3/7/2022 Beacon City Council Meeting

March 7, 2022
City Council Agenda

Editor’s Note: Highlights in this meeting include the vote on Eviction Without Good Cause after the second Public Hearing period closed. The legislation passed 6-1.

Agenda On City Of Beacon’s Website

Call to Order

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call

Public Comment

Notice of Meeting Location March 7, 2022

Public Hearings

Public Hearing for a Proposed Local Law to Amend Chapter 31, Sections 8 and 10 of the Code of City of Beacon Concerning Residency and Employment Requirements for Career Firefighters and the Fire Chief

Public Hearing for Proposed Local Law to Amend Chapter 173 of the Code of the City of Beacon Concerning Rental Properties to Prohibit Eviction without Good Cause

Public Hearing for a Proposed Local Law to Amend Chapter 211, Article II, Section 10, Subsection B of the Code of the City of Beacon to Add Stop Signs at Certain Intersections

Reports: Mayor, City Council and City Administrator

Local Laws and Resolutions:

1. Resolution No. 43 - Appointing Peter Hockler to the Position of Wastewater Plant Maintenance Mechanic

2. Resolution No. 44 - Appointing Andret Hart to the Position of Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator - Type A Plant

3. Resolution No. 45 - Appointing Amanda Caputo to the Position of Municipal Secretary

4. Resolution No. 46 - Appointing Christopher Egitto to the Position of Motor Equipment Operator

5. Resolution No. 47 - Approving the City of Beacon Fire Department Volunteer Members who Qualify for Length of Service Award Program Contribution for 2021

6. Resolution No. 48 - Amending the Master Fee Schedule Concerning Wireless Telecommunication Services Facilities

7. Resolution No. 49 - Adopting a Local Law to Amend Chapter 31, Sections 8 and 10 of the Code of City of Beacon Concerning Residency and Employment Requirements for Career Firefighters and the Fire Chief

8. Resolution No. 50 - Adopting a Local Law to Amend Chapter 211, Article II, Section 10, Subsection B of the Code of the City of Beacon to Add Stop Signs at Certain Intersections

9. Resolution No. 51 - Adopting a Local Law to Amend Chapter 173 of the Code of the City of Beacon Concerning Rental Properties to Prohibit Eviction without Good Cause, as Amended.

Approval of Minutes

City Council Meeting Minutes February 22, 2022

2nd Opportunity for Public Comments

Execute Session


1/18/2022 City Council Meeting