 weeks -  so there is still time for 7/19 & 7/26 10 am - 10:30 am. $10 per class to drop in or $27 for the 3-week session.

Visit Yanarella Dance online. 
Register for classes today! 
Yanarella is a Sponsor, thank you!

This is Beacon: Youth Podcast Workshop
Day: 4 Fridays, July 9, 16, 23, 30 2021
Time: 4:30pm - 6pm
Location: Beacon Recreation, 23 West Center Street
Grades 7 -12 - Registration is required, and is still open! This podcast workshop is led by Brandon Lillard of This Is Beacon and ALBB's Wait What Is That? podcasts. A great opportunity to expose teenagers to the vast world of podcasting.
For more information, email Michelle at


No. 3 Reading Room & Photo Book Works
Second Saturday Outdoor Event:
Location: 469 Main Street, Beacon, NY 12508
For the month of July into August, re-scaled reproductions of Zachary Skinner’s original paintings will be on display in No. 3 Reading Room's storefront windows as an outdoor exhibit.
Information >
No. 3 Reading Room and Photo Book Works is a Sponsor, thank you!

340 Main Street, Beacon

Head on over to Antalek & Moore's website to watch a year in review! Antalek & Moore is celebrating 20 years! Twenty! When you’ve been around as long as they have, you learn that people want a knowledgeable, trusted, and accommodating resource to help them navigate the necessary, but not always enjoyable, part of life. They provide a straightforward approach to help ensure that you are getting the best coverages for all parts of your life and business. Most importantly, Antalek & Moore is local. They live and work here in Beacon too. With this, they are involved in the community.
Watch This >
Latest Announcements >
Give Antalek & Moore a call today: 845-831-4300 and visit their website.
Antalek & Moore is a Sponsor. Thank you!

She's back! Beacon-based Moraya Seeger DeGeare talks to Katie of Tin Shingle about her experience on Good Morning America. The nation's favorite morning news show featured Moraya's chalk art protest, which she produced via her activism arm, To My Old Racist Earth. Most people in business dream of getting onto Good Morning America. The show approached Moraya, interviewed her in Pete and Toshi Seeger Riverfront Park, and interviewed several other families as well. The end result of the segment was good, but not as Moraya expected. Good Morning America hyjacked the message and turned it into something else. We talk about it in a PR Therapy session. We analyze the segment, and discuss ways to leverage this media placement for more media placement - even if it wasn't a fave. This is free for Beaconites to stream for the weekend. Then it's available to Tin Shingle Members to stream anytime.
Watch Now >
Tin Shingle is a Sponsor. Thank you!
Katie James, Inc. offers a unique blend of brand storytelling through pictures and words. Katie James, Inc. is dedicated to custom designing your brand's digital footprint. From your website to your newsletters, to your stickers or your flyers.
Learn More >
Katie James Inc. is a sponsor. Thank you!
HIRING: Sous-Chef Position At Homespun Foods
Details >

HIRING: Part-Time Production Assistant At SallyeAnder
Details >

HIRING: Brett's Hardware in New Windsor
Details >

HIRING: Meyers Olde Dutch
Details >

HIRING: Homespun
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List your job in ALBB's Job Listings >

ALBB's Business Directory is a Deep Dive List of services you need right now in Beacon and the Hudson Valley. There is a lot of talent here in the 12508 and beyond and we want to highlight all of them. Check out the Business Directory HERE.


Samantha Cuello Consulting
Tin Shingle
Katie James, Inc.

Malouf's Mountain

Juniper Birth

Juniper Birth


Heads Up Learning


Focus On Massage Therapy


Jacklyn Faust Interiors

Blue Green Lawns

Antalek & Moore Insurance Agency


Rizzi Home Inspection Services, Inc.

List Your Business In The Business Directory > 

Fundraiser: The Newburgh To Beacon Swim For The River Pool Is Happening! Registration Open Now

Photo Credit: The River Pool

The River Pool in Beacon, a very special community asset, is made possible in large part by the swimmers, kayak escorts, and volunteers who participate in The Annual Great Newburgh to Beacon Hudson River Swim, taking place on Saturday, July 24th, 2021 (rain date July 25). Registration to be a swimmer is now open.

Advance registration to be a swimmer is required for the swim, where 100 or more swimmers are expected to jump or dive in from Newburgh at approximately 8:50 am. Contributions raised by swimmers are used to maintain and operate the River Pool, which is free to all visitors.

Seasonal costs to set up, maintain and take down the floating river pool average $40,000. Each swimmer raises a minimum $100 of sponsorship donations in addition to the registration fee of $75 for adults and $25 for minors that covers the cost of the fundraising swim.

Volunteer kayak escorts guide the swimmers across the Hudson River to provide a safe environment for registered participants. The organization coordinates with the US Coast Guard and Dutchess and Orange County Sheriffs’ vessels, with additional marine support.

Qualified jet skiers aid in halting river traffic and provide safe passage for the registered swimmers. Mobile Life Support Services and Beacon Volunteer Ambulance Corps will be available on Newburgh and Beacon shores. Registration for the swim is open at

Learn more about the River Pool’s hours here.

Open...The River Pool In The Hudson River At Pete & Toshi Seeger Riverfront Park

river pool beacon.jpg

It’s happening this year! The colorful, circular “river pool” has been securely installed for summer 2021 off the north shore of Pete and Toshi Seeger Riverfront Park, in Beacon, NY. Just over the hill in the middle of the park, sits the little floating pool along the shore. The late Pete Seeger, a founding member of the organization, believed that river stewardship begins with being on, near, and in the river. It is part of why this pool is so important (donate here to keep it going).

The pool itself is a shallow circle with a netted bottom. Swimmers are more like sitters and floaters along the side of the pool, as it’s a place to relax and cool off while submerged in the river, eye level with other river-life floating in the water (and fish!).

Side Note: While you can swim in this pool, you cannot swim in Beacon’s reservoirs. The water around the River Pool is tested to make sure it is safe for us. The Reservoir atop Mount Beacon is cleaned and tested to make it safe to drink for us. People who swim in Beacon’s Reservoir make this job harder for Beacon’s Water Department. Please to not come to Beacon with swimming in the Reservoir as a planned destination.

The Mission Of The River Pool

In offering a safe place to swim, the rainbow colored floating River Pool, recently voted one of the top swimming spots in the Hudson Valley by Chronogram magazine, presents just such opportunities (keep in mind, it is very small).

The River Pool’s mission is to provide safe access to the Hudson River; to educate the general public about the importance of continuing to preserve and clean the Hudson River; to promote swimming as a fun, healthful fitness activity in a natural environment.

The existance of the River Pool demonstrates to other communities the viability of floating pools. There could be more! The twofold joy of the pool--allowing its users to enjoy a cool river swim on a hot summer day while carrying forward Pete’s legacy--has been experienced by its wide community of supporters and users: About 13,000 people have swum in the floating pool during the past 14 years.

Pool hours are planned are July-Labor Day, weather permitting. The actual days and times may change, and The River Pool encourages you to check their Facebook page before you go to see if they are open as the weather changes. Lifeguards - who are paid and not part of the volunteer team - are always present when the pool is open. Visitors are advised to check to confirm hours. Volunteers install the pool each June and take it out of the river in September.

The River Pool is funded in large part by the Newburgh to Beacon Swim. Registration is open now!

River Pool at Beacon Inc. is a not-for-profit 501c3. For additional information about the pool, the swim, volunteering on shore, as a kayak escort, other organization volunteer opportunities, and all up-to-date Covid protocols, or to make a donation: go to .

Art + Retail Therapy + Eating Good Guide 7/10/2021

"Is Second Saturday Still Happening?"

ALBB has received this question so many times, that we needed to write an article about it. Exhibit openings by different galleries seem to be happening during different weeks of the month (gasp!), so we aren't sure what is officially official.

One thing is for certain: people are starting to feel the Second Saturday  energy again. Now that most destinations are re-opening and galleries are able to set their own social mingling and masks rules. Art hunting, gathering, and enjoying seems to be back.

Second thing is for certain: in order for A Little Beacon Blog to continue producing our much appreciated Second Saturday Art Gallery Guide, which used to list any exhibit we could find in Beacon, we need sponsor support. We opened our interactive advertising program to galleries, the same one that retail shops and restaurants have access to. The opportunity is also there for non-art businesses, like banks, software companies, individuals etc. who want to show their support for the arts. See here for details!

No. 3 Reading Room & Photo Book Works
Second Saturday Outdoor Event: Saturday, July 10, 2021
Time: 2-6pm
Location: 469 Main Street, Beacon, NY 12508
Special opportunity to meet the artist, Zachary Skinner, on Second Saturday in an outdoor event at No. 3 Reading Room & Photo Book Works.
About The Exhibit:
EXTRACTION: Art on the Edge of the Abyss is a multimedia, multi-venue, cross-border art intervention which seeks to provoke societal change by exposing and interrogating the negative social and environmental consequences of industrialized natural resource extraction.

For the month of July into August, re-scaled reproductions of Zachary Skinner’s original paintings will be on display in the reading room’s storefront windows as an outdoor exhibit. Of this work, Skinner says:

I attempt to represent human encounters with a damaged post-industrial landscape. The imagery draws from scientific realities about our present-day environment and impending threats to our existence on Earth. My primary concerns are the need to confront climate change, the polluting of our land, resource wars, and the displacement of disenfranchised peoples and whole ecosystems in the name of progress. My work illustrates that, when confronting these realities, the path to a sustainable future lies within our shared inner strength and creativity.
Information >
No. 3 Reading Room and Photo Book Works is a Sponsor, thank you!

Twins Barbershop Presents:
The Micro Lab with Miggs the Artist & Subnormal Child
Opening Day:
Saturday, July 10, 2021
Time: 6-10pm
Location: 349 Main Street, Beacon, NY 12508
The brothers are back for hosting artists in their barbershop located across from BAJA. Last year, Twins Barbershop committed to opening their space to artists who need a platform to grow their following. Then the pandemic hit, so that got put on pause. Until now....Stop in! And notice their own permanent collection of art on their walls every other day of the month.
Information >

Edited and Written By Teslie Andrade and Katie Hellmuth Martin

If you'd like to guarantee to see your entertainment event listed here, help us help you by advertising it here.

Artichoke Storytelling Series
Day: July 10, 2021
Time: 8pm 
Location: The Howland Cultural Center, Beacon, NY
In-person & live-streaming is available!

The Big Band Sound at Veterans Park in the Village of Wappingers Falls
Day: Saturday, July 10, 2021
Time: 6:30pm
Location: 39 Mesier Ave N, Wappingers Falls, NY 12590
Information >

Lucky Hops x IPA Fest
Day: Saturday, July 10, 2021
Time: 1pm - 6pm
Location: King’s Court Brewing Company, 40 Cannon St #1, Poughkeepsie, NY
Information >

Antique Car Show
Day: Sunday, July 11, 2021
Time: 9am - 4pm
Location: Locust Grove Estate, 2683 South Rd., Poughkeepsie, NY
Information >

Check our Calendar and Events Guide regularly for upcoming events throughout the week!

18 West Main St.

Live music is starting to happen on the regular at Two way Brewing Company. Live music from Matt Cross this weekend and more coming up! Follow them to keep up with who playing the following Fridays. These events are free throughout the summer - both paid (hosted by outside orgs)  Events + good/refreshing drinks = the place to be! 
July 9 - Matt Cross
July 16 - Twice Shy
July 23rd - Glen Echo.
Stay tuned for more info regarding the upcoming weeks!
Thursday 4:00pm - 9:00pm
Friday 4:00pm - 10:00pm
Saturday 12:00pm - 9:00pm
Sunday 1:00pm - 8:00pm
Two Way Brewing Company is a Sponsor, thank you!
3091 U.S. 9, Cold Spring, NY

BIG ANNOUNCEMENT !!! Eat Church is now available DAILY over at the Marbled Meat Shop in Coldspring, NY in a fancy case! New grab-n-go dedicated to your favorite dishes from Chef Mark. The menu changes weekly. The past week included: Japchae Glass- Korean sweet potato noodles w stir-fried mixed veg and sesame. Vegan yes! Also included, Moo Ping Pork- Vietnamese herb salad w rice vermicelli, pickled veg, peanuts, and nuoc cham.
Want Eat Church live? Visit their food truck at Industrial Arts on Rte. 52 just past the John Deere place.
Website >
Eat Church is a Sponsor!, thank you!

193 Main St.
Chances are, you have enjoyed a grilled cheese at a restaurant as far as Cornwall that was on Beacon Bread bread. Beaconites are lucky to have this full-service bakery and restaurant located in the heart of Beacon, N.Y. Their bakery offers a variety of fresh bread and pastries daily, as well as indoor and outdoor dining services (this photo shows the outside of the building! BBC works hard every day to provide the Hudson Valley with the best quality ingredients in every dish! Look at the photo to the right... dreamy! Since 2014, BBC enjoys making everything in-house- even the hot sauce! Whether it is taking a sip of their fresh-squeezed orange juice or a bite of a croissant straight from the oven, the Bread Company always has something to brighten your day!
Menu > 
Order Pick Up or Delivery > 
Beacon Bread Company is a Sponsor, thank you!

184 Main Street, Beacon, NY

The new summer cocktail menu is live over at Meyers! Lots of awesome new drinks on created in house. Featured to the right is the Thistle with genever, blackberry, and lemon. Find this and other cocktails like the Jetstream, Yuzu Special, Spicy Paloma, Watermelon Mojito, Flower power, Cold Brew Negroni, and desserts! Open Sunday thru Thursday for Food 11:30 am until 9 pm; bar until 10 pm; Friday and Saturday Food 11:30 am until 11:00 pm; bar until midnight.
Order Now >
Meyers Olde Dutch is a Sponsor, thank you!

142 Main St.
Whole lotta goodness over at Tito Santana Taqueria! So many different taco options, burritos, bowls & salads, sides, empanadas, quesadillas, tostadas & soups. Not to mention catering! AND vegan options! Word on the street is that their empanada is a perfect grab-n-go lunch for little campers with lunch boxes. Buy a bunch, and lunchbox lunches for the week are complete.
PS: Dinner takeout special available Monday-Friday from 4pm - 9pm: 4 tacos, + 2 street corn, + 1 chip & salsa, + 1 rice & beans for only $22!
PPS: Tacos are only $2 on Tuesdays!
Menu > 
Catering > 
Tito Santana Taqueria is a Sponsor, thank you!

232 Main Street, Beacon, NY

BEER STORE NEWS— it was definitely shocking a few weeks ago when Homespun lost the ability to sell wine to go, but the community came out and Homespun already began the next pivot towards a hand-bound wine list with the full selection available. But in the meantime, we want to let everybody know, Homespun did not lose the ability to sell beer to go. Homespun can be your craft beer store. Go see them for four-packs and six-packs of your favorites. They feature beers from local breweries like Two Way Brewing, Sloop Brewing Co. Folksbier and many more. They can also sell cider to go as well. Look for Hudson North Cider and Citizen Cidar!
Thursday - Monday, 10am - 7pm
Order Food >
Homespun is a Sponsor, thank you! 

288 Main Street, Beacon, NY
Don’t want to cook in this heat? We don’t blame you! Go on and get some fire food for dinner at El Nica 🥵located inside of the HVFH! El Nica serves some of the best Nicaraguan food (photo to the right shows proof!) Check 'em out!
Follow HV Food Hall's foodies:
Miz Hattie's BBQ: Southern Style BBQ, from North Carolina. Order ahead via their Toast-app menu!
Momo Valley: Himalayan Spiced Hand-Crafted MoMo & More
Barb's Fry Works: Gourmet, small-batch-loaded fries. And salads.
El Nica: Nicaraguan Food
Roosevelt Bar: Cocktail Bar in a well-ventilated space with Outdoor Patio!
Schmuck's Sweet Stuff: Local Ice Cream, Hot Waffles, and Other Sweet Stuff
Hudson Valley Food Hall is a Sponsor, thank you!

BAJA 328
328 Main Street, Beacon, NY
Cobb Salad from Baja is exactly what we want all summer long! Refreshing & delicious with top-of-the-line ingredients. We'll take this and a special cocktail, please! Do check out the specials that are always on the menu! 
Check out their specialty drinks > 
Check out the specials >
BAJA 328 is a Sponsor, thank you!

244 Main St.

Ziatun is open all weekend long serving the best Middle Eastern food around. 🥙 Head out with your family, friends, or on a date, and check out their cute parklet located on Main Street. The food options are all amazing & there are options for everyone!
Menu > 
Order Online > 
Ziatun is a Sponsor, thank you!

380 Main Street, Beacon

The thing about Dirty Bacchus is, owner Steve is quite into the research behind the wine he carries. Any bottle in the store is sourced from somewhere unusual. For instance: The Bott Frigyes is 100% Olaszrizling 2019. The craft behind the production of the bottle for the year goes something like this: Half of 2019 was made using the "hamburger method" (open vat fermented for a week in three layers: foot trodden, whole clusters, and destemmed), and the other half was the whole bunch pressed and aged 1 year in Hungarian oak.

Says Steve: "Olaszrizling is not related to Riesling in any way and does not taste like it. Here, on the nose, I get a ripe cantaloupe, overripe peach, and dried dusty apricot. Deeper in, a nearby pack of Beech-Nut Fruit Stripe chewing gum and, I’m thinking, tiny, homeopathic amounts of rhubarb and celery sprouting from the rich soil...The tension among all these elements is dazzling and the balance impressive, evoking emotions of both delight and deep satisfaction. This is surely a Slovakian wine you want to try!* $37.
Read Steve's full wine description here >
Steve is quite prolific and will help you meet and appreciate the bottle. Wine lovers must make this a regular pickup point for wine.
Mon-Wed: 12-6
Thur- Sat: 11-7
Sun: 12-5
Dirty Bacchus is a Sponsor, thank you!

321 Main Street, Beacon

Binnacle just got a few more copies of this brilliant gem! Ursula K. Le Guin, “The Day Before the Revolution” ltd. edition chapbook _ “Alec Icky Dunn and Josh MacPhee have—with both Le Guin and her publisher’s permission—re-designed and illustrated this story for a limited edition chapbook. Dunn has created four new full-page illustrations, a portrait of Le Guin, seven smaller graphics, and a stunning full-spread cover image. Dunn and MacPhee have also printed and assembled each chapbook themselves, with cover printing help from Christopher Kardambikis. This edition of 1000 copies is the first and only edition that will be printed, and is the first publication in the new imprint Futures and Pasts.” _ 
Binnacle Books is a Sponsor, thank you!

18 West Main Street, Beacon
Bretts Hardware has it all to keep you entertained at home with family & friends this summer! Patio umbrellas - The perfect colors to spruce up your backyard and protect you from the sun! Head on over & check 'em out. Bretts has it all!
PS: Watch ALBB's Instagram this weekend for a DIY Weekend Warrior Home Project to help keep you safe in the rain!
Brett's Hardware is a Sponsor, thank you!

181-183 Main Street, Beacon
Many options from the Luxe Optique collection! Here's a sneak peek of just a few. Knowing the importance of good eye health, Luxe Optique has professional doctors of optometry on staff and works out of network with all insurance companies. Stop in or make an appt online today! Luxe Optique also is a DMV approved location for a convenient motor vehicle eye exam.
Monday: 10 AM–5 PM
Tues-Sat:10 AM–6 PM
Sunday: Closed
Shop Online >
Luxe Optique is a Sponsor, thank you!

470 Main Street, Beacon

Dreamy dresses 🕊 from La Mere! Plus, new dresses always arriving, like this new floral mini dress (available online & in-store)  Feeling’ the sunshine.
PS Everything is under $100!!
Shop Online >
La Mere is a Sponsor, thank you!
Yanarella Dance Studio
312 Main St., Beacon, NY
Camp during the last week in July has a few openings for ages 3-5 (from 9-11am) and 6-12 (from 9am-1pm) to attend a week of half-day dance camp days. Every day will be a different Island Adventure theme: Jungle, Mermaids, Pirates!
Your child will be instructed in Ballet, Tap & Jazz, Contemporary + Hip Hop (ages 6-12 only). Everyone will explore Hula dancing, baton twirling and tumbling. Crafts will be made each day.
Limited Space!
Register here > 

Plus, new sessions of Mommy & Me for toddlers starting Monday 7/12. It will run for 3 weeks - 7/12, 7/19, 7/26 10 am - 10:30 am. $10 per class to drop in or $27 for the 3-week session.

Visit Yanarella Dance online. 
Register for classes today! 
Yanarella is a Sponsor, thank you!

This is Beacon: Youth Podcast Workshop
Day: 4 Fridays, July 9, 16, 23, 30 2021
Time: 4:30pm - 6pm
Location: Beacon Recreation, 23 West Center Street
Grades 7 -12 - Registration is required, and is still open! This podcast workshop is led by Brandon Lillard of This Is Beacon and ALBB's Wait What Is That? podcasts. A great opportunity to expose teenagers to the vast world of podcasting.
For more information, email Michelle at


340 Main Street, Beacon

A group health insurance plan is sponsored by the company, as opposed to an employee getting individual coverage on their own, and is commonly offered as a part of a larger benefits package. Businesses with at least one common-law employee are eligible to purchase a group health plan.  A group health plan offers more value to both the employer and employee in several areas including tax benefits, lower premiums, and access to more doctors. Health Insurance is often the number one benefit people seek when looking for a job, for themselves and their families. There are a number of reasons that you, as an employer, may want to offer health insurance to your employee, as the overall health and wellness of your employees and your company.

Latest Announcements >
Give Antalek & Moore a call today: 845-831-4300 and visit their website.
Antalek & Moore is a Sponsor. Thank you!


Media Kit Members of Tin Shingle get access to our Media Outlet Idea Center. This collection of names and media outlets is an idea center - a place for you to start to find people who may be a good fit for your story idea. A leg up in your needle in the haystack search for the right kind of writers or producers - regardless of where they work or where they moved to.
Learn More >
Tin Shingle is a Sponsor. Thank you!

Let’s make changes to your website and/or newsletter together. This is great for people who know they need something on the simpler side done but don’t know how to do it. Benefits of this package include working side by side, together. Often during this time, ideas are exchanged and strategies developed that may not have even been a twinkle in your eye before this meeting.

  • Website additions, like new media placement, new events or classes, or blog/news updates.
  • Newsletter adjustments, like fixing that glaring Heading font that never behaves.
  • Quickie designs to better highlight what you sell.
Contact Katie James, Inc. >
Katie James Inc. is a sponsor. Thank you!
HIRING: Sous-Chef Position At Homespun Foods
Details >

HIRING: Part-Time Production Assistant At SallyeAnder
Details >

HIRING: Brett's Hardware in New Windsor
Details >

HIRING: Meyers Olde Dutch
Details >

HIRING: Homespun
Details >

List your job in ALBB's Job Listings >

ALBB's Business Directory is a Deep Dive List of services you need right now in Beacon and the Hudson Valley. There is a lot of talent here in the 12508 and beyond and we want to highlight all of them. Check out the Business Directory HERE.


Samantha Cuello Consulting
Tin Shingle
Katie James, Inc.

Malouf's Mountain

Juniper Birth

Juniper Birth


Heads Up Learning


Focus On Massage Therapy


Jacklyn Faust Interiors

Blue Green Lawns

Antalek & Moore Insurance Agency


Rizzi Home Inspection Services, Inc.

List Your Business In The Business Directory > 

Is Second Saturday Still Happening In Beacon? Post-Pandemic, Where Are We?


I know…in the olden days, those dark days during the height of the pandemic in New York (thank you everyone for being so respectful so that we could crush the curve!) days lost their meanings. Second Saturdays used to be one of the heaviest days in Beacon. Art galleries would launch their new exhibits, shops would do discounts, restaurants may offer live music, and A Little Beacon Blog used to open pop-up shops in the space that we occupied back then on Main Street (we had sadly vacated just before the pandemic hit).

To be honest, from a marketing standpoint, Second Saturday was quite a crowded day. We wondered if launching events on other Saturdays might be the way to go. We tried convincing our pop-up shop rental clients of this approach, but they would not be deterred. People wanted their Second Saturdays!

When events and shopping halted, so did the art exhibits. And so did A Little Beacon Blog’s monthly hunting for art exhibit openings that our editor, Catherine Sweet, a veteran Beaconite who moved back to her home state of CA but could not release the Art Gallery in her heart, would write up dutifully every month. However, A Little Beacon Blog’s sales decreased as our event income disappeared, and some advertisers paused (but not all! thank you advertisers!!).

Yet, there were no events, and Catherine is a mother of a young child, and she, like all parents, was drowning in no childcare, which was life back then when everything shut down and parents who worked from home could barely function. I’m not sure if we are even functioning now, come to think of it, in summer and in between camp drop-offs, college visits, and vacays.

Fast Forward To Today’s Saturday

Fast forward to today, and Beacon is bustling! Safely because you all wear your masks (you who refuse or are lying about your vaccinations…we’ll just put you to the side). And safely because businesses are able to make their own rules now, and good customers respect them (unlike those of you who are unruly, and you can just keep yourself on the train and get off at a different stop).

Art galleries seem to be inclined to have Second Saturday’s. We have not checked with the official leaders of this movement, BeaconArts, as this article went up too quickly, but they most likely have an opinion.

Here at A Little Beacon Blog, we want to continue promoting the art exhibits as best we can. In order to do that, we need to open up our advertising platform to art galleries - the same one that shops and restaurants have access to. It is a discounted subscription model that can allow for the listing of an event or marketing message each week in A Little Beacon Blog’s weekend newsletter. We want to pay Catherine the money she deserves! And we need a little extra to pay ourselves (Teslie and Katie both work here each day, and we have student loans, childcare, car payments, rent, mortgage, utility bills all the things).

As an art gallery, if you want to list your events or exciting anythings each week, you can do that in our Art Gallery Sponsor program here. If you are a business or individual who is not an artist, but wants to support each month, you can do so as well here.

If you are a location like a barber shop, who once a month or once in a blue moon hosts an artist, then please submit your event to us. A Little Beacon Blog always has a soft spot for true pop-ups. A “true” pop-up is something that pops up in a very unusual, unrelated location. Like an artist in a barber shop. Or a clothing shop in a barber shop. Both of which have happened!

Thank you so much for your consideration.